Updated Website


I have been working for almost 2 weeks now on my new website. I got some reviews on my old one and they wern't very good. So I thought that maybe some one would be willing to check out my new one. I would be pleased if some one did. :) Well, here is the new link to my website. GP32 Universe
Thanks in advance for checking it out.
Some critiques:

Why do you have an image of 4 other hand-helds, if it's "GP32 Universe"?

You may want to lose that thin yellow border around the left bottons and main frame, it's distracting.

The banner graphic should have a design that fades gradually into black; as it is now, the rectangular shape is obvious and looks 'pasted' there.

Keep at it, and nice so far :)
What is the use of your download section?
There are only 5-6 progs and we don't know why you chose them... :)
One positive comment:

The pic of the Blue face plate GP32 is great! (I sooooooo wish I could find replacement shells like that!)