The Reality Of Getting Joe Public To Help Out


gibberish ^^ what im gonna do to your Pandora after i help build it. :)


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Line O said:
gibberish said:
If it actually went ahead and you took volunteers I'd love to be part of it
Don't fall for it! He has a point to prove!! ;)


not at all, i'm the person who tells a stranger he dropped a £10 note. but i know that most other people wouldnt - and that's what worries me a bit. tbh, dishonesty is not what im most concerned about, i just think it'll take longer to train a bunch of people up to a level where they're capable of putting together pandoras without fucking anything up or breaking stuff. i guess if they interview people and take the most suitable dudes for the job then it might work - but how long's that gona take? it seems a bit messy to me. maybe they have a masterplan that we dont know about.
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Don't forget they're going to be running an assembly line, it's not like everyone has to be able to solder the speakers and fold the LCD cable.
Soldering should be left to 'experienced' people - but even they can make a mistake and accidentally jab a hot iron into the board or have to resolder a connection (a few times) and ruin a track or point..
gibberish said:
- people are clumsy and will make mistakes. Even with the best intention in the world, you will have people breaking shit left right and centre. This will cost you money.

- people are unreliable.

- people are thieves.

- people are angry.

I offered to volunteer and i'm completely serious about it. The 22nd coincides with my Easter break (Yes, i'm a student) so I can actually commit up to *THREE WEEKS* as a Pandora-Building slave.

I am not unreliable, a thief or angry (that's just an internet thing for all you guys anyway, you do talk to people in real life right?).

Just to back this up:

I have worked on production lines. I know what to expect.
I've done a lot of voluntary work, much of it a hard slog.
I have a GCSE in Electronics (not amazingly impressive but better than none.).
I have a GNVQ in Engineering (same).
I really want to help out the Pandora cause.

I can even cover the travel costs myself now. Just need somewhere to sleep every night!

Edit: Fruedian slip. Personal Life... please ignore!

To put minds at ease the team could always knock up a volunteers contract. It's fairly common practise in some fields. You could even go sofar as to do a criminal record check, but that takes ages. In my opinion none of this is needed.
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kingoddball said:
Soldering should be left to 'experienced' people - but even they can make a mistake and accidentally jab a hot iron into the board or have to resolder a connection (a few times) and ruin a track or point..
I'm not that "experienced", I'm just a hobbyist, but I can solder an IDE connector in about 30 seconds (40 pins). I don't think I've EVER jabbed a board or melted anything.* speakers are just 2 points each, I really hope they don't get someone SO bad at soldering that they can't do speakers.

*(okay I'll admit I've burned myself a few times when I wasn't paying attention.)
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ashdjones said:
I really want to help out the Pandora cause.
and you like Python!
I vote that you go too. I'd love to go but I won't have a break then and I'm too poor to go to EU.
ashdjones said:
Just need someone to sleep every night!
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rabidpoobear said:
kingoddball said:
Soldering should be left to 'experienced' people - but even they can make a mistake and accidentally jab a hot iron into the board or have to resolder a connection (a few times) and ruin a track or point..
I'm not that "experienced", I'm just a hobbyist, but I can solder an IDE connector in about 30 seconds (40 pins). I don't think I've EVER jabbed a board or melted anything.* speakers are just 2 points each, I really hope they don't get someone SO bad at soldering that they can't do speakers.

*(okay I'll admit I've burned myself a few times when I wasn't paying attention.)

Yeah, I can't solder to save my life. I managed to design and create a PCB but the actual soldering... no. I can do it, but I make a mess.

From what I remember there's no soldering required when putting together a Pandora. I distinctly remember watching ED put one together and everything clipped in place... and even if soldering is required, he also mentioned a full assembly line where each worker has a seperate task.
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rabidpoobear said:
I don't think I've EVER jabbed a board or melted anything.
Just because you haven't doesn't mean you won't ever. And if it happens during construction and you damage a board, and word gets back to the forum, there will be cries of "shouldn't have let amateurs do it now one is ruined rawg!"
If only "professionals" were doing it, there'd be less rage if one of them slips up. People like to see professionals fail. If someone who is highly skilled at soldering, does it for a living, screws up a board, the responses are likely to be more mocking than rage, along the lines of "pfft, some professional. I could have done better."
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Regarding soldering, it won't be possible to fry a _board_, cause the only spots that need soldering are the speaker contacts on the speakers themselves and the speaker contacts on the LCD adaptor ribbon cable. Thus the soldering station would just handle speaker cables, speakers and LCD adaptor ribbon cables. You _could_ damage a ribbon cable, but it's highly unlikely except you are drunk.
mali said:
Regarding soldering, it won't be possible to fry a _board_, cause the only spots that need soldering are the speaker contacts on the speakers themselves and the speaker contacts on the LCD adaptor ribbon cable. Thus the soldering station would just handle speaker cables, speakers and LCD adaptor ribbon cables. You _could_ damage a ribbon cable, but it's highly unlikely except you are drunk.

they don't need to solder the nubs anymore? was thinking they were not populated yet...
that seems quite more dangerous than speaker cables...
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Monk said:
People are mostly trustworthy, especially if you watch them like a hawk (or, say, have them on live + recorded webcam).
That sounds like a cool idea, both for us (we get to see our Pandora's being made :D ) and for the workers (we're famous!) I think this a brilliant idea.
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