there is no hurry for your deck subin - decks can be added at any time by the player themself. i flatter myself to think that maybe one day i will have a website with a collection of decks on it for people to pick and choose from and add to. You have no deadline for your deck 
anyway i been a bit lazy again - theres been all sorts of stuff going on. yah yah one excuse after another innit >>; i will come clean and confess that some of the time when i could of been working on ttx i was actually playing ragnarok online instead but hey, im allowed recreation right? XD
anyway shush because its 6am now and i have been working on ttx most of the night
Shop code nearly finished. I expanded the script function repitoire so you can script shop data in npc's instead of just static shops (which means i could say, for example, have one npc with a shop with nice stuff in it but he wont sell to you until you have got an item off another npc and given it to him or until you have talked to his mate to get recommended or whatever) which is nice and shops are totally in the engine now, im just working on actually displaying them.
i have the window interface for the shops all laid out and being drawn to the screen, i just need to add the items into the windows and allow you to select them for purchessing now.
then i will make the front end menu for the game and then i will release a 1-map beta. when i release that beta i will make a new thread for it somewhere more obvious on this forum, but will link to it here
anyway im not dead and im getting there! stay tuned.
anyway i been a bit lazy again - theres been all sorts of stuff going on. yah yah one excuse after another innit >>; i will come clean and confess that some of the time when i could of been working on ttx i was actually playing ragnarok online instead but hey, im allowed recreation right? XD
anyway shush because its 6am now and i have been working on ttx most of the night
i have the window interface for the shops all laid out and being drawn to the screen, i just need to add the items into the windows and allow you to select them for purchessing now.
then i will make the front end menu for the game and then i will release a 1-map beta. when i release that beta i will make a new thread for it somewhere more obvious on this forum, but will link to it here
anyway im not dead and im getting there! stay tuned.