I feel a great disturbance in the source
-= The Ur-Quan Masters 0.6.3 (latest CVS) =-
Ported to GP2X by Senor Quack (Dan Silsby)
Available at:,0,0,0,29,2390
Welcome to one of the greatest games ever made!
I made this port becase I was fed up with the instability
of the previous ports to the GP2X. I was getting crashes
several times an hour and other users even had data
corruption. I respect the author's efforts, UQM is a funky
program based on ancient source code.
I have downloaded the latest CVS source, patched it up
a very tiny amount and altered the controls for the
new post-0.6.0 control system. I would have used the 0.6.2
official release but they admit messing up the source
release and it doesn't compile properly.
This is a public beta, meaning I have tested it for a
scant few hours and need your all's help testing it further.
Let me know of any bugs, or successful game completions.
I will continue to work on it if necessary.
If you have saved games from the previous port, you can copy
them into the save folder of this version, they seem to be
compatible, but no promises.
* Smaller memory footprint. Should help increase
program stability.
* Large amount of previously unused compiler
optimizations have been applied.
* Integration of ARM ASM memory handling routines.
* Lowered default sound sample rate to 22050hz.
* The above three additions enable smoother use of the
planetary lander. I no longer overclock UQM, all I
enable is the advanced RAM timings from GMenu2X and
it is quite playable at 200mhz.
* Fixed text scrolling when using 3DO voice package.
* Added sync() on exit to avoid loss of save data.
* No more crashes, hopefully! I haven't had my version
crash yet, but it needs more testing.
Extract the .ZIP file into the root of your SD. You need
to have "full pathnames" enabled because it will extract
into \games\uqm\
It is very important this happens, otherwise the game will
not run properly. You should see "uqm.gpe" in \games\uqm
along with several other files and a folder named "content"
I have included the 3DO music files. If you want to have
cool alien voice acting, you can download the file
"uqm-0.6.0-voice.uqm" from this website:
Place the file into the \games\uqm\content\packages folder.
If you already have the 0.5.0 version of this file from
the old Foehammer port, copy it over and rename it, it
hasn't changed since the last version.
* This is a public beta and the program has only been
tested a matter of hours. Additionally, this is
compiled from the latest unstable CVS snapshot, so
that is an additional source of possible problems.
I will continue to work to make this the stable,
full-featured UQM port the GP2X deserves.
* The RAM footprint of UQM is large for the GP2X -
the program comes quite close to using the entire
32MB available. Hopefully the changes I've made
will be enough for successful game completion.
If not, there's more I can do like loading
samples and songs into upper memory, but it will
take a lot of work.
* Volume controls do not work, you must adjust volume
using GMenu2X. It is not a trivial thing to add to
Ur-Quan Masters but do plan to add support in the
* Due to changes in control handling, the planetary
lander is now most easily controlled using the joystick
in combination with the R trigger for thrust. Another
way to say this is that "they won't let me apply
thrust when UPLEFT and UPRIGHT are pressed, like they
used to, only UP.. use the R trigger!!"
Some screenshots for the forum post:
-= The Ur-Quan Masters 0.6.3 (latest CVS) =-
Ported to GP2X by Senor Quack (Dan Silsby)
Available at:,0,0,0,29,2390
Welcome to one of the greatest games ever made!
I made this port becase I was fed up with the instability
of the previous ports to the GP2X. I was getting crashes
several times an hour and other users even had data
corruption. I respect the author's efforts, UQM is a funky
program based on ancient source code.
I have downloaded the latest CVS source, patched it up
a very tiny amount and altered the controls for the
new post-0.6.0 control system. I would have used the 0.6.2
official release but they admit messing up the source
release and it doesn't compile properly.
This is a public beta, meaning I have tested it for a
scant few hours and need your all's help testing it further.
Let me know of any bugs, or successful game completions.
I will continue to work on it if necessary.
If you have saved games from the previous port, you can copy
them into the save folder of this version, they seem to be
compatible, but no promises.
* Smaller memory footprint. Should help increase
program stability.
* Large amount of previously unused compiler
optimizations have been applied.
* Integration of ARM ASM memory handling routines.
* Lowered default sound sample rate to 22050hz.
* The above three additions enable smoother use of the
planetary lander. I no longer overclock UQM, all I
enable is the advanced RAM timings from GMenu2X and
it is quite playable at 200mhz.
* Fixed text scrolling when using 3DO voice package.
* Added sync() on exit to avoid loss of save data.
* No more crashes, hopefully! I haven't had my version
crash yet, but it needs more testing.
Extract the .ZIP file into the root of your SD. You need
to have "full pathnames" enabled because it will extract
into \games\uqm\
It is very important this happens, otherwise the game will
not run properly. You should see "uqm.gpe" in \games\uqm
along with several other files and a folder named "content"
I have included the 3DO music files. If you want to have
cool alien voice acting, you can download the file
"uqm-0.6.0-voice.uqm" from this website:
Place the file into the \games\uqm\content\packages folder.
If you already have the 0.5.0 version of this file from
the old Foehammer port, copy it over and rename it, it
hasn't changed since the last version.
* This is a public beta and the program has only been
tested a matter of hours. Additionally, this is
compiled from the latest unstable CVS snapshot, so
that is an additional source of possible problems.
I will continue to work to make this the stable,
full-featured UQM port the GP2X deserves.
* The RAM footprint of UQM is large for the GP2X -
the program comes quite close to using the entire
32MB available. Hopefully the changes I've made
will be enough for successful game completion.
If not, there's more I can do like loading
samples and songs into upper memory, but it will
take a lot of work.
* Volume controls do not work, you must adjust volume
using GMenu2X. It is not a trivial thing to add to
Ur-Quan Masters but do plan to add support in the
* Due to changes in control handling, the planetary
lander is now most easily controlled using the joystick
in combination with the R trigger for thrust. Another
way to say this is that "they won't let me apply
thrust when UPLEFT and UPRIGHT are pressed, like they
used to, only UP.. use the R trigger!!"
Some screenshots for the forum post:

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