Active Member
Heute hat eine Sephnroth erste öffentlichte Beta von "Triple Triad X" herausgegeben.
Soweit ich mich erinnern kann ist es am Kartenspiel von FF9 angelegt, bin mir da aber nicht so sicher, da ich es noch nicht angespielt habe ^^
Zitat vom Originalthread a uf Gp32x.com
Link zum Beitrag:
Download: http://www.melted.com/ftpup/dave/ttx/ttxbeta170706b.zip
PS: Me for News-Mod
Soweit ich mich erinnern kann ist es am Kartenspiel von FF9 angelegt, bin mir da aber nicht so sicher, da ich es noch nicht angespielt habe ^^
Zitat vom Originalthread a uf Gp32x.com
Finally - thanks for all your patience guys, the beta is here.
It was ready last night but could you belive that all two of my webservers - both completly seperate - were inaccessiable? My local one is still dead too!
Anyway, this beta contains most of north village, alot of the houses are "locked" just so I could get this out there but there are two quests to complete, a couple of things to buy should you want them, lots of people to talk to and people to play triad against. EXPECT BUGS! Also READ THE README - i know people like to just skip them and get streight to the games but its important - it contains the controls, known bugs and issues which you really oughta read and how to properly report bugs that you find!
Again sorry its taken so long but for the past 4/5 months I just havnt seemed to be able to get 5 minutes to myself. Its always been someones birthday or someone is visiting or some vital thing needs doing :/ I even had a birthday!
here is the file:
It should be fully playable and the quests should all be completable - i was up till around 4am last night fixing the last of the major bugs and I think I got them all. But this is a beta and you are my testers smile.gif Also, as the readme mentions, sorry that theres alot of small files as part of this distrobution making the copy to SD a little slower than is comfortable - ultimatly things like that will be in one large pack file to solve this problem, but during dev im changing these files so much atm its easier to leave them loose.
Finally, I don't usually go in for this, but anyone wanting to support development of this I will gladly accept donations via paypal as right now im totally broke and unemployed. Donations would likely go towards gp2x equipment like a power supply (so im not changing batteries every 5 hours and can just leave the thing networked) and a breakout box.
donate to:
Thanks all and enjoy! Let me know how it goes, im always interested in feedback smile.gif
Link zum Beitrag:
Download: http://www.melted.com/ftpup/dave/ttx/ttxbeta170706b.zip
PS: Me for News-Mod