Merry Christmas -- Warcraft 2 Dos On Pandora!

Yod4z said:
For Jazz Jackrabbit we just need to port openjazz

An openjazz port would be ideal, but if WC2 will run at near full speed under DOSbox, than Jazz is likely to run fine under emulation as well.
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Slightly off-topic, but does OpenJazz support sound effects and such, yet? (The last time I used it, it didn't. There were also several other things that weren't implemented/working, though I wouldn't be at all surprised if that had changed. :P)

On-topic: I was thinking of how well Jazz might run when I saw how well Warcraft 2 runs. :lol: I'm a platformer-type, I guess.
Chip said:
An openjazz port would be ideal, but if WC2 will run at near full speed under DOSbox, than Jazz is likely to run fine under emulation as well.
Yes but with openjazz you can run it at 150MHz and with Dosbox you need more ^^
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