How Assembly Will Happen


May 3, 2009
I have general concerns about how the assembly of the units will take place. It is clear the move from the TX, USA to Village hall, UK could be a pretty big deal.

Well first as an American I was bummed to hear the shipping would take a lot longer.

But when I thought of the TX assembly line in my odd imagination, I pictured a sterile environment of professional assemblers putting together pandoras like robots.
When I think of the village hall I imagine Craig serving beer to 30 UK volunteers as they figure out new ways to break LCD connector pins.

Ok that is a bit unfair, I told you my imagination was odd. I am glad that the main developers will be in the UK for a few days to assemble some units. I can only hope MWeston creates my pandora himself by hand (order #: 3000+ :P ). But they won't be there the whole time. So I am looking for details on the assembly process. Why not post what you plan on doing now so that people can contribute interesting input? There seem to be a few customers who have experience with assembly who can help design the process.

In any case it would be good to have it mapped out before the 22nd.

Also the armchair-expert trolls will run out of air faster before assembly begins. (Pro-tip don't feed them)

So questions:
How many people will be assembling units past the initial 100?
How will this process go down?
How many will be shipped per day?

EDIT: I'll try to add info I find elsewhere to this thread as well.
theres already a thread about this

i think there will be plenty of skill level based jobs. i expect the team will be designated the more challenging things, and other people may do things like boxing the pandoras
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atomicthumbs said:
 Interesting Input: Would using white glue instead of solder save time? 
i had to look up elmers glue as i dont think it has the same profile internationally and found this which made me :lol:

sounds like pritt stick or PVA glue or something haha

if there are options, i think gaffa tape is a pretty reliable solution

edit: ha you made it more international friendly :D
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Just tip glue (super or paper, either way) all over the boards and just hold down all the connectors until it dries. Pretty easy to me! ;)
Hmm, Elmer's is made out of horses/ponies? I can't even begin to believe that... I think it's made out of Unicorns. It totally explains their extinction. To make glitter glue, just add faeries.

Sorry, just needed to get that off my chest :P
Hey, the sun is shining *happy*

Ok, a bit on topic: Craig already read this thread.
Personally I think the questions are a bit premature. It will evolve, I suppose. I don't think they'll invite people from the community in the first days at all. It might be best to ask again next month or so, imo.
They already have a well defined process from what we've been told, how much of that needs to be changed now is another matter.

Is it worth publishing here on the forum, well that would be giving the "armchair troll experts" as you call them, a luxury dinner! ;)
Let them get on with it rather than requesting that they waste spend time providing information that we don't really need.
What is the estimated amount of time it will take to assemble each unit? Are they being hand assembled and if so, to what degree? Are you talking simply screwing to halves together, installing multiple boards and display? A box of parts?
MWeston said:
[...] I have created a well documented assembly manual for the Pandora which contains several parallel processes that can be set up as stations. There are six sub stations and two main stations. The main stations (assembly of lid and assembly of base) require the most staff in order to crank them out faster. The sub stations require one person each (could be more if there are people) and are monotonous (ie. trim and solder speaker wires, apply copper tape, etc.). They could also be combined into more tasks and fewer stations. Hopefully this helps people understand that no news on the forum does not mean nothing is happening. It has never stopped being a lot of work behind the scenes.
You can guess the rest, if you have some knowledge in that area.
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