What Can We Expect From Gp2x?


Still Fresh
Nov 24, 2005
What can we expect from the GPX2 hardware as emulators continue to evolve?

Full-speed Snes and Megadrive shouldn't be a problem right?

What about 2D Saturn and PSX games? Do ROMs need to fit the 64mb onboard mem?
The gp2x only does 2d graphics so we'll never see psx or n64 games.

Care to explain Quake then? =P

The GP2x is capable of decent 3d, but it has no dedicated 3d hardware. This means one of the main CPU cores has to be doing the math itself, leaving less CPU time for other functions of the game and putting a rather hard cap on the number of polygons and the fill rate of any 3d game.


EDIT: Yeah, N64 is quite unlikely, it had dedicated 3d hardware. The above was mainly a response to "only does 2d graphics".
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The gp2x only does 2d graphics so we'll never see psx or n64 games.

Care to explain Quake then? =P

The GP2x is capable of decent 3d, but it has no dedicated 3d hardware. This means one of the main CPU cores has to be doing the math itself, leaving less CPU time for other functions of the game and putting a rather hard cap on the number of polygons and the fill rate of any 3d game.


EDIT: Yeah, N64 is quite unlikely, it had dedicated 3d hardware. The above was mainly a response to "only does 2d graphics".

agreed! do the research.
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We could probaly get n64 quality graphics, IF the game was coded especially for the gp2x and took advantage of both cores. It would be very possible, plus there is over clocking too. It might not have quite as many tricks as the n64 did with all of the filters, but I think it could do some amazing 3d, IF anyone coded it.
But no n64 emulation.
We could probaly get n64 quality graphics, IF the game was coded especially for the gp2x and took advantage of both cores. It would be very possible, plus there is over clocking too. It might not have quite as many tricks as the n64 did with all of the filters, but I think it could do some amazing 3d, IF anyone coded it.
But no n64 emulation.

EDIT: Missed the "it might not have quite as many trucks as the n64 did with all of the filters". That said, "might not" should be "definately not", no way in hell you're going to get that kind of texture filtering and antialiasing in software on the gp2x. Not in realtime, anyway.

I personally think N64 emulaton is technically possible with the hardware (minus texture filtering and antialiasing) - but I *do not* think anyone will do it. It would require an extremely optimised dynamic recompiler, low-level access to the hardware, and both cores working optimally. Not to mention, the ROM would likely have to fit in memory and still leave enough room for the emulator and the N64 memory. Then, if overclocked, it *might* be playable. It would be a significant chunk of some poor coder's life to make this happen :P

PSX is going to be challenging enough. I'll be mighty impressed if PSX emulation gets to a playable state with sound.

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I'm sure it may be possible if someone wanted to offer that kind of labour of love.

But I think the jaw droping graphics will come from 2D games. The Myst style games would run extreamly well. (for those with a large enough mem card.)

Once we get 2D acceleration working with games, we should see NeoGeoCD emulation running at relitivly low CPU usage.
I cant imagine PSX being too good really, 208mhz on my Pocket PC runs Rage racer at about 10fps which is shite but when i crank it up to full speed 624mhz i get a very playable 22-26fps in fact it is my most used game on the PPC hehehehehe

I know this isn't really a scientific test but i would say using both CPU cores at best 15-20fps would be possible and maybe a lot less.

N64 is an absolute dog to emulate in my experience but i haven't tried for a year or so and last time was on an Xbox, It ran shit and i ended up buying an N64 for Topgear rally hehehehe

Just my ten penneth

EDIT* Got to admit though i look forward to the homebrew originals not the emus andports anyway, I guess that is just me though.
Aren't 3D games much harder to emulate than 2D games? Tekken should require much more of the system than Megaman X4 right?