What are you playing this weekend/these days?

Finished the GTAV story mode, but still mucking about doing all the side missions, events, murders, and other random GTA stuff. My WiiU zelda delux edition came in yesterday, its all set up now i think, and gonna play some Wind Waker for the first time shortly, and play around with some other WiiU things here and there to learn the system
I just finished Brutal Legend. I enjoyed it so much I feel kind of bad only paying $5 for the most recent Humble Bundle to get it.

If you haven't already, get the bundle, it alone is worth way more than whatever you contribute. :P
That was a bit quick for completing GTAV weren't it?

I've hardly started my missions. How much game time roughly you put into that?
Der Langrisser

That looks cool! What format is that on? I love a bit of TBS a la Fire Emblem & Advance Wars. That looks like it'll keep me going until FE WiiU comes out...
Super Nintendo. It's Japanese only so you'll need a translation. The one you see in the video is done by byuu and D I believe.

EDIT: There's more on the PS1 as well.
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Just started playing Planetside 2, I didn't know it existed till this last weekend, but in that short amount of time has become my favorite game ever.



base assault


For those that aren't familiar with the first one it's a massively multiplayer FPS.

highlights for those interested.

-Leveling system

-Individual vehicle proficiency (unlock bigger and badder tanks/planes)

-ability to spawn your own vehicle and lock them or share them for use among your faction.

-Gear upgrading and unlocking system (new weapons and addons to existing weapons)

-"perk" based skills acquired by experience with a certain proficiency (example; faster repair speed after repairing a lot of vehicles)

-built in team/platoon/squad voice chat

-24/7 "living world" the gameplay evolves without you being there. (gain/lose teritories)

-3 separate factions with pro/con

-class based fps each with their own individualized "skill tree"

-truly massive multiplayer (100's of players in battle at once) (2000 max per map?)

-insanely large scale maps (think GTA big or bigger, each with superficial "territories" and bases/camps/facilities to capture)

-king of the hill type of battles with objectives in each fort to take over

-auto squad (match making) and "instant action" to jump right into the fight.

....lots lots lots more

the only ... and I mean the ONLY downside that makes this anything less than a perfect 100/100 is that it eats every single computer ever made for lunch. The game was designed to make computers cry. My buddy who has a 2x GTX 690's in SLI on a overclocked watercooled i7 @ 5Ghz still sees spikes in FPS (40fps) @ 1920x1200 ultra settings during insanely large scale battles. 50-100+ man base sieges. (60-80 during small skirmishes and general gameplay) As a reference he gets like 200+fps in most other modern games with similar settings. In concept it's flawlessly perfect game. In execution, it has small bugs here and there, but are being actively squished every patch. I still give it 100/100 even considering these minor things, the stuff it gets right more than makes up for the tiny imperfections.

tldr; put battlefield, call of duty, world of warcraft, warhammer, and halo series's all together and but them in a blender served at the temperature of the sun.... or your CPU... whichever is hotter after playing for 30 seconds.
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That was a bit quick for completing GTAV weren't it?

I've hardly started my missions. How much game time roughly you put into that?
i started on the 13th of sept. where do i check the time put in on ps3?
I beat Primordia

Very awesome game, really good voice acting and beautiful art and atmosphere, a good story with well balanced puzzles, I would definitely recommend it.


I tried to get it to work on the pandora via AGS but it was too slow at 900Mhz
That was a bit quick for completing GTAV weren't it?

I've hardly started my missions. How much game time roughly you put into that?
i started on the 13th of sept. where do i check the time put in on ps3?
Some games show you under your game saves settings on the XMB, though I've not checked if GTAV displays this info or not.

Otherwise Playfire account does but guessing you've not an account there then
That was a bit quick for completing GTAV weren't it?

I've hardly started my missions. How much game time roughly you put into that?
looks like it took me about 50hrs to complete story mode with some side missions and stuffs
That was a bit quick for completing GTAV weren't it?

I've hardly started my missions. How much game time roughly you put into that?
looks like it took me about 50hrs to complete story mode with some side missions and stuffs
That's good going eh.

I'll be doing some actual missions on this over the weekend, probably wont get a chance to play it tonight.

Tonight I'll be playing some E-SWAT on the RPi and some Sine Mora on the phone
My mix of things..

GTA V on the PS3,

Bioshock Infinite on my PC ($20 deal for all three was awesome),

Zelda: Phantom Hourglass via Pandora and Drastic. 

I tend to get distracted a lot on GTA games and tend to do silly things so I have a feeling it will be longer than 50 hours for me to complete missions.
Got a 25 bucks eShop card as compensation for a delivery getting lost, and I thought "What the heck lets go checkout this new thing called download shop, kids talking about these days, and Nintendo is currently pushing".

Bought "Duck Tales remastered" and "Street Fighter 2 : New Challanges".

DTR is a nice plattformer but nothing special, bought it mainly because of my wives nostalgia (she played it a lot on the Amiga during her childhood).

I had a hard time choosing a SF2 - Version - I did not know, there were so many (anyone know the differences ?). Bottom line: I know I sucked at SF2, but with this one I suck even more on it - I had to reduce difficulty to two stars to win at least some fights. I also had the slight feeling that the DPAD of the WiiU Controller isn't optimal for this kind of games.
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Erebus on the Pandora. .

Playd it for some Hours tody and its realy cool, a bit like Diabolo but sadfully whitout the Background Musik. .

I ditnt came far because im a noob in Hack and Slay games. .

Return to Castle Wolfenstein on the Pandora:

Came until the Ski Lift but whit Cheats as im a Nub Noob in this Game..

Plays realy good but needs a bit time to load..

And i played some DS Games on the Pandora. .
Finished the GTAV story mode, but still mucking about doing all the side missions, events, murders, and other random GTA stuff. My WiiU zelda delux edition came in yesterday, its all set up now i think, and gonna play some Wind Waker for the first time shortly, and play around with some other WiiU things here and there to learn the system
Dang you, I bought a Wii U at Launch....I wish I would have waited.  You are in for a real treat with Wind Waker...I consider it to be one of the best in the series.
Finished the GTAV story mode, but still mucking about doing all the side missions, events, murders, and other random GTA stuff. My WiiU zelda delux edition came in yesterday, its all set up now i think, and gonna play some Wind Waker for the first time shortly, and play around with some other WiiU things here and there to learn the system
If you've not already checked them out, Wii U's Street U is pretty decent using the telly and tablet.

But well worth a check is the Panorama View, there's a load of free places/tours to check out and I think you can buy more but not something I would pay for myself - Though they are good and worth an experience.

Here is one of them:


Might be worth you registering for this too:


A special promo for Deluxe users when buying stuff on e-shop
I got the 10% when I got my WiiIU Premium pack at launch. Allegedly. Because I've not seen any sign of any discount or added value despite buying numerous titles via the eShop...
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