So What Do You Expect It To Do?

javaJake said:
Sphinxter said:
Clam emulation.
If you were referring to the way the handheld opens, that was awesome. :lol:

For launch day, I want at least...
* PSX with TV-out
...and I'll be a happy camper for the time being. :)

2009, I plan on using it for...
  • PSX, DOSBox, SNES, definitely more.
  • Full Firefox 3 experience.
  • mplayer with all codecs installed.
  • Remote access to my PC, when needed.
  • Pidgin is a must, believe it or not.
  • Office suite, preferably OpenOffice. We'll see how that goes, though, because OpenOffice is a monster of a suite.
I'm sure there'll be more uses, like PIM, that come up down the road, but this is a good list for now.

That's it, just trying to keep my expectations in check. I'll be happy if the hinge works, everything else is extra.
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First thing I'll do is fire up Portal through Wine on Debian x86 through Dosbox. That'll work, right?

On a more serious note, when I open up the box I'd like to have the following ready, in order of importance:

-Network access to Windows shared drives through SAMBA
-Working NES, SNES, Genesis, and Atari 2600 emulators
-A Working web browser with hardware accelerated page zoom and anti-aliasing (in other words, Firefox3)

Eventually I would love to see:
-Bluetooth Phone-As-Modem Driver for internet

My ultimate goal:
To access my shared content that I currently have on my PC, over the internet, to wherever I am, using my cell phone as a bluetooth modem.

Imagine the possibilities: I have 2TB of storage, plus whatever I can scare up on the internet, in my pocket. I am not so much concerned with download speed as the files I will access are < 1MB each.

Here's another interesting idea: Using this same connection, I can sustain about 300kbps. Any video file stored at less than this bitrate can be streamed on the fly. Granted, bluetooth won't support this speed, but I can plug it in with a cable. Plus, as an additional benefit, the Pandora will charge my cell phone at the same time! How cool is that?!
i cannot think of any better way to get to know a device and brush up linux and programming skills then buying it before it works 100% :P

basic pim use and some emu's wil be fine next to just playing with the tech stuff all day long :lol:
If it emulates NES or SNES (which I'm sure that it will probably do both), it'll keep me busy until the rest of the good stuff comes out. I just want to be able to play my favorite classics without having to deal with shoddy controls. PSX will be a blast too.
Hmm... Mega Drive/Genesis Emu... SNES... Some form of text editor... PSX will be a later must, but I could live without for a few weeks. same goes for the web browsing. There's probably more that I'd add, but nothing springs to mind at present...
A Snes emulator which runs as great as Picodrive does on Gp2x , that's all for me ,really
Mostly IRC, emulators, light web surfing and media. No, not out of the box, but in a reasonable timeframe. Also, can't wait to get developing for the thing! :)
email, web surfing and mp3/video for the kids. hopefully replace my pocket calculator in the not too distant future and some coding on the go.