What Kind Of Painted Pandoras Would You Like To See?

Personally, I think either of these are great:



While I suspect a variation of one of these, perhaps designed to be on the cover top and holding the Pandora logo, might be spiffy.



That second one is my mouse mat now, alboet without the text, and has been for a while. I love those mouse mats with clear pockets so you can print off your own scenes.

Or perhaps somehting based on this guy from PanJoust - or a combination of characters from Pandora games?



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Forget this nerd stuff! They should make one where the cover has an image of a viking fighting a dinosaur.
I also would like to Nominate an old idea of Craigix.
~Hitler and Churchill.
~Fistfight, With Churchill delivering the knockout blow.
~Anime Style.
Definitely the Asmo designs. Although I love anime, for the pandora I'd rather not see any anime style (no disrespect to Tj's artwork which is very nice). It would be interesting to see something more euro retro.....
I would like to see the first batch of black painted Pandoras in the in the hands of the people who pre-ordered.
VRAndy said:
Forget this nerd stuff! They should make one where the cover has an image of a viking fighting a dinosaur.

Don't tempt me - I have enough on my plate already.
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