We Want You: A Different Take On An Mmrpg


Still Fresh
May 7, 2008

Imagine a game where you are the main character, where every piece of hardware necessary to "play" the game is not considered a gaming system through which you are able to interact with the game but a tool necessary to participate in an invisible world around you. Think of it like THE LAST STARFIGHTER meets Grant Morrison's THE INVISIBLES.

Like all experiences, the game begins benignly, it begins "inside the box". To all appearances it shares qualities with games like Wario Ware, Brain Age, etc. But like all adventures, this is the simple beginning of a long & complicated journey. When players complete the initial puzzle game, to a satisfactory level, the real game begins. The puzzle mini-game was simply a scouting tool used to gauge & rank potential recruits to the real fight.

The real fight is a multi-dimensional game of cat & mouse, fought on this world, in your neighborhood & mine. It would utilize every aspect of the Pandora system from the multiple controllers to the USB port. The Pandora, in effect, becomes your Instrument, necessary both to receive & communicate with other recruits & to filter & translate perceived threats in your area. At times it may function as a sort of e-mail program; at other times it may function as a faux Electromagnetic Field Detecting unit; sometimes, it may function as a symbolic Hieronymus machine; at all times, it will be presenting "players" with challenging situations, grounded in the real world, where they must defend themselves & those close to them using every available application of their Instrument.


I currently have a group of people who I am working with on a Web 2.0 game that are also interested in developing a game for the Pandora system. We are able to do rules design, game mechanics & to a limited degree, simple graphic design. What we need are programmers & artists also interested in creating a game unlike any other game on the market, something that breaks the 4th wall; WE WANT YOU won't draw the player into the game, it will draw the game into the player. It will make you see & interact with the actual world around you in different ways; it will convince you that it is real by utilizing the greatest graphics engine available: reality. We're definitely not professionals, by any means, we're just a group of guys who work well together who like to do things a little bit differently & are just generally tired of seeing the same game rehashed & repackaged as a new game. We want to do something new & exciting that will make people rethink their definition of a "game" but we cannot do it alone... we want you.

So, basically, this is a call to arms. I've ranted too long, already, though, but please, if you are interested in doing something like this contact me via PM or post in this thread.

And regardless, thank you for your time!

/end geeky hyperbolic pitch
If I understand you correctly your basically ahving a game that is played in the real world along with gmaeplay on Pandora with multiple people. Only problem with that is you ahve to relize the worl is BIG, and when you compare that to the amount of people that will ahve Pandora's it really isn't fesible. I really don't want to push anyone away from Pandora but it might not be the right platform for you. For this type of project you would want to target a handheld with a much larger userbase (maybe the cellphone market will be acceptable for you soon)
Soulkiller said:
Only problem with that is you ahve to relize the worl is BIG, and when you compare that to the amount of people that will ahve Pandora's it really isn't fesible.
Trust me, I've put quite a bit of thought into this & the system, as envisioned, will function just as well with 20 people as it will with 20,000. The core idea of player interaction is similar to what you would see on a social networking website where a large amount of "friends" isn't necessary to enjoy yourself; along this line, a large amount of "contacts" in WE WANT YOU would not be necessary to prosper. Basically, as I see it, shared physical locations aren't a requirement for interaction between players.
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atomicthumbs said:
You mean an Alternate Reality Game?

Very similar, but without the "I didn't solve this puzzle/contact this person so now I'm completely out of the loop" element.

It would have an underlying story that always moved forward, but would be asynchronous in that it would allow the player to play as much or as little as they wanted without fear of falling behind.
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Soulkiller said:
If I understand you correctly your basically ahving a game that is played in the real world along with gmaeplay on Pandora with multiple people.
Actually, I wanted to touch back on this issue with a more realistic & in depth answer; while the gameplay will involve multiple people, due to some of the limitations of the Pandora the interaction between players will remain mainly social. Think similar to the DS game ANIMAL CROSSING where you can invite & converse with other players, invite them to your city & trade items with them.

While there would be some unique gameplay situations where multiple players' paths could cross in similar plots or virtualized locations it would not be a strain on the Pandora's capabilities because we're not talking about 50 players in a 3D environment shooting at 50 NPC's all on screen at once. Think more along the lines of a game like SNATCHER for the Sega CD or HOTEL DUSK for the DS with the exploration & movement elements based on real world movement & entirely new elements based on defending / obscuring your location & protecting yourself from various events.
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This sounds like an awesome idea, even though I didn't quite understand what you meant all of the time (could just be my English (; ) and it really seems you did put a lot of thought in it.

But to me it sounds like the game would be highly location-aware (using places in the real world)... How are you planning to do that?
The Pandora doesn't have GPS, so the only options you have for location-awareness AFAIK are the IP address, which is not available all the time and not even all that precise to begin with, or a USB/SDIO/Bluetooth-via-dongle GPS receiver...

My point is, it's probably not a good idea to require this extra hardware, but then again I could have totally misunderstood your idea, and if I did I'm sorry ^.^
Not having a GPS is easily remedied by telling the Pandora where you are.

I assume, since there are serious privacy concerns involved, that we can choose where we are, so as to mark a spot that isn't our own homes? :p
Well, yeah, you could just tell the Pandora, but that would remove most if not all of the "alternate reality" feel from the game, wouldn't it?