What is your favourite computer/games system ever?

Wrath Of Khan

Soul soother...
Dec 29, 2009
Simply put.What computer or games system is your favourite ever? I know from your forum posts you are an amiga fan so also what is your favourite amiga game or games? So many amiga classics to choose from. :) Oh and is this the real evildragon or one of your many clones?How else could you get all that work done.
Except for Amiga and C64, I never played a lot of games on computers.

There's a simple reason for that:

I didn't like games that looked and sounded differently on different computers. That was the case with the PC. Different sound cards, different graphic cards, later on different 3D cards with other features...

In my opinion, a game should be played exactly like the developer test-played it. And that simply wasn't possible with most games on the PC.

Therefore, after playing on Amiga and C64, I switched to consoles.

I never had a favourite system though, I only have favourite games.

I'm mostly playing Japanese RPGs (no Dungeon Crawlers), so I mostly played SNES, PSX, PS2, XBox360 so far.

I really love the SNES controller, it's very comfortable to play with.

AFAIR, the PS2 had most of my favourite RPGs.
I didn't like games that looked and sounded differently on different computers. That was the case with the PC. Different sound cards, different graphic cards, later on different 3D cards with other features...

In my opinion, a game should be played exactly like the developer test-played it. And that simply wasn't possible with most games on the PC.

I couldn't agree more
Each person will answeer:

_____ that my parents bought me when I was a kid ;)

Atari ST was my real cutting-my-teeth machine, but I'd say PC gaming (DOS/Windows) is really the best .. Civilization IV, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Thief 1, Wizardry series, Starcraft 1 and 2 .. so much goodness.

But as a hardcore retro nutjob, I'll nevert give up my Atari ST and Dungeon Master / Chaos Strieks Back, or my arcade machine collection for progressive shooters (Skyshark, Raiden, Dodonpachi, In the Hunt) ..

If I had to take one though .. ST or PC .... PC maybe? (hard to ignore the colouring that childhood fanboism puts on so hard to say :)

Except for Amiga and C64, I never played a lot of games on computers.

There's a simple reason for that:

I didn't like games that looked and sounded differently on different computers. That was the case with the PC. Different sound cards, different graphic cards, later on different 3D cards with other features...

In my opinion, a game should be played exactly like the developer test-played it. And that simply wasn't possible with most games on the PC.

Therefore, after playing on Amiga and C64, I switched to consoles.

I never had a favourite system though, I only have favourite games.

I'm mostly playing Japanese RPGs (no Dungeon Crawlers), so I mostly played SNES, PSX, PS2, XBox360 so far.

I really love the SNES controller, it's very comfortable to play with.

AFAIR, the PS2 had most of my favourite RPGs.
Similar here i went from amiga to consoles.Early pcs didn't match up to the amiga at the time and having to upgrade them periodically is a pain.
Each person will answeer:

_____ that my parents bought me when I was a kid ;)

Atari ST was my real cutting-my-teeth machine, but I'd say PC gaming (DOS/Windows) is really the best .. Civilization IV, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Thief 1, Wizardry series, Starcraft 1 and 2 .. so much goodness.

But as a hardcore retro nutjob, I'll nevert give up my Atari ST and Dungeon Master / Chaos Strieks Back, or my arcade machine collection for progressive shooters (Skyshark, Raiden, Dodonpachi, In the Hunt) ..

If I had to take one though .. ST or PC .... PC maybe? (hard to ignore the colouring that childhood fanboism puts on so hard to say :)

True it was always the parents who bought them.Where? in my case would a ten year old boy get 650 pounds from to buy an amiga all by himself.The best paperboy in the world wouldn't save that.
C64 _ my parents bought my siblings and I when we were young.

but nintendo is by far the console for me. mario, zelda, batalion wars etc. (although i am incredably biased and anti sony/microsoft) :P
Computer has to be the Amiga, so many classic titles on that machine.

The day that Commodore went bust I honestly didn't know where I would go for my next computer fix, It's only now since the Pandora has come along that I feel a true successor with a real community spirit has arrived.

Console - Dreamcast such an underrated system, it was canned way before it's time.
Computer has to be the Amiga, so many classic titles on that machine.

The day that Commodore went bust I honestly didn't know where I would go for my next computer fix, It's only now since the Pandora has come along that I feel a true successor with a real community spirit has arrived.

Console - Dreamcast such an underrated system, it was canned way before it's time.
Yup amiga and dreamcast.Hands down my favourite game systems ever.
There's a simple reason for that:

I didn't like games that looked and sounded differently on different computers. That was the case with the PC. Different sound cards, different graphic cards, later on different 3D cards with other features...

In my opinion, a game should be played exactly like the developer test-played it. And that simply wasn't possible with most games on the PC.

AFAIR, the PS2 had most of my favourite RPGs.

Could you recall any favourite PS2 RPG's for us?

I have to agree with your PC opinion though. Dont get me wrong theres obviously a ton of great PC games but I came to the PC late, having seen (and now re-experiencing via Pandora) some of its earlier titles like Alone in the Dark via Dosbox.

Friends had dos based PC's, 486, early Pentiums with Wolfenstein, Doom, Terminal Velocity, Commanche (the latter 2 beyond Dosbox for Pandora I believe) and so that period passed me by. My folks had a Mac of some kind pre powerPC chips and Marathon and little else it seemed was on offer. Pandora plays those very nicely though :)
I really loved Shadow Hearts 2, one of the most awesome RPGs of all times in my opinion :)

I still got quite a few ones to play. I really love the Tales-Series, as they feature the best character development in a series I've ever seen.

Tales of the Abyss was great as well :)
I never actually played the original .. I know I know!

But Human Rev I think was one of the best games I've played.. tough year last year what with Portal 2 and Skyrim, I'd say all three are game of the year at once ;) But Human Rev has a great soundtrack (all 3 do), and many time sI just stopped and gawked at the art direction/what I was seeing.. but then, thats also true for all 3. Good times in gaming :)

Just ordered Lost Odyssey, after I found out that it's mostly the same team that also did Shadow Hearts - Covenant :D

So far, I played Final Fantasy XIII (which was... well, the worst FF I played so far. Not the worst game, but nothing spectacular), Blue Dragon (had it's lengths, but a nice game overall), and Eternal Sonata (nicely set in scene :) )

Besides RPGs, I regularly play Hexic 2, Peggle and Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo against my girlfriend :)