Oy Vey!
Sorry guys! I haven't messaged much because I'm stuck in America with a
broken joystick on my GP2X and am not sure what to do about it. Since I can't use it, it kinda only irks me to read what's new and cool with it.
Also, the 2nd part would be shame: I bought my kids an NDS and a G6 Lite mod card so that's fun. Turncoat that I am. Well not really - it's just I can't use my GP2X.
It fires up just fine, but the joystick is busted.
Hot Latin Wife & Tough Kids
News about me - well, my 10 year old Latin-American daughter
got in a quick fight with a 13 year old black boy and won.
As for my wife, well I can tell y'all something. Marry your girlfriend, get her pregnant four times, and as long as she's proper with her bras, her boobs will grow big and not drop. It just never gets old messing with those things.
I recommend having your kids breast feed for 1-2 years, by experience and Mexican wisdom - their medical science has all the information ours does, but not as much resources, so they still understand natural homeopathy because, while no American doctor will prescribe you "Vitamin E gel caps" because it's not patented and doesn't make anyone much money, Mexican doctors will because they know you can't afford drugs.
Hey! I'm still good at digressing! But I betcha learned two things.
Dismayed at PC games
I am dismayed by the fact that the new strategy for PC games is to make them look so hot they can make a $3,600 dual core duo E6700 with dual ATI X1900 XT's in Crossfire cry.
Supreme Commander will suck the life out of any computer you put it on - from
Oblivion to
Supreme Commander to
Neverwinter Nights 2's buggy graphics engine - it's aggrevating. Well crafted games like
Company of Heroes runs smooth no matter what I do. Even Battle for Middle Earth II and it's expansion do just fine.
PS - Anyone who says "TLDR" or some crap remember: I title my sections - you were the dumb one for reading it all.