What Do You Think Are The GP32's Limits?

What kind of emulation do you think would push the GP32 hardware to it's limit?

  • Sega Saturn

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  • DOS

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  • Super Nintendo

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  • Sega CD/32X

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  • Playstation

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  • Neo Geo

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  • Game Boy Advance

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Premium Member
Feb 5, 2004
USA, Maryland
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Since PocketSNES came out for the GBA, I've been thinking that maybe a lot of things that we commonly believe to be impossible actually ARE possible. Almost everyone believed that SNES emulation on the GBA would never happen, that it would be completely impossible, and yet it did. Nobody has really pushed the GP32 hardware like the GBA coders have pushed theirs, so I'm wondering, what exactly are the limits of the GP32's capacity to emulate? I honestly dont bevieve that SNES is as far as we can go. The processing power of the GP32 can be up to 10 times better than that of the GBA, and yet they still got a functional emulator on there. It's actually amazing
The Saturn and PSX would prove a problem due to the size of the cd. I'm guessing the next logical step would be the N64-and I believe it could be slowly emulated. I know nothing about coding, but maybe the 32x could too.
Efompor posted on Feb 19 2004 at 09:40 PM said:
Since PocketSNES came out for the GBA, I've been thinking that maybe a lot of things that we commonly believe to be impossible actually ARE possible. Almost everyone believed that SNES emulation on the GBA would never happen, that it would be completely impossible, and yet it did. Nobody has really pushed the GP32 hardware like the GBA coders have pushed theirs, so I'm wondering, what exactly are the limits of the GP32's capacity to emulate? I honestly dont bevieve that SNES is as far as we can go. The processing power of the GP32 can be up to 10 times better than that of the GBA, and yet they still got a functional emulator on there. It's actually amazing
the reason that pocketsnes for gba works well is because the gba has the graphics hardware to emulate the graphics hardware of the snes well, similar effects and whatnot. something the gp32 doesn't have <_< we can't go on thinking: oh, if the gba can do it gp32 must be able to do it 8 times better. its just not true, i do however believe that with A LOT (and i mean A LOT) of assembly and the like gba emulation IS possible, but not without tons of optimizations and being compiled with ADS...
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Well I dont know about N64, considering the GP32 is only 32 bits whereas the N64 is 64. I dont know if you could scale it down to 32 or not, but sometimes I have trouble emulating Goldeneye on my 2.1Ghz desktop :blink:
if all the top devs in the gp32 scene got together and coded a psx emulator (the ultimate emulator in the history of the world) then optimised it to the complete maximum....how fast and what type of games would it be able run?
I think Saturn and PSX emualation is possible. Everybody is saying that it is not possible, that's just what people wnat ot believe because they will not be full speed like snes on GP32 is like. I think PSX/Saturn will have a good chance with some great coding. They will not be so playable, but to see them on a GP32 would be great. With the games, rip out the movies and sound so the ISO will not take a crap load of space. Something like Isobuster, CDMage, WinISO,UltraISO will get the games into smaller size.
I think Saturn and PSX emualation is possible. Everybody is saying that it is not possible, that's just what people wnat ot believe because they will not be full speed like snes on GP32 is like. I think PSX/Saturn will have a good chance with some great coding. They will not be so playable, but to see them on a GP32 would be great. With the games, rip out the movies and sound so the ISO will not take a crap load of space. Something like Isobuster, CDMage, WinISO,UltraISO will get the games into smaller size.

Not sure why anyone would want a PlayStation emulator that is too slow to play and has no sound or FMV... Sometimes it is better to just not do things. Creating such a thing just to say that the GP32 can emulate the PS is pretty stupid. I also doubt it will ever happen, since the GBA can't be emulated above 5 FPS, and that is in 2D...

And the GP32 emulating the N64 is a joke. The GP32 is cool, and has some pretty impressive specs, but this thing isn't a powerhouse, people. You can't emulate something that is more powerful than the machine trying to emulate it.

It's good to support the GP32, but please, at least be realistic.
from that site it says


320 Kilobytes/Second Transfer Speed
Audio CD Compatible
CD+G Compatible
CD+EG Compatible
CD Single (8 cm CD) Compatible
Optional - Video CD, Photo CD, EBook, Digital Karaoke
Optional - 512KB Memory Cartridges for game save

since when could it do vcd. and it cant be very good quality at 320KB/s
As far as I know, playstation was originally going to be a sony nintendo joint project, but ninty pulled out and sony went ahead on their own. That's why games like FF4+5+6 have been set up to play on the ps so well. To emulate the playstation would involve emulating pretty much the _entire_ snes plus all the comaratively powerful graphics chips. Even if we stick with the standard of saying a system needs to be at least ~ 3 times faster than the thing it's trying to emulate, then the gp would be using 99 Mhz to emulate the ps main cpu alone, not to mention graphics chips sound chips controller chips. If I owned a hat I'd say that I'll eat it if I ever see a commercial PS game emulated, cutdown or otherwise, on the gp, but I don't If anyone wants to send me a hat in readiness that would be great. I'd love a ps emulator as much as the next guy, but it is _so_ unlikely. Sorry guyz... J
The Dude posted on Feb 19 2004 at 10:08 PM said:
I also doubt it will ever happen, since the GBA can't be emulated above 5 FPS, and that is in 2D...
I also doubt the possiblity or playstation emu, but GBA really hasnt gotten a fair shot at it yet. All of the emulators arent really optimized and as of yet they seem to have been disontinued.
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1: Let's all just look forward to full speed SNES emulation.

2: Technically, alot of things are "POSSIBLE" But how many people with an IQ of 200+ and knows ASM code inside and out are in the GP32 scene? The people are great coders, but they are just doing this in their spare times, It's not a job.
well we all know that the GP32 isnt nearly popular enough to attract those kind of coders Robojoe but still I was wondering what was possible, not what was probable
ofcourse the sega saturn has a vcd card. it also has a 4 mb cart.

and it is more powerfuller rthan the psx. believe it or not.

but ofcourse psx and sat development would not be possible. how would you play teh games? its cd based. and the games are bigger then 128 mb. so that doesnt make any sense at all does it? <_<

:blink: i wonder wy people keep asking for psx emulators on gp32?

its like saying.: will there be a psx emulator for the atari jaguar (which is a great comparsion to the gp32)

ps. atari jaguar emulation on the gp32 is impossible because it is too difficult to program. but you might never know :)
I think ppl ask about it because of ps emulators on pockets pc's running at 30 fps you no the old final fantasy movie looking all cool :)
I guess they might hope for 10 fps or somethign
DuderJace posted on Feb 19 2004 at 10:11 PM said:
As far as I know, playstation was originally going to be a sony nintendo joint project, but ninty pulled out and sony went ahead on their own. That's why games like FF4+5+6 have been set up to play on the ps so well. To emulate the playstation would involve emulating pretty much the _entire_ snes plus all the comaratively powerful graphics chips. Even if we stick with the standard of saying a system needs to be at least ~ 3 times faster than the thing it's trying to emulate, then the gp would be using 99 Mhz to emulate the ps main cpu alone, not to mention graphics chips sound chips controller chips. If I owned a hat I'd say that I'll eat it if I ever see a commercial PS game emulated, cutdown or otherwise, on the gp, but I don't If anyone wants to send me a hat in readiness that would be great. I'd love a ps emulator as much as the next guy, but it is _so_ unlikely. Sorry guyz... J
I thought Sony tottaly scrapped everything with Nintendo and started again.

Part from theifing the pads and adding two more pointless buttons, that is.
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