The Ur-quan Masters

This IS the best news I could get...

If I had any doubts about getting a GP2x, they are all gone now!

The greatest game of all time has arrived to the GP2x... behold! :o

Hey... and thank you so much...

P.S. - I guess porting it to the GP32 is realy out of question, right?
I dont often post on here and more of a lurker (sorry :( ) But omg this is amazing news. I have been hoping and crossing my fingers for ages that this might get coded for the GP2X. Thank you so so so much. I will be purchasing my GP2X in January and cant wait now.

Again Thanks :)
nubie posted on Dec 14 2005 at 05:18 AM said:
Tobriand posted on Dec 13 2005 at 05:46 AM said:
Dunno... Narcissu's 130Mb with all the sound.

Certainly this is one of those games I've been really really really looking forward to since it was first suggested as a GP32 port, and not taken up due to 640x480 graphics...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I just went here Project page, screenshots and found some interesting screenshots entitled Scaling algorithm comparison (normal, bilinear, biadapt, biadv)

I assume that they are trying to scale the game because it is 320x240.

Good news for us, it will look better for us than on the PC :D

This is probably the reason why OpenGL can be toggled on and off at compile time.

That and the new and improved 3D planet.

It doesn't really matter on the native QVGA screen anyway.
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pferguso posted on Dec 14 2005 at 10:21 AM said:
Man, I wish you could make head to head multiplayer work on this, that would be cool. nobody can defeat me!!! I am the ultimate Spathi warrior!!!

Spathi fight like cowards.

I was thinking about adding two player support, by using both sides of the gp2x.

The game only requires 5 buttons.

Thust left
Thust right
2nd fire

Maybe when noone is developing the code anymore.
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loki666 posted on Dec 13 2005 at 09:21 AM said:
here is a quick and dirty port of UQM 0.4.0 (still very buggy, I know)

grab and install it in /mnt/sd/games/uqm or edit uqm.gpe and change the paths.
grab uqm-0.4.0-content.uqm and uncompress it in the 'content' subdirectory.
You can change the control mapping by edditing 'keys.txt'


Cool this will be awesome when done. Can't wait for this one, I played it alot on my 3DO.

Now how do I transfer my save game from my 3DO to the GP2X :P
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Star Control II was the game that made me leave my Amiga world for the big bad PC wilderness.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for porting my favourite game of all time to my favourite handheld of all time!
Very nice to see this, I gave it a test run yesterday.
I wouldn't get overly excited at the moment as its still a bit rough round the edges, every other planet a go to seems to return me to desktop.
Nuron_V posted on Dec 14 2005 at 11:23 AM said:
Very nice to see this, I gave it a test run yesterday.
I wouldn't get overly excited at the moment as its still a bit rough round the edges, every other planet a go to seems to return me to desktop.

next build will be based on CSV, this should fix some issues
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Can someone PLEASE help me in installing this, i have all the files including the game itself. I just cant figure out where it goes! Thanx all!!!
PSyMastR posted on Dec 14 2005 at 10:21 PM said:
So. What is this game like?
Is it text based RPG. What is it? (Sorry at i really dont know)

It is a "one of a kind" game.

I guess you can say it has elements of RPGs, adventure games, strategy, and arcade, all mixed up to make THE BEST game ever... you should give it a try (you can try the free windows version first.

Ah... and it has graphics... :D
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While I appreciate the port, please do not use the Report function to announce your update. It's sent to all moderators, and should be used for posts that break the rules. PM EvilDragon directly if you want something updated :)
Ok, I'm lost now and I'd really appreciate some help. What little instructions there are seem straightforward enough, but all I get whenever I click uqm.gpe is dumped back to the main menu. I've unpacked the main file to /mnt/sd/games/uqm on my SD card. I've also put the file in /mnt/sd/games/uqm/content/packages (I've also tried it as content.uqm) and the version file in /mnt/sd/games/uqm/content. I haven't unzipped because that thing is huge when unzipped. Really huge. However, no matter what I do, when I click on uqm.gpe I'm back at the orange. Those of you who have gotten it working - what am I doing wrong?

Edit: Ok, is not so huge. It's just that whenever I try to unzip it to the SD card, no matter how much space I had available, I get a "not enough space on device" error. The same happens if I unzip it on my hard-drive and copy over to the SD card - windows says that the size of the transferred files is 11 mb or so and 150+ mb "on the drive". Which is annoying as all get out.
Rico posted on Dec 15 2005 at 02:13 AM said:
While I appreciate the port, please do not use the Report function to announce your update. It's sent to all moderators, and should be used for posts that break the rules. PM EvilDragon directly if you want something updated :)
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Babymech posted on Dec 15 2005 at 09:27 AM said:
Ok, I'm lost now and I'd really appreciate some help. What little instructions there are seem straightforward enough, but all I get whenever I click uqm.gpe is dumped back to the main menu. I've unpacked the main file to /mnt/sd/games/uqm on my SD card. I've also put the file in /mnt/sd/games/uqm/content/packages (I've also tried it as content.uqm) and the version file in /mnt/sd/games/uqm/content. I haven't unzipped because that thing is huge when unzipped. Really huge. However, no matter what I do, when I click on uqm.gpe I'm back at the orange. Those of you who have gotten it working - what am I doing wrong?

mmmh dont rename just keep its original name (uqm-0.4.0-content.uqm) and drop it in /mnt/sd/games/uqm/content/packages. and you must have the 'version' file in /mnt/sd/games/uqm/content

btw: /mnt/sd/ is the mount point of your SD for the gp2x, so infact you install uqm in /games/uqm of your SD.
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