Fed Up With The Gp32

kotd posted on Mar 5 2005 at 02:31 AM said:
No you can't as I only own a PSP, thats my only sony product. I had a PS2 but was bored with it and sold it a year after launch.
You wrote

"this IS the new gameboy you fool!!!!!!!"

Is this supposed to impress me? whats your point?

erm.....I didnt write that you got me mixed up with some other guy.


my point was about the DS being good for emulation.

squidge rightly pointed out its not going to emulate stuff as well as the gp32 as its processors are clocked down.

my main point was that this guy who's fed up has maybe seen the two new handhelds and wants to sell his gp32 to get one.

something I thought about doing before deciding to keep my gp32 and buy a DS.
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Ok soz than, I thought you wrote that. Too early in the morning :( :o Thats it, now I can't even read properly, I need a break, I'm going outside............
x68000 posted on Mar 4 2005 at 10:34 AM said:
what are you talking about?

this IS the new gameboy you fool!!!!!!!

There are no new nintendo hardware releases until the gamecube replacement comes xmas 2006!

No, it is not the new gameboy you fool !!!!!! Do you see the name "gameboy" anywhere on it?

Nintendo has even said it themselves :rolleyes:

They said some crap about this being a "new innovation" and "third pillar" and not being the new gameboy which is in developement and is comming soon.

If you are going to call someone a "fool" maybe you should get your facts straight first, fool.
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Well, to get back to the original post, I will use my new 'toy' for a year, then get back to you. But so far I've played countless speccy classics (luv 'em!), revisited the C64, almost finished sm3 on the NES (i never had a nes, it's all new and WONDERFUL!!!), finally finished sonic 2 (10 years after I started trying!!!!), and enjoyed loads of homebrew games. In just over a week. And sang countless lullabies to my tiny daughter, rehearsed a show to its premiere (tonight-wish me luck) paid almost £2000 euros to the garage to fix my car, bought a s700i, watched 10 films.

The point is, I have played no console or PC game. But spent a large amount of time on the John (toilet). Playing.

I truely love my BLU+ :D



PS. Please get snes on BLU+ soon, I'm running out of games....NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
lubidog posted on Mar 5 2005 at 12:45 PM said:
But spent a large amount of time on the John (toilet). Playing.

I do hope you mean the GP32 !
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