What In Life Do You Find Annoying?

The majority of the American population being doped up to their eyeballs on prescription medications and their inability to understand why you don't want to do the same. Complain about a minor headache and you get a queue of people trying to force feed you wonder pills, when the fucking thing is going to go away on its own anyway. I come from england originally and I don't like to take any pills (ie. I have previously turned down pain medication for a lump removal from my chest), but you come to the states and 90% of people i have met are on some sort of muscle relaxants that would put a horse to sleep. It is a very scary trend and many many drug companies are getting rich from it. And you think cigarette companies are evil?!?!
There's not enough bandwith for me to list everthing. I don't want to break the internet, so I won't even bother...
oh another thing i fucking hate. pregnant women. they piss me off so god damn much. especially when theyre on the tv. NOBODY WANTS TO SEE YOU PRESENT A TELEVISION SHOW FATTY. also when they get their stomach out because they think its sexy or theyre "radient" or some shit. ITS NOT ASSHOLE YOU MAKE ME FEEL SICK. also people breast feeding in public..........it makes everyone feel uncomfortable.
just about the same as every one else here especially the growing chav problem which seems 2 be getting worse all the time ... Another thing is Jamie Cullum but i think thats just a personal hate thing. He does nothing to expand the genre. Really most pop annoys me .... Girls + work where its like ' no yours is better than mine ' " no mines crap yours is better " ' no mines crap yours is great ' it just carries on for ages....... very annoying ......... Laddettes another annoying thing luckily i dont know many but knowing they exist is a problem though this ties in with the chav thing. Crisps coming in a pack of 6 not 7 forcing you to buy 2 packs of 6 at each shopping trip to ensure a packet to eat a day. Or a pack of 6 + 1 seperate all very pointless. Girls in general can also be annoying for me atleast as you never know where you stand with them aside from that their pretty awesome .... Stupid places for mounting screws on motherboards making it easy lose the screw amidst the board ... Tabloids and the 3rd matrix movie ...... the string that always breaks no my guitar ( second thinnest ) ...... The darkness .... PE lessons ( yey no more ) .. Fan noise .. TRL . Revision (quite boring) ... Me when i do stupid things
unlucky posted on May 21 2004 at 09:30 AM said:
just about the same as every one else here especially the growing chav problem which seems 2 be getting worse all the time ... Another thing is Jamie Cullum but i think thats just a personal hate thing. He does nothing to expand the genre. Really most pop annoys me .... Girls + work where its like ' no yours is better than mine ' " no mines crap yours is better " ' no mines crap yours is great ' it just carries on for ages....... very annoying ......... Laddettes another annoying thing luckily i dont know many but knowing they exist is a problem though this ties in with the chav thing. Crisps coming in a pack of 6 not 7 forcing you to buy 2 packs of 6 at each shopping trip to ensure a packet to eat a day. Or a pack of 6 + 1 seperate all very pointless. Girls in general can also be annoying for me atleast as you never know where you stand with them aside from that their pretty awesome .... Stupid places for mounting screws on motherboards making it easy lose the screw amidst the board ... Tabloids and the 3rd matrix movie ...... the string that always breaks no my guitar ( second thinnest ) ...... The darkness .... PE lessons ( yey no more ) .. Fan noise .. TRL . Revision (quite boring) ... Me when i do stupid things
This isn't rele on topic here so i apologize, but what gauge is ur B (second thinnest)string, coz i may b able to help u ther and advise on what u get or a cud be rough edged bridge saddle or something.

People probly hate me for posting this now!! :P
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I hate those super-hyper-pop-hits that are played constantly, on every damn station...its just makes me want to smash the TV or Radio every time...

PPL that believe in clichees, eg "Goths write bad poetry, Goths are miserable all the time" most ppl that say that never actually spoke to any of us, so fuck off!

PPL that, similar to point 2, think that satanists eat little children and worship satan. Well surprise, we dont! Your just uneductated and ignorant!

Board mods ot members that complain about bad language or wrong posts or stuff like that...ppl its only a message board, get a life!

Narrow minded ppl!

Ignorant ppl!

Low life sluts that get pregnant with 15, smoke and drink during their pregancy and later complain about their child pissing them off and treating it bad...if i could i would put a bullet in your head!You are a disgrace for humanity!

k thats all for now...
girls *usually goths* who stratch and cut their arms.


Political correctness. It is suffercating. For example, television programs are advised not to say 'taking the mickey' because it could be offensive to Irish people.

Oh, and one more thing. When i'm downloading music, I'd like to say this;

'FUCK YOU RIAA!!' :lol:
Dont get me started on Goths!

i would regard myself as quite open minded, but EVERY goth i have met has been a complete wanker. I used to stick up for them when people were beating on them, but then i started talking to a few and know its usually me leading the pack against them!

Im usually a person to just let others live the way they want, but goths are always in your face telling you how their origional. origional? fuck off, theres 20 other people standing over there that are exactly the same as you, if anyones origional its me and my friends, we all have differant intrests but still get on together, you freaks drive everyone who is differant from you away, you deserve to bleed to death from them self inflicted wounds on your wrist. RETARD!

sry if i offended anyone :P
Rigor Mortis posted on May 20 2004 at 10:19 PM said:
kknd_cf posted on May 20 2004 at 08:07 PM said:
[AR-CD]-it's all that matters
And also all of the above...
The Christians who inspire people to make posts against the whole religion - like that one.

You know the type, the ones who carry signs like "God Hates Fags" and stuff. Morons! Whatever happened to "Love your Neighbour as Yourself" being the most important thing after loving God?

I'm a Christian myself and it really bugs me to see how other Christians act these days. Most are either idiots who want to feel better than everyone else by campaigning against everything from Harry Potter to homosexuality, or equally foolish people who want to prove they're not "scary" by being the same as everyone else plus the habit of going to church on Sundays. (I hope I haven't offended any fellow Christians with my honest appraisal of the situation.)

And the rest of us get caught in the crossfire. :(

If Christians were the people they should be, everyone would be glad our religion existed, even if they didn't agree with us.

Oh yeah. I'm also annoyed by the Playstation 2, hot and humid Toronto summers, and teenage girls. Now that I'm 21, I can't believe I was ever attracted to girls from the 13-18 age segment.
shit you don't think I'm Christian do you!?!!? :o I don't hate the people just the fucking relegion.
No crimbo this year.
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i dunno...guess your goths are different from mine then :)

the ones i know are all very individual ppl!
knowing that your broke and your going to be broke for the fore seeable future.

trying not to look drunk outside your house only to fall down the steps and land on your face, then trying to hide a bloody nose from your mum, not fun.
a found a thing i really hate

im all for new people joining the forums and such but whats really pissing me off lately in newbies thinking that just because they are one of the medium group of people that use the forums mean that they own them,
like thinking they're moderators
i don't mean saying that its in the wrong place but flaming them insesantly just beacause they did and just being supremist assholes just because they're post count or member number is slightly higher than them.
Wrong section, wrong choise of words, you are in no position to demand stuff. Want stuff? Write it yourself...
what gives you the right to say what a person can do or can't im all for Da Rulez, but i hate this kind of crap.
yes phil but sometimes noobs are complete ass's, i mean they really should search, not demand stuff and the like, i know when i first came here i wasnt like that, you can check my first post, its over a month after i joined, i spent that time watching the boards and researching the gp32, so i didnt clog up the board with crap.