Videos Of Psx4pandora

zodttd said:
I need to buy a new video cam to record more videos. I still want to do 900MHz recordings as well.

Any recommendations on video cams that are less than $500 USD that will do a good job of recording a LCD screen in close range? Or will I need to raise my budget?

Thanks. :)
If you had video-out working, you could get near perfect video with a cheap old video-in card.

I'd donate towards a Zodttd video camera is you decide to get one.
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Would it also be possible to get more shots/videos of the MK0 model? If Craig/MWeston can't do it or get the time, it'd be great if the devs who have dev kits or whatever could do it:

craigix said:
We will get more official videos out there when we can, however developers own their Pandora units and can post whatever they like (so you should see more and more we hope).
If you don't have a casing, just a shot of the PCB running it like the videos by Squidge would be great.
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Yeah, I'd also like to see that device itself. How are you using the controls, currently? Does it have any on board yet?
While I could most likely get a TV Out type recording captured, I would prefer to get a video cam as it's useful for recording when that option isn't available. And eventually videos of the hardware may be an option too.

Hopefully donations won't be needed, though I do appreciate the offer. If I can find a nicely priced cam for this sort of video, I will get it in within a matter of days.

GunPei2X: Heh ;)

jbr: I have a set of buttons to use. They arent finished yet as Craig has noted.
zodttd said:
While I could most likely get a TV Out type recording captured, I would prefer to get a video cam as it's useful for recording when that option isn't available. And eventually videos of the hardware may be an option too.

Hopefully donations won't be needed, though I do appreciate the offer. If I can find a nicely priced cam for this sort of video, I will get it in within a matter of days.

GunPei2X: Heh ;)

jbr: I have a set of buttons to use. They arent finished yet as Craig has noted.
So you're able to use the analog sticks "normally", but you have to connect two contacts to use the D-Pad, game buttons, or keyboard? I'm just trying to see how this "lack of membrane" affects inputability. (Yes, I know that's not a word.)
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zodttd said:
If I can find a nicely priced cam for this sort of video, I will get it in within a matter of days.
Don't forget that most point and shoot still cameras have pretty decent video modes these days. Good enough for youtube anyway, and cheap.
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whiskthecat said:
zodttd said:
If I can find a nicely priced cam for this sort of video, I will get it in within a matter of days.
Don't forget that most point and shoots have pretty decent video modes these day. Good enough for youtube anyway, and cheap.

True - you could get a very nice point and shoot for USD 350 or so and use it to take high quality photos and good videos. Youtube decreases the quality of the video anyway, so anything you put on there would end up being about the same from a video camera or the movie mode of a digital camera.
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Agreed. I filmed this with a Sony Cybershot on video mode. It's not perfect, but then again I didn't put much effort in (I didn't even fiddle with the focus).

I think the most important factors are good lighting, a tripod, and turning autofocus off.
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I too noticed autofocus is "a bad thing" when it comes to taking video of close up shots of a LCD. Really no need for it then anyways though, especially with a tripod.

I'm researching my options today for a video cam. :)

Ouh I brought out the Hando! ::waves:: :)

spinghed: While Gran Turismo 2 is currently giving me some issues at the moment, Gran Turismo 1 should work currently.
spinghed: While Gran Turismo 2 is currently giving me some issues at the moment, Gran Turismo 1 should work currently.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

I can now rest in peace!!

zodttd said:
I too noticed autofocus is "a bad thing" when it comes to taking video of close up shots of a LCD. Really no need for it then anyways though, especially with a tripod.

I'm researching my options today for a video cam. :)

Ouh I brought out the Hando! ::waves:: :)

spinghed: While Gran Turismo 2 is currently giving me some issues at the moment, Gran Turismo 1 should work currently.
Gran Turismo 1 looked like it had better graphics then the 2nd one, well to me anyway :P
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zodttd said:
spinghed: While Gran Turismo 2 is currently giving me some issues at the moment, Gran Turismo 1 should work currently.
Good tactic, picking the slowest games for the PSX and make them run like hell. ^^ SO we can be sure, that the "normal" PSX Games run smooth...or do someone want a 1:1 emulation including the original Slow-Downs into the Games? :lol:

Uh, how deep are you into the Hardwar-coding yet, zodttd? Is everything still a pure software emulation or do you use the Hardware muscles of the OMAP Chipset?
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It's still only general optimizing that we're doing. That means two good things: a) it could still be more optimized for the OMAP3 and b ) Other platforms will benefit from the improvements as well.

Personally I'm more interested in the compatibility improvements, which I must say, look very good :)

edit: of course I'm also working on the HW GPU ;) But that's still not being used in the videos. I must say you'd need a real device to truly appreciate it :)

Zod's videos are wonderful to see, but I would also love to see more screen captures from a few games using the GPU work you're doing.

Can you please post a couple when you can?
Prophet said:

Zod's videos are wonderful to see, but I would also love to see more screen captures from a few games using the GPU work you're doing.

Can you please post a couple when you can?

The GPU is still not implemented in the Pandora version, but I can surely do some more shots from the emulated PC version :) Although I'm waiting for a game or two in particular to be working 100% (that is, I'm still to implement some of the GPU functions, namely blending) to get new shots ;)
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