The Rabbit Joint

sensible GP32 said:
i have some Microsoft points to spend on the xbla anyone know any games worth getting because they all seems absolute balls.
pacman championship? I don't think there is much other than old arcadey ports.
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Nova said:
Javacat said:
Motorola Phone Tools is teh fail.
Get a bluetooth dongle.

I've been thinking that that's what I'll prolly do. It's for work and as typical, the only people having problems with the software are the MD's so I guess we'll be able to stretch to a couple of pounds to fix the problem for them.

Also, I just wrote this message whilst watching the TV because this advert was on and I spied boobs.

ALSO, I'm gonna restart the original Company, the East India Company and TAKE OVER ZEEE WORLD!!!!111
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Javacat said:
Nova said:
Javacat said:
Motorola Phone Tools is teh fail.
Get a bluetooth dongle.

I've been thinking that that's what I'll prolly do. It's for work and as typical, the only people having problems with the software are the MD's so I guess we'll be able to stretch to a couple of pounds to fix the problem for them.

I'd also recommend a BT dongle. Not only do you not have to rely on rubbishy Motorola software, but Bluetooth is multiplatform :)

Only time I ever used MPT (in conjunction with other stuff) was when I had to reflash my phone once. It was an agonising experience - the screen goes white for 5 minutes and you don't know if you've bricked it or not :(
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I managed to get the phone working with a cable yesterday. Then I started setting up another laptop with another phone, which this time had bluetooth built in. The only problem was that MPT couldn't see outlook! GRrrrrr... I'll fix it on monday though.

Also, just got back from work! A 6 day week :eek: Although today was fun as I was installing new servers into a rack and playing around with the old ones :D
Javacat said:
I managed to get the phone working with a cable yesterday. Then I started setting up another laptop with another phone, which this time had bluetooth built in. The only problem was that MPT couldn't see outlook! GRrrrrr... I'll fix it on monday though.
Also, just got back from work! A 6 day week :eek: Although today was fun as I was installing new servers into a rack and playing around with the old ones :D

glad to here you got it working its quite frustrating getting motrola phones to work with your pc <_<
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Goity said:
Lurkio said:
Will your next PC contain one of these? :eek:

cripes, at 265w?

From the site:

Note that while performance gains can still be made through frequency scaling, there is a significant cost in terms of energy efficiency. This underscores the motivation to scale by utilizing more and more cores, instead of just increasing the frequency.

From the above i'm guessing not.
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So I stopped being stingy with my gamestop store credit (which consisted of 80 USD, pure profit from a business idea I had a couple weeks back), and decided I might as well use some of it on some awesome new games. I snagged Rainbow Six Vegas (360) and God of War II.

The latter is just amazing. I'm hooked on kratos! Again!

I've found my old pocket pc, and ipaq 3800 something in a draw, and it still works. Lost all the stuf that was on there though....! Anyone know anywhere to get software for this? I used to play a games called bubblets and loved it.

Obviously not posting links for illegal stuff etc.... But any Pm would be good?

Am I banned now mummy?
Some great pawn shop video game deals today!!

Halo--------------------- 3 USD
Halo 2------------------- 8 USD
Katamari Damaci------ 3 USD
Super Smash Bros Melee--- 8 USD (to be traded into my gamestop for $17 store credit, plus extra trade in bonuses!)

Also got a bunch of other games that will be traded in for up to 200% profit! I freakin love pawn shops! :D
sensible GP32 said:
katamari for 3 bucks! that my friend is a bargin.
I honesty have no time to play it. I bought rainbow six vegas along with god of war II, and the former is just another shooter to me.

Im sure katamari is awesome, but i'd rather sell it on ebay along with MGS3 so I can get my investment at the pawn shop back--then, halo 2 is truly "free of charge". :D
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