Fed Up With The Gp32


Still Fresh
Jan 23, 2005
Well, I've had the GP32 for about a month or so, and I've liked it while it lasted. But there were problems with it that, in the beginning, didn't bother me so much, but now, they're really starting to piss me off. The first thing is the joystick. I can NOT stand how it clicks. It's about to drive me insane. Another thing about the joystick is that I hate how it won't let me do up-left. I know you can fix it, but I don't want to open the GP32 up and cause further damage, making it worthless.
Another thing I hate, is the screen, and how much dust can go into it. What crap. The last and final thing, is the emulators. I know (or atleast think) it isn' the GP32's fault, but I just hate how when I save my game in an emulator, the save disappears, and I have to do everything over again.
Thus said, I'm going to sell it. If someone could give me a good price on a FLU with box (with a minor rip in the box), USB cable, and 128 MB SMC, I'd be grateful.

It was cool while it lasted, but I just can't stand it anymore.
are you sure you wer saving correctly??? I have had GP32's for a year or more and have never lost a save....

also, get a BLU if the dust is anoying you.

I would say about £50 - £70 for your FLU
damaki posted on Mar 3 2005 at 04:11 PM said:
What emulator are you talikng about? some emulators, like fgb32, have notorious problems with saves.
only problem I had w/ saves was when I was playign pokemon blue then went to play red it probably has to do somethign w/ the sram or w/ it is

nohtign eles at all w/ save state problems

and also don't save ingame just use save sates

for joy stick just do the joy stick fix don't worry about opening it except on flus need to watch out for wires

are you sure the "dust" isn't just the purple layer on the screen coming off. you can remove this w/ rubbing it w/ something soft so you don't scratch it w/ like rubbing alcohol or womethign

I used hydrogenporoxide lol
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This sounds like new console fever.

I've got it too....had it for a week now.

I've been drooling over the nintendo DS thinking about the possibilitiesfor emulation.

Its more powerful. It would offer a better interface for virtual keyboards in the touch screen thing. A rechargeable battery that lasts nearly 10 hours.

At one point I thought about selling my FLU and getting one.


But it would be madness.....

DrMD and the prospect of Mame made me snap out of it.

I'll still buy a DS though. Just for GBA games and stuff though.
Sometimes I have a problem with the savestates on the fSMS32 emulator but other than that I don't. Solution to the clicking sound: wear earmuffs or listen to a walkman or something! (You should give the GP32 a bit more chance in my opinion) :)
Well, my experience with GP32 has been very good...

I have owned a FLu in the past, and now own a BLU (not a BLU+).

1) My joysticks have all worked great, all directions functional. And the clicking is a GOOD thing, it gives indication of contact. It is exactly like arcade sticks with cherry switches, and just like the NGPC stick.

2) The FLU does suck for dust. The BLU has no problem there.

3) Most emus I used have very little problem with saves. It is generally emulator specific if a problem occurs. The simple trick is the backup your saves on your PC every now and then.

Speaking as someone who owns a lot of portables, including a Zodiac and NDS, the GP32 gets the most time from me. It's a great system despite its limitations.
erm this guy is obviously disturbed - I would urge caution and banana's

sell a GP32 - thats heresy - everyone knows they will collectors items

I'm assuming your being sarcastic?

"The Nintendo DS console uses two separate ARM processors, an ARM9 main CPU and ARM7 coprocessor at clock speeds of 67 MHz and 33 MHz respectively, with 4 MB of main memory."

Somehow, I think the Gp32's processor is faster than 67 Mhz, and has more than 4Mb of RAM, so is better for emulation than the DS...

I'd have to agree with your "better interface for virtual keyboards" however, but I think you'll find that if you clock the GP32 processor at 67Mhz, it too will last for 10 hours.

look posted on Mar 3 2005 at 11:19 PM said:
Its more powerful. It would offer a better interface for virtual keyboards in the touch screen thing. A rechargeable battery that lasts nearly 10 hours.

At one point I thought about selling my FLU and getting one.
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If I were you I wouldnt give up on gp32...
I'm sure there is somewhere that could fix you up with a glass screen mod and joystick fixing... :)

If you leave... Whatever, but I'll be sitting in the middle of school playing MAME! And enjoying the endless bliss that is gp32... :D

I really wasnt being sarcastic.

Wasnt aware that the processors were clocked so low on the DS.

I new it had less memory.

Looking at the tech demo's and the way it throws graphics around I just assumed it was more powerful guess its the nintendo boffs doing what they do well.

Anyway.....like I said I'll keep my GP32 as its a class machine with some excellent software. But I'll get a DS too for GBA stuff and hopefully a full speed SNES emu.
look posted on Mar 3 2005 at 11:32 PM said:

I really wasnt being sarcastic.

Wasnt aware that the processors were clocked so low on the DS.

I new it had less memory.

Looking at the tech demo's and the way it throws graphics around I just assumed it was more powerful guess its the nintendo boffs doing what they do well.

Anyway.....like I said I'll keep my GP32 as its a class machine with some excellent software. But I'll get a DS too for GBA stuff and hopefully a full speed SNES emu.

Plus the screen on the DS are just too damn small and low res. How will you run a Genesis emulator which needs 320 x 220 on a DS screen that is only 256 x 192?

Not very well. Besides Nintendo is going to release their new Gameboy at the end of the year making the DS obsolete.
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Squidge posted on Mar 3 2005 at 11:20 PM said:
I'm assuming your being sarcastic?

"The Nintendo DS console uses two separate ARM processors, an ARM9 main CPU and ARM7 coprocessor at clock speeds of 67 MHz and 33 MHz respectively, with 4 MB of main memory."

Somehow, I think the Gp32's processor is faster than 67 Mhz, and has more than 4Mb of RAM, so is better for emulation than the DS...

I'd have to agree with your "better interface for virtual keyboards" however, but I think you'll find that if you clock the GP32 processor at 67Mhz, it too will last for 10 hours.


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DaveC posted on Mar 4 2005 at 12:01 AM said:
look posted on Mar 3 2005 at 11:32 PM said:

I really wasnt being sarcastic.

Wasnt aware that the processors were clocked so low on the DS.

I new it had less memory.

Looking at the tech demo's and the way it throws graphics around I just assumed it was more powerful guess its the nintendo boffs doing what they do well.

Anyway.....like I said I'll keep my GP32 as its a class machine with some excellent software. But I'll get a DS too for GBA stuff and hopefully a full speed SNES emu.

Plus the screen on the DS are just too damn small and low res. How will you run a Genesis emulator which needs 320 x 220 on a DS screen that is only 256 x 192?

Not very well. Besides Nintendo is going to release their new Gameboy at the end of the year making the DS obsolete.

why would I need a genesis emulator for the DS when I have a GP32 with DrMD???
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I wouldnt just give up the gp32. i wouldnt give up my blu for a million....ok maybe a million. Any way there are some good guids on how to oppen up a flu and fix joystick and keep out dust

you own a cybiko extreem?

Well, I've been having TONS of save problems with the fGB32, and that's one of the main reason I got the thing, to play Game Boy games. I was thinking about getting a BLU+, how much are they? Everyone seems to not have problems with their save states, and their BLUs, so if I get one, I'll give it a go. Someone said that FLUs run for 100-135 USD... is this accurate? And is this with or without a SMC? If the BLUs are that much better, I think I'll stay on the GP32 scene...
The "problem" with save games in fGB is not a problem if you RTFM.

Simply, if you add or replace roms from your rom folder, it will make the saves out of order, and thus unreadable. This is perfectly manageable (the simplest way is to not change your rom folder).

The only other emulator I've had troubles saving in is Frodo, but that's still being worked on. Everything else has worked great.
Can someone point me to an entry that tells you about the joypad fix?
Find it fustrating when playing fast action games.

I have an Overclocked BLU+ - dont know if model makes a difference to the joypad fix.