What Are You Playing Right Now?


Jun 20, 2006
Toronto, CANADA
Just wonder what everyone's playing right now on GP2X... (with so many games available, bound to find something you've never played)

- CannonFodder (Pico 1.31)
- Lunar 2 (Pico)
- Advance Wars (Gpsp GBA emulator)
- MonsterWorld IV (DrMDx .. perpetually)
- Super Punchout (Suqidgesnes)
- Super Bomberman 2 (squidgesnes)
- Puzzle Bobble (Mame...perpetually)
another one of these threads eh ? ? ?


final fantasy 6/3 ( pocketsnes ) - first time going thru it too :-)
nois2sa - teh awesome!
WarioWare, Inc. on gpSP (nearly fully unlocked - takes ages)
Snatcher on PicoDrive (not enjoying it as much as I thought I would - a bit cheesy)
I'm not playing a game at the moment, I'm reading the forum ;)

Although re-playing Wonder Boy in Monster World (at least I think it's that one). It's the one where he changes into all the different forms as you progress though the game. Playing it on the Mega Drive (PicoDrive)
breath of fire 2 (once again ^^) on pocketsnes
klonoa 2 on gpsp
wario ware inc. on gpsp (eventhough I am getting frustrated a lot)
bomberman 96 on vobbos great pc-engine emu
clonk2x (it is soooooo addictive)

btw: I would really like to play zelda-the minnish cap on gpsp but it always randomly freezes on me. any ideas why that could be?
I WAS playing the original Metroid but then last night when I tried to quit GPFCE I pressed the L and R buttons too slowly and ended up erasing my save state. X(

But other than that I'm playing Sonic 3 and Knuckles on Genesis, New Adventure Island on PCEngine, and a lot of Thruster.
River City Ransom (NES)
Secret of Mana (SNES)
Kid Chameleon (Megadrive/Genesis)
Mario Golf (Game Boy Color)
Street Hoops (Neo Geo)
Bowser's return [Super Mario World hack] (SNES)
SiDCrAzY posted on Mar 30 2007 at 11:39 AM said:
Mutant League Hockey(Picodrive)

terrible game!!!! i love nhl 93-96.... that game is horrible.
for all you warioware'ers
play warioware twisted its amazing....

im playing duke!
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sensible GP32 posted on Mar 30 2007 at 07:13 AM said:
SiDCrAzY posted on Mar 30 2007 at 11:39 AM said:
Mutant League Hockey(Picodrive)

terrible game!!!! i love nhl 93-96.... that game is horrible.


How dare you!!?!?!


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Battletoads (Genesis, Picodrive)
Jumpman (C64, Vice2x)
Mr. Driller

Of course, each day switches things up a bit. :-] I'm thinking of finally setting PrDoom up, one of these days.
Payback (full game not demo ;))
Sonic The Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles
Metroid III
Excite Truck (Wii)
Resident Evil 0 (on Game Cube)
Final Fantasy 3 (NDS)

EDIT: although playing is rather a strong word I dip into one of these games for an occasional burst... I have too much coursework really to really spend playing any of these games...