Triple Triad X

Lobo posted on Jul 22 2006 at 10:22 PM said:
13 Years old? If it's a girl, then she's getting to that age were her Dad needs to buy a shotgun hehe.

I've got a few years left before I need to buy mine, but maybe a shop would cut us a deal if we all buy at the same time ;)

She's at that age already....i'm starting to twitch now! Unfortunately her mum "shares" the time of month so you can imagine what its like! I just curl up on the sofa with my GP and play (Liquid war at the moment is my fave). Unfortunately here in the UK were not allowed to buy guns...if only :lol:
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Just to get a bit back on topic ;)

Any news about the next version? Is the dev still around?
Hello, I am still around :)

I promise I will continue working on this, that has always been my promise. So do not fear if silence happens for a little bit, I will always be back - besides with such a charming familly conversation going on how could I interupt? :)

Despite the promise however I won't make blatantly false suggestions that TTX is the only thing I have to do and as im totally not being paid or supported thus far for this it isnt going to be my highest priority - its alot of fun and I will keep on working on it until its finished however :)

Yesterday and today I designed a wooden cabinate type thing for the top of my desk, bought the wood, cut it and assembled it. Im just putting my bedroom back together now - my desk was far too cluttered before with 3 montiors, two pc's, a stereo, etc, so I had to design some sort of unit to put it all in xD I've also been building myself an headphone amplfier which I hope to use a) with my GP2X and B) as a pre-amp for my guitar. So thats why i;ve been a bit quiet :)

The bug reports are excellent, keep them coming! I'm most disturbed by the fact that when the card values were displayed wrong the values seem to be random - thats bad. Just statically wrong values would be a simple error in me inputting the data, random values is.. I dunno! could be overlooking an array index and pulling random garbage values out of no where or something is reading from the wrong deck (likely), either way I will look into that the moment I have some time.

and im pretty sure someone asked: Yes, I will release full source code to Triple Triad X in full as well as the editing suite and hopfully a couple of short documentson the file formats and how the script engine works for people who want to modify these things for their own purposes.
I guess I am centering on the negative of TTX while not saying anything positive about it.
I know I've been posting a lot about the bugs I've found, but I should also mention that it really is a GREAT game!
brief update to let you know what i've been doing since my last reply (im not all lazyness you know!)

biggest new feature is proper, full speed, mod playback. using mikmod or sdl_mixer was taking the fps down to between 10 or 20 in my first attempts! But using the kindly released source from matke's smashgp i was able to bodge together a sound library which is working at very awesome speeds - in the middle of the main field where the engine is currently at its most stressed im getting a fps range between 47 and 55 fps which is more than acceptable, doesnt even notice due to timer based logic code :)

fixed the multiple card selection bug after you finished a game of triple triad and also increased the allowed distance between you and an npc for interaction. will try and fix the weird card value bug people are experiancing before next beta release but request a little help with it:

can anyone find ANY kind of pattern to this bug? does it happen when you place a card or only when the AI places a card? when it happens is it always on the same sort of squares? also, and this is important because its what i suspect is happening.. are the values that are displayed wrong in the bottom of the screen correct for any of the other cards in yours or your oponents hand? play against the old man who uses the Open rule so you can see your oponents hand.

thanks much!
Great news about the music and the bug fixes!

Anyway, here are my findings about that "random values" bug after extensive checking:

-- The bug can happen to you and to your opponent.
-- The "value swapping" actually happens when a card is flipped: at that moment the flipped card takes the values from one of the cards in the opponents cards.
-- The values the losing (flipped) card takes always come from the winners cards.
-- The values it takes can come from any card the winner has in that particular triad game: it could be from a card already placed or from one which still has to be placed.

I hope this helps! If you need any more info let me know, but to reproduce the bug you just have to play a hand and watch all the cards each time you flip (or get flipped).

Also, and if you don't mind, some other little things you might look at for the next beta:

* When selecting cards for a triad match, could the list be ordered from highest level card to lowest level? It's a bit fo a pain to always have to scroll down to the end to find my good cards. :)
* Also, it would be handy to be able to DE-select a card at that time: sometimes I choose the wrong one by accident, and then I have to play with it because there's no turning back!
* As well as being able to buy cards in the shop, could [I'm stupid spammer] duplicate cards we might have?
I belive I have fixed the big bug :) I have to publically say thanks Lobo, your bug report was what enabled me to figure it out! I was thinking COMPLETLY along the wrong lines until I came back to double check your information.

I had experianced in the past an inability to flip cards that I should of been able to flip. so i was looking for that as the bug of wrong info until I came back and realised you were saying it ALWAYS happened to cards that have just been flipped. What it is is that there is a set of data for each player about the cards they went into the game with and the gameboard is another set of data containing a card id and owner for each cell. when looking up card stats from the board it refrences the card id against the data beloning to the "owner". when flipped, the owner changes... so it was looking in the oposit deck! now there is an additional property, "OriginalOwner" which has solved the data display problems.

then I realised oh smeg, the entire calculations for a turn are based off the same principle, its ALL been wrong until now - its pure fluke triple triad was working at all! so I just spent an hour fixing that up properly and i've managed to reduce and clean the code to such an extent that the final executable has now got smaller in size just from trimming the triad portion of the engine! hah! so yes, well done lobo :)

so lets see, proper data display, turns calculated properly, music.. new beta time almost! but as a little thankyou I think I will try and implement some of your feature requests first :)

ja ne.
objects not yet, npc's i have increased the required distance that you need to be near them for it to register the action button - one step a time though, im working down a list here :)
Heheh. Yeah, I realised my post could be seen as sort of demanding and needy. Sorry about that. ^_^

I was just asking since that was really the one thing I had noticed that was sort of an "aaargh" thing. It's an awesome thingy, though. I wouldn't even bother mentioning bugs if I didn't think it showed some promise. :)
Great work for sorting the bug out man: glad I could help!

Now the next beta is really gonna rock!
np about the bump, more coverage i get the better :P

right been a little out of it due to teeth problems and probably will be a bit more as i have several more appointments lined up to sort out this appauling mouth of mine. i have a true dislike for dentists (let me clarify, dental surgery, not the dentists themselfs :P) and needles and in a joyus twist of irony I get them all at once :P

aside from that i have been working on yet another sound engine for ttx xD this time trying to make ogg files go on the second processor, about time I made use of that thing. Dzz has been a great help and I been making good progress on that. Still, the next beta may still use mod music - all depends on wether or not I finish the ogg engine before NoName finishes the last mod required for the beta release ^^

will keep you informed when I can :)
hi guys

i'm currently posting from a friends pc. my hard drive has failed on my main and i've been without for some time :/ the drive litrally grinded to a halt - i was busy going through my stocks of pc equipment and throwing out all my old junk whilst dancing to jpop (probably what did it, darn you morning musume!) and suddenly my pc just ground to a halt whilst i wasnt even using it and the drive just makes clicking noises :(

i've ordered a new 160gb sata drive (replacing a 60gb pata drive so at least thats something) and as long as the delivery estimate is correct it should arrive on friday. Until then there is no way for me to see the "real" damage that has been done, all my recent development was on that drive. TTX source does exist in other places but i dont know how old it is so that will be the first thing im figuring out. I have a horriable feeling i've lost all the work I did to the card part of the engine where i rewrote the AI and did the bug fixes named above :/ All the work i've been doing on ogg decompression on the second processor is not a complete loss however as I was working on it here at my friends house when we were having a coding binge so i have a recent backup of that.

I wont stop workings on TTX because I promised myself I wouldnt - when I have a pc back I will let you know how much damage has been caused though :/ It may take me a while to bring whatever source I can find back up to date, pray/cross your fingers that the damage isnt too severe!

-A really miffed off Sephnroth
:( Bummer man! Why do these things always seem to happen to the really promising stuff.

I'm paranoid about this kinda stuff so I make a backup every week or my stuff, and my really important stuff I back up every single time I make significant modifications.
I picked up a good habit as of late, everytime I compile a slightly modified binary for the GP2X, I quickly zip the source files and dump the them on the SD along with the binaries. Fail-proof really :)

I hope you'll be able to recover your work, you have my sympathies. :)

- Alex
not good news, last accessable source backup I can find is from the 29th of the 5th.. this might take a while to fix up so don't hold your breath for that beta -_- I promise you though, I *AM* working on it activly even as we speak and will try to bring the source back up to standard. Will just have to go backwards through this thread and find all the stuff I fixed and worked on and do it again :x