Beta Uae4All Additions

john4p said:
Tried it and nub-input isn't working in any control mode (you used to be able to use the nubs as mouse in joystick-mode, too). Well, there's nothing in the UAE4All code which made the nubs stop working as mouse-input. In fact they were only working because they're the mouse-input coming from Linux. Notaz' SDL seems to block/ignore this input. I don't know how to make the nub-input work again. Any pointers are appreciated.
How about just using nub input directly in analog mode?
My SDL hack doesn't use X so it doesn't receive any mouse events.
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Of course I'd gladly do that. But I don't know how. Can you provide some example code? Is the input recognized by the sdl?

edit: found this in the FAQ:
Basic Pandora specific SDL Information

SDL maps the controls on the Pandora in the following fashion:

* The Left and Right nubs are represented as Joystick 1 and 2.
* The D-Pad is linked to SDLK_LEFT/RIGHT/UP/DOWN.
* The abxy / lr buttons are (A):home (B ) :end (X):pgdn (Y):pgup (L):right shift (R ): right ctrl

But in UAE4All the undocumented "gamepad-mode" is used. I assume that probably changes the nub-input, too (or doesn't recognize it at all).
@john4p - here is you binary with the new readme, PXML (with version numbers, logo, etc.) I've posted the PND on the repo and openhandhelds. You will notice that some of the folders are missing from this .rar (kickstarts, scripts, etc). These needed to be removed so that the PND can create them on startup if installing from scratch. You can put your folders back in the use4all directory if you want to run from

Thanks for your work, any luck with the nubs?
No luck with the nubs. I don't get sdl input. They're supposed to be mapped to sdl joy0 and joy1 according to this site's wiki - but seems like that's not the case with notaz' modified sdl.

edit: Great work with the updated Readme, tuki_cat - thanks! :)
As an alternative (and temporary solution) here's the current version using the old SDL (with working nubs, but unstable vsync):

@tuki_cat: Could you please PND this, too, and put it up as alternative UAE4All version?
Maybe name it UAE4All_nub - both PNDs could use the same appdata-contents.

Hi, when II saw you updated the pnd file I noticed the preview pic was broken, I thought I had a bug in my code but I didnt.

in your pxml you wrongly labled your previewpic src as "uae_pvw.png" when in fact it is a jpeg not a png.
I have now included extra checks to make sure I don't display a broken image, however in your case the preview pic exists but my site does not show it because of the PXML error.

as part of my bug hunt i extracted the PXML file and noticed it was old so i came up with a more modern version you should probably use.

please edit where needed.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- This is a sample PXML.xml file making use of many different things.-->
<PXML xmlns="">

  <package id="uae4all">

    <version major="1" minor="1" release="1" build="16" type="release"/>

    <author name="Various" website=""/>

      <title lang="en_US">UAE4ALL</title>

      <description lang="en_US">A fast and optimized Amiga 500 Emulator</description>
      <description lang="de_DE">Ein schneller und optimierter Amiga 500 Emulator</description>

    <icon src="uae.png"/>


  <application id="uae4all">
    <exec command=""/>

    <version major="1" minor="1" release="1" build="16" type="release"/> <!--This program's version-->
    <osversion major="1" minor="0" release="0" build="0"/><!--The minimum OS version required-->

    <author name="Chui, Various" website=""/> <!--Optional email and website, name required-->

      <title lang="en_US">UAE4ALL</title>
    <title lang="en_US">UAE4ALL</title> <!--Extra <title> block for compatibility with OS versions before HF6-->

      <description lang="en_US">A fast and optimized Amiga 500 Emulator</description>
      <description lang="de_DE">Ein schneller und optimierter Amiga 500 Emulator</description>
      <description lang="en_US">A fast and optimized Amiga 500 Emulator</description><!--Extra <description> block for compatibility with OS versions before HF6-->
      <description lang="de_DE">Ein schneller und optimierter Amiga 500 Emulator</description><!--Extra <description> block for compatibility with OS versions before HF6-->
    <icon src="uae.png"/>

      <license name="GPL" url="" sourcecodeurl=""/><!--Optional url and sourcecodeurl, mandatory name-->

      <pic src="uae_pvw.jpg"/>

    <info name="UAE4ALL ReadMe" type="txt/html" src="Readme_Pandora.txt"/>

    <!--the categories has to conform to the FDO categories, those will be enforced by the schema and libpnd!-->
      <category name="Game"><!--Main category: a category like "Game", "Graphics", "Network", etc-->
        <subcategory name="Emulator"/><!--Subcategory 1: a subcategory, like "BoardGame", "StrategyGame", "ActionGame"-->

      <!--File associations, with a short description, an extension, and start params.-->
      <!--<association name="View Word File" filetype="application/msword" exec="-f %s -t doc"/>

    <clockspeed frequency="600"/><!--Frequency in Hz-->


Thanks once again for the updates. I am an old GP2X user so really can appreciate how much work has been done to that version to get to where we are now.

I appreciate probably loads of work but being able to select the cores and resolution within the application and being able to save them for each game would be a massive gui step forward.

Liking the drives showing separately - much nicer.
john4p said:
As an alternative (and temporary solution) here's the current version using the old SDL (with working nubs, but unstable vsync):

@tuki_cat: Could you please PND this, too, and put it up as alternative UAE4All version?
Maybe name it UAE4All_nub - both PNDs could use the same appdata-contents.

@john4p - no problem, I'll PND it up in morning and post it in the usual places.

@milkshake - thanks for your work and the pxml, I will take a look tomorrow when I PND the nubs version.
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Hi all,

Here is a temporary PND with the nubs working but unstable vsync. Unfortunately I could not get it to share the uae4all folder as this seems to confuse minimenu/xfce, so I have named it UAE4ALL_NUBS. I'm sure it can be done but I can't work it out. (the PND is in the rar below)

I don't plan to upload this to the repo etc at the moment and haven't yet used milkshake new pxml as I'm short on time today, but it will help anyone who wants to use the nubs for the mouse until a fix can hopefully be found. I think at this stage "UAE4ALL1.1.1.16" can remain the "official" version for the time being.

@milkshake when we go to the next version I will use your new pxml - are you able to send or post the pxml file for me? I can't cut and paste the text in the spoiler.

john4p - here is the binary
tuki_cat said:
Hi all,

Here is a temporary PND with the nubs working but unstable vsync. Unfortunately I could not get it to share the uae4all folder as this seems to confuse minimenu/xfce, so I have named it UAE4ALL_NUBS. I'm sure it can be done but I can't work it out. (the PND is in the rar below)

I don't plan to upload this to the repo etc at the moment and haven't yet used milkshake new pxml as I'm short on time today, but it will help anyone who wants to use the nubs for the mouse until a fix can hopefully be found. I think at this stage "UAE4ALL1.1.1.16" can remain the "official" version for the time being.

@milkshake when we go to the next version I will use your new pxml - are you able to send or post the pxml file for me? I can't cut and paste the text in the spoiler.

john4p - here is the binary
Great, thanks again! :)

And yes, the version with stable vsync & doublebuffering (but without nub-input) shall stay the regular/official version.
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tuki_cat said:
Unfortunately I could not get it to share the uae4all folder as this seems to confuse minimenu/xfce, so I have named it UAE4ALL_NUBS. I'm sure it can be done but I can't work it out.

ok this is easy you do this in the PXML

<application id="uniqueID" appdata="dirname">
  <!--All other elements described in this section (exec, author...) should be put here-->

see the application tag above, it has id and appdata, if no appdata is specified it automatically uses the id name.
so all u need to do to make it work in XFCE and minimenu give your temp nub version a new id which u already have done but to make it share the same appdata directory just specify it using appdata="appdata_dir".

here you go, this does not include the appdata bit in the applications XML element so if you need to specifiy it then make the change if not just leave as is.
if you get time u might want to take a look here
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First of all, john4p, thank you very much for changing the GUI in the May 3 revision that's on the repo. It's a lot easier to use now.

I got it to crash, though... here's the .out file:

PND_ARGS        : -p /media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/menu//uae4all.pnd -e -b uae4all -c 600
PND             : /media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/menu//uae4all.pnd
PND_FSTYPE      : Squashfs
APPDATADIR      : /media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/appdata/uae4all
APPDD_FSTYPE    : vfat
EXENAME         :
ARGUMENTS       : <unset>
[23h13m19   START ]=== Mount the PND ==================================================
[23h13m19    INFO ]   Mounting : mount -t squashfs "/dev/loop1" "/mnt/pnd/uae4all"
[23h13m20    INFO ]   Mounting the Union FS : mount -t aufs -o exec,noplink,dirs="/media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/appdata/uae4all=rw+nolwh":"/mnt/pnd/uae4all=rr" none "/mnt/utmp/uae4all"
[23h13m20 SUCCESS ]=== Mount the PND ==================================================
[23h13m20   START ]=== Set CPU speed ==================================================
[23h13m21    INFO ]   Setting to CPU-Speed 600 MHz
[23h13m21    INFO ]   /usr/pandora/scripts/ line 35: [: too many arguments
[23h13m21    INFO ]   cpu_mhz_max set to 600
[23h13m21 SUCCESS ]=== Set CPU speed ==================================================
[23h13m22   START ]=== Starting the application ( ) ===========================
[23h13m22    INFO ]   mkdir: cannot create directory `saves': File exists
[23h13m37    INFO ]   oshide: open /dev/tty: No such device or address
[23h20m22    INFO ]   Segmentation fault
[23h20m22 SUCCESS ]=== Starting the application ( ) ===========================
[23h20m23   START ]=== Reset CPU speed to 600 =========================================
[23h20m23    INFO ]   /usr/pandora/scripts/ line 35: [: too many arguments
[23h20m23    INFO ]   cpu_mhz_max set to 600
[23h20m24 SUCCESS ]=== Reset CPU speed to 600 =========================================
[23h20m24   START ]=== uMount the PND =================================================
[23h20m24    INFO ]   cleanup done
[23h20m24 SUCCESS ]=== uMount the PND =================================================
Return code is : 0

I was trying to run Fast Food, and it crashed as soon as I loaded it and pressed "reset".

Also, this may be a bit weird, but a few of the games I tried out had looping splashscreens before the actual game started, and I couldn't get past those screens no matter what button I pressed. So I couldn't actually enter into the game. Anyone else had that problem?

Also, one more thing: when I select a file to put into a disk slot, could you allow some way of seeing the full file name? Many of the file names are very long and go off the edge of the screen, and I can't see which disk # it is. I guess maybe this could be done by adding a horizontal scrollbar, or by wrapping the text to a second line...
Glad you like the new menu.

Esn said:
I was trying to run Fast Food, and it crashed as soon as I loaded it and pressed "reset".
Probably the filename of that game is a problem. Try renaming the ADF to Fast Food.adf (so no special characters) - then it should work.
Brackets are no problem either, so a filename like Lemmings (Disk 2).adf is fine, too.

edit: Let's assume your filename is Fast Food! (1990)(Codemasters)[cr SKR].adf. ;)
UAE4All would have a problem with the ! in the filename.
Fast Food (1990)(Codemasters)[cr SKR].adf should be okay.

Esn said:
Also, this may be a bit weird, but a few of the games I tried out had looping splashscreens before the actual game started, and I couldn't get past those screens no matter what button I pressed. So I couldn't actually enter into the game. Anyone else had that problem?
Mostly you have to press the left (or right) mousebutton on those demos by the cracking groups. In the current version the nub input doesn't work so you have to press START once to switch to mouse emulation mode and then press L for the left mousebutton (R for the right button).
Later press START twice to switch back to joystick control mode.
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Thanks... Supaplex also crashes in the same way. Its name doesn't seem to have any such characters, though. EDIT: never mind, I was being stupid and accidentally loaded an extra disk...

EDIT2: Actually, Supaplex doesn't run. It gets as far as the title screen (after a long wait) then it just stays in a black screen forever. Has anyone else had any luck getting it to run? I loved playing it on my PC...

I didn't realize that L/R are the mouse clicks; thought it was the right nub. ;)

Also, I edited my previous post with another request... any chance that long filenames can be split into 2 lines or a horizontal scrollbar added?

One more question: does the difference between "doubled pixels" and "640x480" still hold - namely that the latter, which uses hardware scaling, is faster?

Also, can it be made possible to switch cores without quitting and restarting the emulator?
Esn said:
Supaplex doesn't run. It gets as far as the title screen (after a long wait) then it just stays in a black screen forever. Has anyone else had any luck getting it to run? I loved playing it on my PC...
You could try UAE or Cyclone core if it hangs with FAME/C.

Esn said:
I didn't realize that L/R are the mouse clicks; thought it was the right nub. ;)
The right nub used to work, too - but not anymore.

Esn said:
Also, I edited my previous post with another request... any chance that long filenames can be split into 2 lines or a horizontal scrollbar added?
You can hold SELECT in the fileload menu to display the full filename.

Esn said:
One more question: does the difference between "doubled pixels" and "640x480" still hold - namely that the latter, which uses hardware scaling, is faster?
Yes. But most games are still full speed with doubled pixels mode so you won't notice a speed difference.
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@milkshake - thanks, really useful.

Based on the above I have built a PND for the nubs version that shares the appdata folder with the standard version. I don't have the means to post this now but will post it in this thread tonight when I'm home
Thanks for the answers, john4p...

Supaplex does run, but you have to wait an absurdly long time for it to start. Also, sound effects don't seem to work.

Star Control is listed as working on the GD compatibility list, but for me it resets right after I catch a brief glimpse of the title screen. I guess I'll try some other cores to see if it helps.
For some reason while playing a game for a while the pandora goes to sleep. Brilliantly you can wake it up by wiggling one of the nubs (so they are still alive under there...), but shouldn't it prevent the screen turning off and the pandora getting underclocked while I'm actually in the middle of playing the game?
Try "xset s off" in a terminal before starting uae4all. Does that solve the problem?