Order breakdown milestones


Nov 18, 2005
OK, so we must soon be approaching the milestone that is that 'all 1st day pre-orders will have been dispatched'. Getting any kind of information regarding how close the rest of us are is proving pretty difficult. Can we at least have the following information ....

How many Day 1 pre-orders were there ?

How many orders from Batch 1 go up to Xmas 2009

And then I think we can assume that there are 4000-(the above two totals) Left in Batch 1 post xmas 2009

At least then, the rest of us can have some kind of idea when ours will arrive when the Day 1 Preorder announcement is made. Please throw us a bone here ....
Yes, I know where the status is. However, it tells us the past, not giving any indication of the future. The only thing we can gather from that is that the deliveries started 1 year ago, and they have delivered 1800. So currently operating at 1800 a year. Well we hope that isnt true. However, I didn't cancel my preorder because it was going to be here by Xmas, and then that slipped into January which I was OK with. If Batch 1 isn't going to be finished for another 4 months, then I'm done. That is the information I am after.

If we are to believe that (without interruption) deliveries will continue at 300 per week, then 2000 Pandoras should take 7 weeks still ?? However, production is less than that in reality (maybe half), so that means maybe 14 weeks, which is approaching 4 months time (thats like July). I want someone to tell me that isn't true.
Yeah, no one can sugar coat it for you, that is pretty much it. They want to do 500 a week but the company that makes the boards can only get 300. That might ramp up soon but if you're in batch 2 or at the end of 1 you might as well go for a instant Pandora if you can afford the extra cash. Or you could cancel but holy crap, even if it takes another 7 weeks to get yours that isn't that far away.
Units produced so far: About 1800

Wait, what... huh?! Someone explain this to me, assuming that the word "unit" actually means functional and shipped.... why do I not have my Pandora if my position in queue has last been estimated at 1,250? Even someone earlier in queue than me (said he was about 900), hasn't received his either. Actually, I think it was this guy here (lol, I had the thread open and decided to read it before finishing this reply).... are they produced and it's just a matter of shipping them now?
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However, it tells us the past, not giving any indication of the future.

Well that makes sense... See if anyone involved with the Open Pandora project was capable of this, they would have won the lottery several times over by now and funded mass production. ;-)
Units produced so far: About 1800

Wait, what... huh?! Someone explain this to me, assuming that the word "unit" actually means functional and shipped.... why do I not have my Pandora if my position in queue has last been estimated at 1,250? Even someone earlier in queue than me (said he was about 900), hasn't received his either. Actually, I think it was this guy here (lol, I had the thread open and decided to read it before finishing this reply).... are they produced and it's just a matter of shipping them now?

This is what I have been frustrated about too. Batch 1 consisted of 4000 units. They were (virtually, some held back for RMA etc) all sold. The problem is that the number of shipped units that we are often told, don't relate to the 4000 figure as RMA'd units are included too (and I haven't even mentioned premiums).

For instance, if you ship 500 units (my figures are completely made up as we don't know the actual ones), but 200 have to be replaced...is it correct to then say we have now shipped 700? This is why people who were told they were 500-700 in the queue might be asking "where is mine then?".

Obviously OPT point out too that queue position also includes some people who ordered more than one unit too (no idea how many of these there actually were. I understand why they have been reluctant to reveal exactly how long people might still have to wait, that makes commercial sense....but it is so frustrating after all this time to still have no idea how long we have to wait.

In the interests of disclosure, I was quoted as being 1400-1500 in craigix's queue in May
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Units produced so far: About 1800

Wait, what... huh?! Someone explain this to me, assuming that the word "unit" actually means functional and shipped.... why do I not have my Pandora if my position in queue has last been estimated at 1,250? Even someone earlier in queue than me (said he was about 900), hasn't received his either. Actually, I think it was this guy here (lol, I had the thread open and decided to read it before finishing this reply).... are they produced and it's just a matter of shipping them now?

The queue positions don't take account of people ordering more than one pandora, or the fact that there were 3 queues
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This is why we need numbers instead of estimates. If I'm behind 3 people and the first person ordered 4, second 2, and third 1, and I 4 then I should have numbers 8, 9, 10, and 11. Determine ahead of time what units are going to other queues and it is possible with a little bit of book work to find out exactly what number everyone is. The OP team acts like it is impossible but it is not unless there is absolutely no book work being done. Put a counter on the site saying what number was last shipped, don't' report RMAs, and you have a reliable way to let people know how soon their unit is shipping. Its not impossible it is just difficult.

Then again no other company does this. It is just circumstance really, and they're not big enough to make up 1000s of units before shipping. I'm not terribly upset, after waiting this long I kinda have the attitude that it will get here when it gets here.
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Put a counter on the site saying what number was last shipped, don't' report RMAs, and you have a reliable way to let people know how soon their unit is shipping. Its not impossible it is just difficult.

And also takes up man power slowing down the production and delivery...
Put a counter on the site saying what number was last shipped, don't' report RMAs, and you have a reliable way to let people know how soon their unit is shipping. Its not impossible it is just difficult.

And also takes up man power slowing down the production and delivery...
Yeah, I don't think it would slow down much but this is why I'm alright with just waiting. I'm not near the end though, I'm a few hours into day two, if I was at the end I'd want something like this done.
I think this could even be a bit simpler. Maybe say "we have received XXX amount of boards" and "we will receive XXX boards ever XXX day/week(s)" even not knowing full statistics or even RMA's one could ballpark it from there. If there's one bit of info I would be curious to know it that..."XXX board recieved every XXX day/week(s)" just because I'm getting antsy and kinda want to know if it's really close or to tone down my excitement. :P

Craig said they working on the next 300. But how long was that shipment from the previous. Has CC stabilized shipping to any kind of steady flow? This is what I haven't found out yet.
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The main problem is that they're still working on getting out all the orders from day one. Too many orders taken too close together by 3 different companies was never going to be easy to sift through. It would have been a good idea to better prepare themselves first with a single shared database.

As far as I'm concerned; once ED gets all his units shipped off for batch 1 it should be a hell of a lot easier for OpenPandora to let people know of their real positions.