The Rabbit Joint

I recommend the Tunel Yellow. It's got a distinct citrusy aftertaste. Very nice.
it was illegal in germany for quite a while but has been legalized again now. The guy who tattoos me has got a friend who owns an absinthe bar. if you ever come to germany, gimme a shout and we'll get terribly plastered. I recommend drinking a shot after melting some cube-sugar into it. you need sort of a spoon made for this purpose and heat the sugar cube with a lighter until it starts melting, then you dribble the absinthe over it. tastes good, looks like you were going for a shot of H though.
I have just installed Vista Professional on my laptop, and I gotta say, it's a HUGE improvement over XP. I also have no idea about the speed degredation everybody keeps wafting on about, it seems just as fast to me, if not a tad faster :blink: .

And it's not like it's a top spec machine either, it's got 512 meg ram, a 2 ghz processor and a shitty onboard graphics card.

All in all, i'm chuffed to bits with it!
TelcoLou said:
daclassicgamingmaster said:
fuckyeah im so buying that now!
... it's $40 for shipping! :blink:

FFS! This always happens with uber great stuff. This was like, the ultimate drink. Damn :(

Maybe I'll save up lol

edit: hahahaha, shipping is 80 bucks on that last bottle!
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Dude, just cop some 'shrooms, you'll be better off in the long-term, both in cost & health ;)
very true indeed. Also the halluzinations will be way more intense. but then again, obtaining shrooms is not an easy task - at least in Germany. You can get all the drugs you want, but mushrooms need to be fresh and you have to trust the guy you buy em from. Best bet is to import them from holland.
you're kidding right, mushrooms are pure evil.
They grow near us, in this famous field that every kid knows about by the time they are 16.

we tried a shitload one night, and it was far to intense.... for weeks afterwards i just diddnt feel quite right mentally......
sensible GP32 said:
you're kidding right, mushrooms are pure evil.
They grow near us, in this famous field that every kid knows about by the time they are 16.

we tried a shitload one night, and it was far to intense.... for weeks afterwards i just diddnt feel quite right mentally......
I don't know about it :(

Edit: Link to it on google maps!
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I wasn't kidding.

Psilocybin (sp?) is the mildest of all the hallucinogens I've taken. I don't recommend ingesting "a shitload" of ANYTHING, but of the 2 chioces we're discussing, Magic Mushrooms are safer, cheaper and easier to acquire then absinthe .. and, in my experience, lasts just long enough to be a fun ride, but not feel overwhelmed by crazy imagry and thoughts. My trips usually lasted 4-6 hours, at most.

Stay away from LSD and Mescaline at any cost .... seriously!
meh effort, its in the suburbs near chapeltown :)

TelcoLou said:
I wasn't kidding.

Psilocybin (sp?) is the mildest of all the hallucinogens I've taken. I don't recommend ingesting "a shitload" of ANYTHING, but of the 2 chioces we're discussing, Magic Mushrooms are safer, cheaper and easier to acquire then absinthe .. and, in my experience, lasts just long enough to be a fun ride, but not feel overwhelmed by crazy imagry and thoughts. My trips usually lasted 4-6 hours, at most.

Stay away from LSD and Mescaline at any cost .... seriously!
we made a nice drink out of them. Well everyone thought it wouldnt work, after all we just picked the things out of a field! so everyone couldnt agree on how much to put in, it turned out we put too much in.

this is a short low down of the evening....

we all lost our inner-monologues, we were all distugusted with how the osbournes lived their lives, one friend clamied he needed to go home then passed out.... another friend was having out of body experiences... he was looking in a mirror..... and i was sat outside in the greenhouse... rolling cig after cig enjoying each one that little bit more with a friend.
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sensible GP32 said:
we all lost our inner-monologues, we were all distugusted with how the osbournes lived their lives, one friend clamied he needed to go home then passed out.... another friend was having out of body experiences... he was looking in a mirror..... and i was sat outside in the greenhouse... rolling cig after cig enjoying each one that little bit more with a friend.
Sounds pretty fun, actually...
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