Gp2x Vs Pandora

hal9000 said:
christo930 said:
- Amiga CD32
This is just an Amiga 500 with a cd drive. If you hook a cd-rom to an amiga 500 you can play the games. There is some piece of software you need, I forget what it's called.

This is actually an Amiga 1200 with a CD drive, not an A500 (68020, better graphic chipset). And the A1200 is a great machine that is not emulated on the GP2X. A500 emulation on GP2X is not perfect anyway (and without keynoard, it is not that interesting...)

Having a fullspeed A1200 emulation working on Pandora could be the main reason for me to buy it. There is still a significant number of Amiga fans around here, I think.

By the way, could you please avoid adding your comments inside the quotations? This is quite disturbing, I believed Exophase was making this statement. If you want to insert your comment between your quotations, you can just use a closing "quote" tag, then write your comment, then write another opening "quote" tag.

You are quite right, the cd32 is based on the aga chipset. It's been a long time. And from what I can recall, most of the software was ported from ocs games (aka amiga 500)

I'm used to usenet, but I'll work on it.

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dockthepod said:
Squidge, are you implying here that GP2X apps will run on Pandora without a recompile? Very interesting if so.
Well, of course those apps that directly access the hardware of the gp2x would require modification and recompilation; those that don't, or use dynamically linked libraries will work without either.

Of course there's the fact over compilers too. You can compile an app using the exact same toolchain/ide as you use on the gp2x (excluding of course libraries/etc that acccess the hardware directly), but it would help if you used a more recent version of GCC that supports the processors in the Pandora.
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Pickle said:
yaustar said:
dockthepod said:
Squidge, are you implying here that GP2X apps will run on Pandora without a recompile? Very interesting if so.

Is that entirely true? Wouldnt low level things need to be changed?
For example most games use SDL, so if SDL is statically compiled for the GP2X, would it still work? I would think it needs to be modifed for Pandora's hw. If SDL does it would force a full recompile of the app with the new lib.
If it was dynamically linked, then only SDL would need to be rewritten, and then that case I agree the app wouldnt need to be recomplied.
Even for apps that dont use SDL and use some sort of minimal lib, it would need be rewrttien for the new hw?

Now if we are talking about programs or libs that dont use specific hw, then I would agree no reompile is nessecary.

Duh... oops, should have read the original post better. I read 'without' as 'with'. :o. Forget I said anything :$
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Oh my, I can't even use the quote system! Anyway...

"Let's see, you start off by saying that if a platform doesn't have proper controls then it's no good for emulation. Then you go on to promote the Eee PC, which doesn't have gaming controls at all and therefore should be inadequate for emulating almost any gaming platform ever made." Quote Exophase

I can't say i've tried Project64 (N64 Emu) with a control pad, but im tempted to plug in my 360 pad and try it out. On a keyboard though, it was horrible!
The Pandora concept art seems like, and no offense to the designer, one of those monocolour little learning computers you get for kids, with word games and stuff. The specs are very impressive however, and maybe im just defending my yet-to-arrive GP2X considering i just spent over 100 quid on a unit the Pandora renders obsolete ;)

"You do appear to be a bit of an Eee fanboy though ;P"
I wish i had one of those, their so...cute!
Darth Gazak said:
I can't say i've tried Project64 (N64 Emu) with a control pad, but im tempted to plug in my 360 pad and try it out. On a keyboard though, it was horrible!
Yes, exactly my point. Give it a shot with the 360 pad and see how it is. That should be much closer to an N64 pad than a keyboard.
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I'm using an N64 - USB adaptor for that purpose :D
Playing old games with newly created HiRes textures is coool :D