Vice 1.19 Release

Nice to hear about these Vice-news!

Am I missing something or does the "virtual keyboard" really lack the "cursor-keys" (up-arrow, down-arroy, right-arrow, left-arroy) of the C64-Keyboard?
I want to start Last Ninja 1 and the included "trainer" needs these arrow-keys to continue to the real game :rolleyes:

Thanks for any help!
gene_kultpower posted on May 5 2006 at 03:57 PM said:
Nice to hear about these Vice-news!

Am I missing something or does the "virtual keyboard" really lack the "cursor-keys" (up-arrow, down-arroy, right-arrow, left-arroy) of the C64-Keyboard?
I want to start Last Ninja 1 and the included "trainer" needs these arrow-keys to continue to the real game :rolleyes:

Thanks for any help!

They're in the same place as on a real c64 - at the bottom right of the keyboard. Normal keypress for down and right, shifted for up and left.
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Shirohagen posted on May 3 2006 at 11:56 AM said:
Will we see GP2X specific performance enhancements, or will the fact that development is tied to the other platforms mean that GP2X VICE will always be a bit more "hungry" than it might?

I'd love to just ditch Frodo and solely use VICE at some point as it definately better, and is still under development. Fullspeed without overclocking (or even with as slow a clock speed as possible) would be great.


Yeah overclocking is no option for me. I get crap battery life at the standard 200 MHz. It seems crazy to me to have to overclock so much for C64 when we have almost full speed NeoGeo and Megadrive at 200 MHz :blink: I suppose the problem here is that it is a port from a PC which is not exactly known for efficiency in their emus. Hopefully one day this will be optimised to the point where we can ditch Frodo and get the same performance.
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Or... you could just buy better batteries?

Dozens of people told you months ago that the batteries you were using were rubbish *for the GP2X*, and you completely ignored them.
So isn't the VICE project itself developed enough anyway by now to take the GP2X version away from the main distribution, to work on GP2X specific performance tweaks? Kind of like how Franxis chose an older MAME to port to the GP32 rather than keep in step with the newest one. I really don't know much about it, but just wondered if this news meant it was actually less likely to get specifically faster on the GP2X in exchange for remaining in sync with the main releases? Or maybe the core is something which can stay in sync with the other versions, and the GP2X specific parts can still be optimised. For me, VICE stutters quite a bit unless you overclock, which seems a shame. It just seems kind of unlikely the guys running the larger VICE flavours will try to hone it for the benefit of us GP2X users when it's running well on a kick ass PC. But then again, as I say, I don't know much about it - what's the deal?

But I really must thank Snaff for his hard work, as VICE allows me to play Creatures and Mayhem in Monsterland etc which I was always cruelly denied on the old GP32, and we get some extra Commodore goodness like VIC20... Thanks Snaff! :-)

I am confused on one part though. Vice has about 8 Gpe files. Can someone list each of them, and what they emulate, so I can rename them accordingly?
gaterooze posted on May 7 2006 at 10:21 PM said:
Or... you could just buy better batteries?

Dozens of people told you months ago that the batteries you were using were rubbish *for the GP2X*, and you completely ignored them.

No, because no matter how good the batteries are you will still get much better life if you don't overclock. Besides overclocking to emulate a 1 MHz 6502 based computer seems a bit crazy to me when we have NeoGeo full speed with sound at 200 MHz. Something just doesn't add up here.
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PSyMastR posted on May 16 2006 at 03:55 AM said:
I am confused on one part though. Vice has about 8 Gpe files. Can someone list each of them, and what they emulate, so I can rename them accordingly?

x64.gpe > C64
x128.gpe > C128
xcbm2.gpe > CBM-II
xpet.gpe > PET
xplus4.gpe > Plus4
xvic.gpe > Vic20
vsid.gpe > I think this one is simply a Sid (c-64 soundchip) player
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virusx posted on May 16 2006 at 05:42 AM said:
PSyMastR posted on May 16 2006 at 03:55 AM said:
I am confused on one part though. Vice has about 8 Gpe files. Can someone list each of them, and what they emulate, so I can rename them accordingly?

x64.gpe > C64
x128.gpe > C128
xcbm2.gpe > CBM-II
xpet.gpe > PET
xplus4.gpe > Plus4
xvic.gpe > Vic20
vsid.gpe > I think this one is simply a Sid (c-64 soundchip) player
Thanks a bunch.
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