quick update time!
Just quickly letting you know what i've been upto. The engine has had a few mods but nothing special or really worthy of note - a few speed ups in places.
Mostly whilst ill (im much better now btw, still groggy and my sleep patterns are all to cock but at least i can eat without hurling now
) i was designing and slowly building an editing suite for TTX to make content creation a damn sight easier. I got all my little editors, but they are dodgey quick jobs so i could create stuff to test the engine with. The map editor for example was 320x240, same as a gp2x screen - theres absolutly no good reason for that resolution when im creating content on the pc, all it means is more scrolling and more dev time.
None of editors for anything had a gui, they worked off obscure shortcut combinations and lots of shortcuts were taken when creating them. Certainly couldnt be used by 3rd parties or fans trying to create extra content for the game. Now i've been creating REAL maps of large sizes and whatnot the inadequecy of the content editors became even more painfully obvious.
So, ladies and gentlemen, i present to you the beginings of the TTX Editing Suite:
Screen Shot
warning! Im about to run off to do some important stuff and im being hurried along as we speak, screenshot was thus taken really fast and not edited! It is just a full dump of my desktop rather than just the interesting bits, big picture! (1280x1024) - file size about 260k, anyone still useing 56k modems may want to read a book.
The general idea is that this will be one set of utilities that are self contained in a central app and present easy to use editors for everything. The map editor is brain dead simple and can be completly navigated with a mouse (or optionally using sensical shortcut keys) and anyone should be able to use it. The npc editor will allow you to edit some simple data in english and will generate the ini files for you (you can, of course, still create them in a text editor of your choice). The deck editor will be GUI driven as well.
And yes theres a greyed out script box. Im still not sure, but i seem to be being pushed towards implementing scripting support so I may end up breaking out the old LUA engine. If I do the script editor will be a mini code editor which will check scripts as you're writing them, etc.
Scripting opens up a whole world of possibilities, triggers, in game quests etc and would make the overworld alot more interesting for sure. Im still not certain its the route i want to go, but i recently joined up again with Will, my old partner in crime - he tends to do map editing and creation for me when im working on decent projects (he worked on me with Iro which won 4th out of 54 in the TGC puzzle game competition) and hes pushing me to either add scripting so he can make funky overworld things or just scrap the overworld >>; im not doing the latter so..
One thing that worries me is i built these the only way i know how, with SDL and *ducks* winapi. Not linux compatiable == not good as i know at least half of you guys use linux. Dont worry I havnt forgotten you and I will sort something out for you.
What I do like about this set of utils though is its all running off on my second monitor and i have the real game engine and source code open on my primary testing things as i go. Now i just need to hook my GP2X back up to my terminal and i will have a very leet setup of deving awesomeness, mwahahaha! ...yes *coughs* right.
gotta run! will keep you updated, hopfully more screenies soon.