Beta Psx4Pandora 1.0B5

It's been mentioned here before. In-game, press both shoulder buttons, and all of the four gaming buttons. I would strongly advise that you do this whilst in-game, and don't try to do this in the menu - doing it in the menu can lead to a near-endless and unbreakable stream of saving the game's state. :P
So we have those 2 Threads about an upcoming new version of PCSX4All for Caanoo/WiZ. Chui mentioned the source gets released by christmas. Didn't came up here so I just wanted to inform: Caanoo Thread I remember a lot of disputes about this...
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Schnatterplatsch said:
So we have those 2 Threads about an upcoming new version of PCSX4All for Caanoo/WiZ. Chui mentioned the source gets released by christmas. Didn't came up here so I just wanted to inform: Caanoo Thread I remember a lot of disputes about this...

Hey excellent, thanks for posting this here.
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Thank you for all of your hard work Zodttd, my favourite and most used emulator by far, I'm always incredibly impressed. Little Big Adventure *almost* works now (crashes after the intro movie) - Hopefully next release i'll be having myself a Twinsen Adventure! :)
JohnM said:
Thank you for all of your hard work Zodttd, my favourite and most used emulator by far, I'm always incredibly impressed. Little Big Adventure *almost* works now (crashes after the intro movie) - Hopefully next release i'll be having myself a Twinsen Adventure! :)

:) Any mention of Little Big Adventure puts a big smile on my face. Apparently someone tested it out through Dosbox and it is working fine there.
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jb0yx said:
how do the final fantasies (7,8,9) run on this?

sound/speed etc?

what are your mhz, frameskip settings?

I've been trying to start a games of ff8 with this version and am have a problem with map mode. I'm running at 900mhz / opp4 with no frame skip and everything seems pretty smooth besides in the world map. Sound is a little glitchy sometimes but not too bad. Menus, battle mode, and inside the academy are all smooth. Once I step out side, however, it slows down almost to a complete stop and then goes black. Although, I can still get in the random battles and access the menus (which show me a quick glimps of the map before the menu pops up). turning off sound did not help. Am I alone in this problem? bad dump perhaps? I'll try it balls to the wall opp5 tonight with frameskip and have it display the framerate for me and I report back my findings.
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Dead1nside said:
:) Any mention of Little Big Adventure puts a big smile on my face. Apparently someone tested it out through Dosbox and it is working fine there.
That could have possibly been me (The first thing I tried when getting my Pandora was trying to get LBA to work!). It does boot up in dosbox (without audio) and is playable, though it would randomly crash every 30 - 40 minutes or so, so I'm waiting to play it through on the PSX as it's so close to working now! :)
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jb0yx said:
how do the final fantasies (7,8,9) run on this?

sound/speed etc?

what are your mhz, frameskip settings?

Sound quality in FF7 is worse than the previous version... Other than the music beeing a little glitchy there may occur a sound bug after battle that keeps repeating the Sound that is made when the collected Gil is counted... (I had this bug back when PSX emulation just became possible on PC´s, it was the time when everybody talked about bleem).

On the other hand I noticed a huge imrovement in the sound quality of Omega Boost...
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ok, yea, nothing makes any difference with ff8 for me. I´ve overclocked to 1050, frameskip 15, no sound, frame limiter off - nothing helps. I always get a black screen in the world map. I can move around the map and get in fights and access menus fine though. Right before and after either a battle or menus I get a glimpse of where I'm at on the map. weird problem and I'm apparently alone in this problem so I will try reripping the game and see if that works.
Bampt said:
Sound quality in FF7 is worse than the previous version... Other than the music beeing a little glitchy there may occur a sound bug after battle that keeps repeating the Sound that is made when the collected Gil is counted... (I had this bug back when PSX emulation just became possible on PC´s, it was the time when everybody talked about bleem).

On the other hand I noticed a huge imrovement in the sound quality of Omega Boost...

that doesn't sound very promising... sigh... hope pcsx comes soon

i have a beta copy of pcsx for the caanoo and it's actually a lot worse off than what you are describing, not speed, but actual emulation/rendering issues. Torn sprites/characters and is completely unplayable, speed is actually fine at 750mhz strangely enough.
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