What libraries will you be using for Comp?

That's actually really disappointing. The feature list talks about how well it "works with" OpenGL, doesn't mention that it needs openGL.
Yeah, that's disappointing. It's very tied together with OpenGL, couldn't even compile it directly without complaints. It is not going to work out for the competition, I think.
The libraries I am using is autoIO, GTK+, and cairo. autoIO is a json library that I created. Though unfinished, unpolished, and may crash if the format is not correct, I plan on finishing it after the compo. I have only worked on it for a month. I want to add xml and binary formats as well, so it can be a universal storage library. Define only a few static arrays and a few functions, reading and writing json, binary, and xml files will be easy. It is very modular, so adding more data types is very trivial. The library can be found here https://sourceforge.net/projects/autoio/. Take a look.
I didn't see anyone saying SDL was bad. I just prefer Allegro (alpha blending for one is easier in Allegro IMO), and now I've got it built, I just need to test it out :)
I didn't see anyone saying SDL was bad.
Using SDL makes me want to vom.

I personally have no problem with SDL, I've used it a lot, but from what I was reading about SFML the library seems to function more like how I "think" in code. Or maybe I'd use it and be disappointed, only way to find out would be to try it on a project, and the competition would have been the perfect excuse to learn something new.