Unboxing Video


Still Fresh
Oct 21, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta

There she is. Far from the best quality footage, sorry. After the video, i installed the 2 released packs and made the following observations.

Current outstanding issues:
Dpad "up" - much less sensitive than other directions, feels like it should register but i really gotta press it all the way down.
Left nub - erratic acceleration and direction. Tried hitting "reset nub", still acts up strage. Would go really fast to the right, crawl back to the left. Pulling left/right would often drag it up and down as well.
WiFi - Might be a router issue, but i cannot connect to the interwebz. Even removed all security from it, pandora still doesn't like the connection. My N97mini works just fine.

Personal nitpicks:
eeeh.. the shoulder buttons. they may take some getting used to, it feels like they dont always return to neutral, the satisfying *click* isn't a stable occurrence.
XFCE is clearly not meant to be operated with a finger, but to be fair, it was never advertised as such. MiniMenu seems to get confused regarding whether it recognizes the touch screen or not.
Buttons are actually bigger than i expected, the learning curve will be the same as with a new phone. Overall happy with build quality and first boot!

Any advice on the Wifi?
You were eager to open that box ! :lol:

Wifi has been a problem for quite a few people ,have a look over at the help forum.

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paddy said:
You were eager to open that box ! :lol:

Wifi has been a problem for quite a few people ,have a look over at the help forum.

Thanks, will do!

This is my first day off in a week, I was woken up by the postal worker. I then waited for 2.5 hours for my phone to fully charge so I could make a true unboxing video :)
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twent4 said:
WiFi - Might be a router issue, but i cannot connect to the interwebz. Even removed all security from it, pandora still doesn't like the connection. My N97mini works just fine.
Does it connect but you can't get websites or anything, or does it actually just not connect at all?
If the former, try opening a terminal and typing "sudo ifconfig USB0 down". If the later... dunno.
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WizardStan said:
twent4 said:
WiFi - Might be a router issue, but i cannot connect to the interwebz. Even removed all security from it, pandora still doesn't like the connection. My N97mini works just fine.
Does it connect but you can't get websites or anything, or does it actually just not connect at all?
If the former, try opening a terminal and typing "sudo ifconfig USB0 down". If the later... dunno.

The issue is somewhere at the hardware layer, I somehow managed to obtain an IP once, but it dropped out. It keeps reasking me for my WPA key... again, after numerous reboots of everything involved, the phone connects instantly.
Thanks for the advice, saw that in the thread recommended by Paddy, still no luck. Will keep trying, reading, trying, cry---... umm, trying. Yeah. I'm a man.
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twent4 said:

There she is. Far from the best quality footage, sorry. After the video, i installed the 2 released packs and made the following observations.

Current outstanding issues:
Dpad "up" - much less sensitive than other directions, feels like it should register but i really gotta press it all the way down.
Left nub - erratic acceleration and direction. Tried hitting "reset nub", still acts up strage. Would go really fast to the right, crawl back to the left. Pulling left/right would often drag it up and down as well.
WiFi - Might be a router issue, but i cannot connect to the interwebz. Even removed all security from it, pandora still doesn't like the connection. My N97mini works just fine.

Personal nitpicks:
eeeh.. the shoulder buttons. they may take some getting used to, it feels like they dont always return to neutral, the satisfying *click* isn't a stable occurrence.
XFCE is clearly not meant to be operated with a finger, but to be fair, it was never advertised as such. MiniMenu seems to get confused regarding whether it recognizes the touch screen or not.
Buttons are actually bigger than i expected, the learning curve will be the same as with a new phone. Overall happy with build quality and first boot!

Any advice on the Wifi?

You can crank up the size of stuff in xfce if you like, might make it more finger friendly. (I actually use my finger on the menus and such far too often :)

Minimenu should work okay, but I never really tested the TS too much with it .. its fast enough I use the buttons.

I'm tempted to make it so if you hit an alphabetic/numeric key that it jumps to the first/closest matching app in the current tab, which mihgt make it faster to jump around as well.

But for TS it worked whenever I tried it :) At least, for changing tabs and running an app, it shoudl ork.. operating the select menu etc is not TS set up yet. If you find any issues, let us know :)

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since no one reads manuals ...

and since there is the battery first charge issue already talked around.
Yeah it was a total first-boot nitpick, I am messing around with settings and whatever I can find right now. As a gnome user, XFCE shouldn't be too hard to figure out. Thanks for the reply!
@DroneB Dev
I spend alot of time on these boards, but I've clearly missed something. Your contribution to this discussion is appreciated, and the links you provided to help me fix my problem have been bookmarked.
Type "sudo ifconfig usb0 down" in terminal without the "" and it might help you get on the web. You'll need to do it every reboot though until there's a fix. If that doesn't help ?
twent4 said:
Yeah it was a total first-boot nitpick, I am messing around with settings and whatever I can find right now. As a gnome user, XFCE shouldn't be too hard to figure out. Thanks for the reply!
@droneb Dev
I spend alot of time on these boards, but I've clearly missed something. Your contribution to this discussion is appreciated, and the links you provided to help me fix my problem have been bookmarked.

IIRC ED wrote that you should PLUG your Pandora before the first power on.
im no where talking about wifi issues.

maybe thats why some products have a big sheet of plastic with instructions taped to the screen since
its seems that no one check manuals.
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puppydee said:
Type "sudo ifconfig usb0 down" in terminal without the "" and it might help you get on the web. You'll need to do it every reboot though until there's a fix. If that doesn't help ?

Yeah that was the first thing i tried, and also commented out everything involved with the usb0 interface in the interfaces config file. No luck. Will keep trying.

DroneB Dev said:
IIRC ED wrote that you should PLUG your Pandora before the first power on.
im no where talking about wifi issues.

maybe thats why some products have a big sheet of plastic with instructions taped to the screen since
its seems that no one check manuals.

The first boot was not plugged in for the video's sake. All other configurations were performed with the power supply connected.
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^ It might be an AP problem. There was one other person I remember, who had a similar problem and was able to connect to a friend's AP just fine.
DroneB Dev said:


since no one reads manuals ...

and since there is the battery first charge issue already talked around.
Advisable, not always necessary
and certainly wouldnt have anything todo with is problems, flame elsewhere please

Thanks for speeding up the vid, Take note everybody :D

When did you get the shipping (before or after wifi was revised in the QC)
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emcp said:
Thanks for speeding up the vid, Take note everybody :D

When did you get the shipping (before or after wifi was revised in the QC)

This was actually a glitch while importing into Kino, but turned out very useful and I stuck with it.
Got Craig's mailing email on May 21st, guessing it was actually shipped the monday after. Did not check the packaging for the stamp, and already threw it out. Did anyone actually receive their Pandora with the wifi dongle? I thought no un-modified units were ever shipped out.
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twent4 said:
emcp said:
Thanks for speeding up the vid, Take note everybody :D

When did you get the shipping (before or after wifi was revised in the QC)

This was actually a glitch while importing into Kino, but turned out very useful and I stuck with it.
Got Craig's mailing email on May 21st, guessing it was actually shipped the monday after. Did not check the packaging for the stamp, and already threw it out. Did anyone actually receive their Pandora with the wifi dongle? I thought no un-modified units were ever shipped out.
They werent

but a few had dead wifi (one on the first day)
Op was notified of this and over the next couple of days started to change the QC to include wifi
(myabe yours was one of the first)

even then the fix was done by hand, by one person who had to get through 700 of them in a couple of days, thats demanding work
(i have no knowledge of the board, so maybe some better qualified could say something)
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