Efram the retarded rabbit
Hi, as i mentioned in another thread, the diagonals on my joystick don't work anymore. Not too much of a biggie, just irritating.
I emailed play asia and they will repair it for me (or failing that maybe send me a new 1 (pls hav a 166 machine!)
(Play Asia are highly recomeneded by me by the way!).
I had flashed my firmware so i flashed back (gud job i backed up the origional!) and now I'm just putting it back into its origional box. But i can't remember what else goes in! So far I have the manual and the console. Was there anything else? I know there were batteries but they can't expect me to send those back can they?
Anyway, just a list of whats in the box for those who can remember please.
I emailed play asia and they will repair it for me (or failing that maybe send me a new 1 (pls hav a 166 machine!)
I had flashed my firmware so i flashed back (gud job i backed up the origional!) and now I'm just putting it back into its origional box. But i can't remember what else goes in! So far I have the manual and the console. Was there anything else? I know there were batteries but they can't expect me to send those back can they?
Anyway, just a list of whats in the box for those who can remember please.