Tiny speed comparison. Pyra vs Raspberry Pi3 vs core2duo vs i7


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Sep 28, 2011
Some of you mightlike to compare the Pyra with other devices.
Here is a compile speed test. I did not change any settings. Simply qmake and make.
I'm working on a Qt application for University. Here is how it compiles on my devices.

The competitors:
RasPi: Raspberry Pi 3
Pyra: Pyra clocked at 1GHz
core2Duo: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU @ 3.06GHz
i7: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4720HQ CPU @ 2.60GH

make-j x
x: Number of threads.

   Raspberry       Pyra       core2Duo        i7

make -j1
real   1m55.815s   1m44.447s   0m32,757s   0m18,095s
user   1m50.880s   1m34.538s   0m30,008s   0m16,588s
sys    0m4.570s     0m6.624s   0m2,858s   0m1,504s

make -j2
real   1m6.784s   0m55.312s   0m18,807s   0m9,905s
user   2m2.990s   1m37.325s   0m32,338s   0m17,332s
sys    0m4.940s   0m6.337s    0m3,110s   0m1,565s

make -j4
real   1m0.333s   0m56.201s   0m19,207s   0m5,609s
user   3m31.850s   1m39.809s   0m33,458s   0m18,502s
sys    0m9.260s      0m6.395s   0m3,172s    0m1,620s

make -j8
real   1m3.591s   0m55.466s   0m19,636s   0m4,844s
user   3m51.570s   1m40.318s   0m34,586s   0m30,121s
sys    0m10.280s   0m6.691s   0m3,247s     0m2,284s

As you can see the Pyra is a lot slower than the Intel core 2 duo. That said I did upgrade my Laptop and that is the fastest mobile core 2 duo available.

With that in mind now I do not expect the Pyra any more to become as fast and responsive as my Laptops are.

Luckily we are faster than the Raspberry Pi3. :)
So you can see the OMAP5 is still faster than the more recent A53 cores.

I have now a Raspberry and it feels really slow compared to other devices. I did expect more. The Desktop is fluid but programs take log to load as well as websites do.
I'm looking forward to do such a comparison again with hopefully an A75 SOC board ;)

If you want me to do some sped comparisons just let me know.
If there are not too much dependencies it might be fun to get some more numbers ;)

BTW I'm a bit disappointed when comparing my two laptops. The core2duo is six years older than the i7 and the i7 is not even twice as fast...
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The raspberry pi was running on a 32 or 64 bit kernel? It can make quite a diference depending on the workload.
Odd, for me RPi3 seems extremely slower for daily use in my opinion than the OMAP5 devboard, not just marginally slower, I mean really slow.
Odd, for me RPi3 seems extremely slower for daily use in my opinion than the OMAP5 devboard, not just marginally slower, I mean really slow.

A minimal raspbian install with qupzilla and Lxde isn't bad at all. I use one as a media server/mini desktop.

I would be curious to see the same benchmark of a1ghz Pandora to round out the numbers
We're still talking about highly different form factors. Would be great to compare with netbooks and GPDs. Plus I'd be curious about running them all on their highest common speed, like 1.5 GHz maybe ?

I'm still thinking we're at a crossroads when it comes to CPUs.
Last year I chose Kaby Lake (got screwed, yeah) over Ryzen because at the moment, few of my programs make use of many cores and Intel is still better in both frequency and performance per cycle.

The OMAP5 might still do well on everyday use, it's easier to leave multiple processes open and forget them with Android.
Whatever people might say, considering a balance between security, versatility, performance and useability, at the moment Linux is the best possible choice for the platform.
...and yet I'm writing this under Win10, so no personal bias here :D
Odd, for me RPi3 seems extremely slower for daily use in my opinion than the OMAP5 devboard, not just marginally slower, I mean really slow.
Isn't that because here the compilation is using all threads with the Pyra having 2 strong cores and the Raspberry Pi 3 having weak cores but 4 of them ?
BTW I'm a bit disappointed when comparing my two laptops. The core2duo is six years older than the i7 and the i7 is not even twice as fast...

doing a quick lookup : https://www.cpubenchmark.net/compare.php?cmp[]=2448&cmp[]=955

should be factor 4 not 2 so your build system probably has a lot of file activity going on which slows down the results also the sdcard interface on a Raspberry (even the 3 one) is quite slow

we are used to SSD speeds these days, try going back to a HDD and your brand new computer feels really sluggish all of a sudden too |-)
Pyra at 1GHz I guess ?

Oh, right.
I thought it was unlocked to 1.5 GHz already.
I did remember incorrectly then.
It's still running at 1 GHz.
Then we can expect some speed up :)

But 1.5 GHz gets really hot really fast AFAIK.
It depends on the cooling system how long it can run at that speed.
But for Desktop usage and peak performance we did not hit the limit ;)

Maybe @ptitSeb has some experience now with the cooling system.
Does it compile larger projects now and stays stable at 1 GHz?

should be factor 4 not 2 so your build system probably has a lot of file activity going on which slows down the results also the sdcard interface on a Raspberry (even the 3 one) is quite slow
It seems like Qmake links to a lot libraries. There is a lot activity on the file system I guess.
But both laptops are running on SSD.
And both Raspberry and Pyra are running on a UHS-I Micro SD-Card. So it should be somewhat compareable I guess.
We're still talking about highly different form factors. Would be great to compare with netbooks and GPDs. Plus I'd be curious about running them all on their highest common speed, like 1.5 GHz maybe ?

I'm still thinking we're at a crossroads when it comes to CPUs.
Last year I chose Kaby Lake (got screwed, yeah) over Ryzen because at the moment, few of my programs make use of many cores and Intel is still better in both frequency and performance per cycle

The GPD Win and Win2 are a lot faster than the Pyra, of course.

Then again, you can easily hear the fan of the GPD Win 2 10m away... My Parents asked my what that noise is when I was at home.

So it's either fast or silent.

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Ok, thats maybe the reason why everybody said Rigs of Rods ditnt work on Pyra, but i used it succesfully on my GPD Win..
So whe can say: The GPD WIN is the fastes PC in my Houshold ??
I also prefer the silence of the Pyra.
And many more features.
Some years ago I used the Pandora for everything on the go ;)

Compared to that the Pyra feels like twice the gap between the Pyra and the Laptop.
Most things start instantly and work fluently.
For me compiling is the only thing that needs a fast CPU.
And now I'm used so much to my Laptop that I can not say how much developement I will do on my Pyra.

Still, if there will be a more recent and much faster CPU board I like the idea of a docking station and all in one device.
Don't get me wrong. If you have not over expensive gaming Laptops or so or slightly older hardware, then the Pyra will be a perfect desktop machine :)
Really it boggles my mind how even things as complicated as gtk2 or even the vanilla linux kernel back in the late 90s got developed. Each build and test cycle would give you the chance to boil the kettle and brew a cup of tea. Though it's fair to say the increase in complexity of projects more recently is probably largely down to the ability to suddenly build quite big things, and not give your mind time to wander off to more mundane stuff while you're waiting for it.
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Each build and test cycle would give you the chance to boil the kettle and brew a cup of tea.
