The Swine Flu

hey! we don`t want your horrible virus spreading about, can`t you just print off some toilet paper and stay in? :lol:
hobbyman II said:
hey! we don`t want your horrible virus spreading about, can`t you just print off some toilet paper and stay in? :lol:
Sod you all. If I'm going down, I'm gunna take you all with me when I go :P

WizardStan said:
What's your phone number? I can fax you some!

I might leave it a couple more days. I have kitchen roll handy anyway ;)
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Monk said:
S-r-ex said:
Seriously, the pig flu is more overhyped than the iPhone and Halo 3 together, it's just media that has turned it into this hysteria. And most likely, we'll get our Pandoras in time.

It was a slow news summer. Heck, swine Flu is more overhyped than the Pandora...

The swine flu should be rewarded with the Guinness World Record for "overhyping". But at least, the Pandora doesn't cost as much as 600 bucks by release, and the swine flu is actually free (unless you're ripped off), not counting secondary expenses.
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I already made an App for that :ph34r:

I could easily do a Pandora "port" if I ever get mine: it was actually developed under Linux then ported to iPhone.
Mark1970 said:
The swine flu / or Mexican flu as it is dubbed here in the Netherlands turns out to be just as malign as the regular flu. When people get the regular flu they don't rush to the doctor to have it checked - they just stay home and try to get better. But with this Swine/Mexican flu craze people are rushing to the doctor's with just about any weird physical sensation they experience. Common colds are mistaken for swine-flu but the symptoms are very different.
With regular flu people at risk have a higher mortality rate just like with this Mexican/Swine Flu. These folk need to be vaccinated that is the consensus here in the Netherlands - this also happens for the regular flu by the way.

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dsraa said:
midna25 said:
You gullible idiot. No offense. If you get the H1N1 virus in any country with a decent health system, you'll go to bed for a few weeks. The normal flu is just as deadly. The media is always looking for a new global disaster, a new way that humanity could be wiped off the face of the earth. It sell papers. This is TOTALLY over-hyped.

Ummm, weeks???? Who the hell gets sick for "weeks"??? Maybe if you had Mono, it would take weeks.....but not the damn seasonal flu.....

The only time I was sick for 'weeks' was when I actually had mono, and it affected my sleep. Once I was able to sleep, I was over it within 3-4 days.

Eh. Mistyped. A week. Oh, and your avatar sucks.

Edit: I was sick for two weeks with Strep once.
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Monk said:

Look at all those consultations from the media hype! Someone's pockets sure are getting lined. :P

Only 60 deaths? Hundreds to thousands probably died from a regular cold, in the same timeframe, if past years are anything to go by.
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Kramy said:
Hundreds to thousands probably died from a regular cold, in the same timeframe, if past years are anything to go by.
I seriously very much doubt that, unless they all had AIDS or something.
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dflemstr said:
Kramy said:
Hundreds to thousands probably died from a regular cold, in the same timeframe, if past years are anything to go by.
I seriously very much doubt that, unless they all had AIDS or something.



Egypt is not the place to catch a "common cold", it would seem. these li...err, statistics apparently date from 2004, so should be used as a guide rather than assuming they are accurate for 2008/2009 - but even so, 727 deaths worldwide is higher than I had expected - it seems to me that on a worldwide basis "The Common Cold" might be giving Swine Flu a run for its money!!!
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My poor roommate's caught some illness, but referencing wikipedia for symptoms, it doesn't seem to be SF. He's nausea, vomiting and a runny nose short of it. But hell, if it is SF and I'm already infected, I won't get it more than this one time.