What Do You Plan To Put On Your Pandora's Memory Card?

im going to just type the number "42" ..over and over..

NewEgg.com has the best I have seen so far..i have a few links on my site to various GP2X sites and places to get memory but im pretty sure New Egg

and im hoping to use mine to record samples for music creation..if there is a mic jack included..probably use it as an music/ movie jukebox..but games as well..and some internet stuff..

wonder what distro of linux it will have..i have heard red hat has an ARM install out now..


homebrew games

all other games for pandora


video game tv commercials and anime

pdf's of dungeons and dragons and d20
Tools to do the John Conner cash machine trick a'la T2 ...... oh how I wish I had a portfolio (queue tear for Atari)

Seriously though

Atari ST emu
Amiga emu
PS1 emu and games

Bit of productivity software, games and other tools

e-books especialy refrence or guide books
I had initially planned on getting a 16GB usb thumbdrive for my main roms/apps, and an 80GB usb HD, but I have decided to just get 2x16GB SDHC cards. Maybe. If I do, I'll use one SDHC for roms and emulators. The other I'd use for video. I would probably get a 4GB usb thumbdrive for my music collection (I'd need another 16gb thumbdrive to hold my audiobooks, so I'm not going to mess with that). I am debating on whether to get SD or usb. I do not have any way of connecting the SD to my computer; I'd have to buy one.
arconreef said:
I do not have any way of connecting the SD to my computer; I'd have to buy one.
The pandora has a mini-USB port for transferring files to and from it. Use it ;)
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Zarneth said:
I plan to be a bit more creative. I'm gonna put a 2. ;)
There's no such thing as 2. ;)

As for me;

Emulators for the NES, SNES, GB, PSX, and MD, and a few favourite games for each; Any worthwhile software and games that show up; And, a text editor (I'm a writer, and the Pandora will almost certainly be a really useful tool for quick editing and notes whilst on the road. :P).
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im going to buy 2x 8GB sdhc cards

card1 - emulators, roms and dos games:

psx, snes, amiga and n64 (if & when)
and a few of the best games from each machine.
some old dos games like space/kings/police quest.
ill try mame as well - never used it before

card2 - multimedia:

tv shows, music, installers
and enough left over room to take files round to friends houses or wherever.


the first few apps i'll be installing other than any mentioned above will be an irc client, a sound editor like audacity, an instant messaging program (i need something that works with skype - not happening atm but nevermind)

man im so excited. i remember the anitcipation of going to toys r us with my brother and getting 2x GBA's with f zero and tony hawks. i feel just like that now, and im 26 for fucks sake lol.
Assuming I can afford a few more gigs on SD than I have purchased for my GP2X...

Pidgin, or Skype, or some other chat program
PSX Emu and MGS...
Probably at least one movie, or more
Since my iPod decided to die, I'd probably also carry a few gigs of MP3s
Then all of the Roms and Emus that are available, probably try out DosBox now that qwerty is making things easier.
NES Library
SNS Library
GB/GBC Library
MAME Games
GBA Games
GameGear Library
Genesis Library
NeoGeo Games
TG-16 Games
Atari 2600/5200/7800 Library
PS1 Games
Emulators for all of that (if I can't put them on the default drive)
Some mp3s
Whatever movie I want to watch next
Any native games / apps that come out and interest me
VOIP program and/or chat program (if it's not included)
Browser (if it's not included)
AbiWord (or similiar if it's not included)

btw - the difference between "library" and "games" as I am using them - games is selective, just the ones I want kind of thing - library is pretty much all of them - or at least all that I can find - since they are so small it's not worth weeding out - or because they're almost all good enough to keep - or both.
and more pr0n
but seriously
ps1 games (never got a chance to play the ps1, parents never let me have one)
gba games
snes games
nes games
Emus for all of the above
ssh client (if one isn't included)
web browser (same as above)
some sort of text editor
n64 games (a guy can hope can't he?)
snes games
ps1 games
possibly n64 games
and any homebrew that seems useful/fun
I have a 4GB and an 8GB SD so I'll most put emulators/roms on the 4GB card and video/music/etc. on the 8GB card. This should be enough until the 16GB gets a little cheaper, as if it wasn't cheap enough already. Or I might hold out for the 32GB one when it gets around the $100 range.
Libraries from:

CPS 1 & 2
classic FPS

Some PSX games (Ghost In The Shell, Intelligent Cube, Metal Gear Solid VR Missions, Gunner's Heaven, Thrill Kill, a few others)

Whatever apps are suitable.

And maybe a 2nd card for movies and MP3's.
@c0nsum3r said:
wonder what distro of linux it will have..i have heard red hat has an ARM install out now..

It will be based on Debian, but heavily stripped down.
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To those of you planning on putting entire libraries of games on the console: How do you plan to eliminate the dirth of plenty?

By which I mean, the situation where you have so much available to you that either you choose one game and play that (the name stands out or something), or you play no game for more than 5 minutes and get bored of gaming itself very quickly. And of course, have nothing new to put on the card ever.

Personally, I tend to think anything over 30 games to a system is asking for trouble - that way, you've nearly always got the ability to go back to the library and take out more, as it were, once you're bored with or have finished your previous selection.
Im gonna buy 2x16GB SD cards off eBay and put on
PSX Roms
N64 Roms
GBC and GBA Roms
NES Roms
Genesis Roms
Heaps and heaps of games
Internet browser
And whatever else i come accross :D