Things That You Want To See Running...

If all goes well, we should be seeing next week some videos with first final assembled unit. I was just thinking how cool it would be to see "Second Reality" demo running in dosbox, on that unit. And then I thought that probably others would like to see something too :)

Of course I'm not expecting Craig to actually take hint from this thread (which however would be nice ;) ), but let's discuss here about what would be cool to see running on the first assembled unit :)
i would like to see amiga running on it more with the use of the keyboard and maybe some more psx emulation on a more intensive game...
Anything, so long as it provides me with a reasonable idea of what owning one of these things will be like. It's one thing to see a dev unit with just a screen and external keyboard and whatever to gauge speed, but to see the same thing in someone's hands or even just running on the final design, it just makes it a lot more real. Once I get that is when I really start getting excited.
$ du -sh test.wav
30.2 MB
$ time oggenc -q4 test.wav
real 0m20.312s :lol:

dunno, many things :)

the Amiga emulator running cannon fodder, populous 2, or whatever game/demo you have...
Scummvm (is it already ported?) running monkey island, day of the tentacle, simon the sorcerer, beneath a steel sky, or whatever you have...
dosbox running... dunno... curse of enchantia, battle chess? anything, really
mplayer playing any of those ~350MB avi files that are everywhere around ...

just ideas ;)
A shell prompt running ping, demonstrating the wireless is working in the assembled case.

I'd also love to see someone actually using the keypad, even though that may not work too well on the video (hands in the way!). "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog". I'm guessing the very fastest thumb typer could get perhaps 3cps out of that keypad. That could be done at the shell prompt too.. :)
This isn't exactly a video, but I want some realistic battery tests. I'm very curious to know just how close we can get to that oft-quoted 100 hours of mp3 playback estimate.
c) all of the above?
yeah wifi working (and distance and material test), a quick game test, and then prolonged battery use would be my top choices, if those are met then everything else should work, within reason
(In order) Camera panning around finished unit, opening and closing of screen, power on, what menu looks like (so far), and running games (hopefully) from menu.
TiEmu (well, yeah, quite useful for university, when I don't want to have one device in each pocket)
A web browser displaying youtube, a webmail, and some few other pages in different tabs.
A video player.
And, erm... compiling linux kernel on pandora!
MilanC said:
TiEmu (well, yeah, quite useful for university, when I don't want to have one device in each pocket)
A web browser displaying youtube, a webmail, and some few other pages in different tabs.
A video player.
And, erm... compiling linux kernel on pandora!
We might not see Youtube for a while. Though multitab-web browser is good enough for me.
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krooked said:
and then prolonged battery use
That's got the potential to be one long video! :lol:

Anyway, I'll just be happy enough to see whatever I see. I can look forward to trying out everything when I get mine, that way. :)
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Regarding YouTube, gnash already handles video from most video sites almost perfectly. So that may be able to work out of the box, or with somewhat of a tweak.
Would it be possible to see a more graphically intense SNES game like super metroid or star fox running? :)

Anyway, my list is

- SNES game as above
- AGA Amiga with workbench
- PS1 game that we havent seen yet
- A high quality video file
- Firefox? Quake 3? Some kind of application that we havent seen if possible
