Warcraft II on Pandora, DOSbox?

I don't know how the FS has those permissions. I would think FAT32 just defaults to 777 under Linux as FAT32 isn't capable of storing anything else. I can't chown them away from root:root even with a sudo but I can reduce the permissions from 777.

I've tried 2 different SD cards, both Sandisk. A 16GB and a 4GB. This is strange...

Thanks for all your help though, I'll keep trying some stuff.
The strangest thing happened!
My 16GB SDHC card has a 14GB FAT32 partition and a 2GB ext3 partition.
Just tried it on the blank ext3 partition and did a chmod 777 and a chown to my Pandora username... And it works! Amazing!

Works really well too! I much prefer this to the idea of running under Win95 :D

Is it possible to slow the nubs down a bit? The mouse cursor moves a bit too fast for me.

I was trying this with "another" version that didn't need the CD, the original release from 1995 and it works brilliantly. But there is no option to load a custom scenario.

I'd like to try my version of Warcraft 2, which also has the expansion pack. I'm not sure it's the battle.net re-release though as it still works under DOS, not a Windows install in Program Files.

I've copied the WAR2 folder from my Win95 Qemu installation, the setup runs and the game actually loads but I get a CD required message before I can play a game.

Can I mount a bin/cue as a drive letter under FreeDOS?

Could I just edit the c:\autoexec.bat file to add any mount commands? I've already removed the auto-shutdown from war2.bat.

I could copy the contents of the CD (~140MB) to the shared war2 directory then edit the war2.ini to point to that directory.

But what happens to the war2.ini file from the pandora/appdata/war2wrapped/war2 directory?

Mine disappears after first run. I would need to edit this to point to my CD drive or directory.

mcobit: Thanks for all your help. Do you ever plan on releasing that PND to the repo?
Is there a way that I donate for your work?

Cheers, B
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Can I mount a bin/cue as a drive letter under FreeDOS?

Could I just edit the c:\autoexec.bat file to add any mount commands? I've already removed the auto-shutdown from war2.bat.
Bin/cue image may not work - if not, you could try converting it in the iso format. You can specifiy a CD-Image to load as a CD in the "Files and Directories" Tab ( => "CDROM iso" field). After that you need to install the CD-ROM drivers to access it in DR-DOS.
I could just make a zenitylauncher, where you can specify an optional cdromimage on startup for this but I wanted to make it as easy as possible for the user.

If I am lucky, I cannot get to work today because there is snow and icehell out here ;)

In that case I might have time to fiddle around a bit more.
If I am lucky, I cannot get to work today because there is snow and icehell out here ;)
This is possible :o ? (Seems I live in the wrong state, but on the other hand I would be not very keen to work in the bank business and "krautstampfen" while eating "Handkäs" all day long isn't my cup of tea either :P )

BTT: Have you ever thought about my "approach" - making a somewhat generic pnd creator (maybe dr-dos image specific) ?
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Might be a good idea, but if you want to run that on the Pandora, you will have a lot of waitingtime for compression etc...

Personally I am not really a Hesse. I am from Cologne originally ;)
Yeah I forgot Qemu doesn't support bin/cue. I was forgetting that this was Qemu and not Dosbox! I can convert from the bin/cue easily enough.

I might try loading the war2wrapped FreeDOS qcow image manually using the Qemu front-end, specifying my war2 iso. It looks like there's CD ROM drivers loaded when FreeDOS loads.

Or I could copy off the CD contents and put it in a subdirectory of the WAR2 Qemu shared directory.

Anyone know why the war2.ini file disappears from the war2 directory on first load though?

Cheers, B
I've made some progress with my own copy of Warcraft II (v1.0 Retail). It has the custom scenario option and I've got the expansion pack installed as well, now running v1.5 retail. I've also got it going without needing the CD image mounted or inserted.

I did all the setup under Dosbox then copied over the installation directory.

The only problem I've got now is that the war2.ini file seems to get reset on every startup. It's not present, then gets created after the setup.exe runs.

I've edited the war2.bat script so I can manually edit war2.ini before each start. In particular I need to set the cdpath= option to get it working without CD. It would be great to be able to preserve my settings in there.

Also, is there a technical reason as to why saving a game is quite slow? It seems to take about a minute with some slowdown to write the 300KB .SAV file to disk.

Is this because of the way the shared directory works?

Would it be faster if I copied all the content over to the C: inside the Freedos image?

And I guess I can just load this qcow2 using panQemu? Or are there particular command line options I would need to pass to Qemu to run it?

Cheers, B
Hi,it is much faster when you copy the entire Game Content into c:

The ini seem to saving,but saving anything on the shared folder dont work and after a restart are the files as before start.

Copying into C: solve your Problem.

Run them from c: and this last problems must dissapear.

then can you run the Image with Pandora Qemu Pnd for test differrent Settings.

i recommend to add the Parameters: -no-acpi -no-hpet -balloon none

Happy trying
Awesome! I will try that. I already use -no-acpi -no-hpet when running Win95. Running from Qemu front end might be a bit easier long-term.

I'll keep the shared folder active though so I can copy stuff to/from the image easily. I might change the batch script to backup my .SAV files to the shared folder as well.

What's the file system size limit for the Freedos image?

I think mine's at about 90MB at the moment but obviously the image file grows as content is added, instead of the space being allocated all at once.

Cheers, B