[RIOT] Puzzletube - searching allies


One of the best game from the RIOT 2011 compo returns, with updated graphics, controls and game modes :wub:

Bye, and thank you Ziz !

Magic Sam
I had to release a new version. First of all there was a memory leak bug. But now I have a README explaining the game mechanics, too ;-)
I made an update. Now you can use the Nubs, too.
Aaaand an update again. I implemented a help screen. It is not perfect (in fact it is a bit "hacky"), but I have no time for more and some people don't know, what to do in this game. So if you survive this Wall of Text, you know, how to play!
Today I have two videos for you. The first one is made by smida3 in the Dingoo Community. It works now pretty well on the Dingoo A320 ;-)


Most of my work @libsparrow3d is for my next project, which will be an entry for the rebirth contest. But as long as I did not decide to participate and the create an own thread, I will post changes here. ^^