Gpx2 Questions From A Newbie


Still Fresh
Sep 28, 2005
Hi my name is Nuno and im from Portugal (Europe)and i would like to make some questions, please:

1 - where, when and how much can i buy a gp2x?
2 - can it emulate snes and genesys at 100%?
3- when can i expect the first snes and genesys emulators to came out?
4 - will it be a psx emulator for 2d games like suikoden?
5 - i am a HUGE fan of Shining force 3 and sega saturn, do you think gp2x has the capabiliti to emulate sega saturn and sf3?

thanks for the information


P.S. sorry for the bery bad english ;)
nds posted on Sep 28 2005 at 02:50 PM said:
Hi my name is Nuno and im from Portugal (Europe)and i would like to make some questions, please:

1 - where, when and how much can i buy a gp2x?
2 - can it emulate snes and genesys at 100%?
3- when can i expect the first snes and genesys emulators to came out?
4 - will it be a psx emulator for 2d games like suikoden?
5 - i am a HUGE fan of Shining force 3 and sega saturn, do you think gp2x has the capabiliti to emulate sega saturn and sf3?

thanks for the information


P.S. sorry for the bery bad english ;)
2. no
3. don't expect anything, although emulators of each are highly likely.
4. no-one knows
5. no

read the FAQ
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As it isnt out noone will be able to tell you what it can run apart from the standart Fetuers, logical isnt it?
So if you dont have the Strenght to order it before it comes out, just wait until it haves what you want and buy it then.
2. I'm sure it can emulate snes and genesis at 99%, but only with much work from devs.

3. Don't expect 100%-speed-emulators at the first day, we don't know when they come out, if ever. ;)

4. somebody is interested in making a psx-emulator for the gp2x, but nobody knows how succesful he'll be

5. I'm pretty sure that there will never be a saturn-emulator
The zodiac got a psx emu by a really good coder, the same coder pre ordered a gp2x, perhaps with a bit of luck. :P
Many questions are answered here:

As for the Emulators, The GP32 did a great job of Genesis emulation so it should be just as easy for ththe 2X, SNES is harder but it should eventually be playable you just have to wait for it. One or two developers have expressed an interest in atleast trying to code or port a PSX emulator, when it will happen and how good they'll be if they happen at all is simply unknown.

Don't expect decent Saturn Emulation, it's just a mess which is sad.
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LDChen seems to be interested in making a PSX emu for GP2X. Don't know who was responsible for the unreleased GP32 port, might have been him. The Zodiac's PSX emu was done by someone else though, going by the name of "zodttd", his first ported game.
why is sega saturn so hard to emulate ?, i thought that is was weaker than psx.
OrR posted on Sep 29 2005 at 10:16 AM said:
LDChen seems to be interested in making a PSX emu for GP2X. Don't know who was responsible for the unreleased GP32 port, might have been him. The Zodiac's PSX emu was done by someone else though, going by the name of "zodttd", his first ported game.

It was him. LDchen, who made the gp32 one.
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