The Rabbit Joint

Xian Long said:
honestly, at this, i've really stopped caring about the progress of the pandora, when it comes to my doorstep, it'll be a pleasant surprise, and i'll probably have a renewed interest in it.
until then, keep being a tool and let this con man keep your monies in a bank where he can pull interest from it
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daclassicgamingmaster said:
until then, keep being a tool and let this con man keep your monies in a bank where he can pull interest from it
Money earned by interest < Value of money lost by inflation.
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Crunchwrap said:
daclassicgamingmaster said:
until then, keep being a tool and let this con man keep your monies in a bank where he can pull interest from it
Money earned by interest < Value of money lost by inflation.
put it in your own bank and keep the interest yourself. Unless you think craig is such a swell fellow that he should be paid extra for being a messiah
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Nova said:
Gosh, I feel like Pinkspider, bringing the mood of the thread down an' all.

I remember him lol, I used to enjoy reading his posts, Was like an internet soap opera, Full of drama and highs and lows about his personal life, With a bit of add paranoia in the mix.

What ever happened to him ?, I know he came back briefly a year or so ago, Then nothing.

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Gruso said:
You think that money's sitting in the bank? Heh.
you shouldn't patronize me for being a realist. I'm surprised Craig is even able to get his jeans up, what with all the people hugging on nuts.

Didn't he say he laid out at least a portion of the money in order to get the ball rolling? If so, then yes, at least a portion of pre-order monies have been placed back into his bank account.
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I'm not rushing to Craig's defence or anything. My take on it is that they can't really have our money sitting in the bank when the project has already cost them more than we paid.

Of course I can only deduce this based on the information we've been given.
I remember in the 'New Machine' thread ages back, a few people stepped forward offering Craig finiancial backing for the project. He told us he had it all covered, and that it was his money on the line.
daclassicgamingmaster said:
Gruso said:
You think that money's sitting in the bank? Heh.
you shouldn't patronize me for being a realist. I'm surprised Craig is even able to get his jeans up, what with all the people hugging on nuts.

Didn't he say he laid out at least a portion of the money in order to get the ball rolling? If so, then yes, at least a portion of pre-order monies have been placed back into his bank account.

It is POSSIBLE that he has it sitting contently in a bank. There are many ways to get money. He could have plenty of cash: as "quote" said Craig did say he had it (the money) "covered".
Why could he not have $1,254,000 (3800 preorders) sitting in a bank for the past two years gaining UPTO 10% interest. 7.05% in an Aussie bank - why not upto 10% over two years ago? If it's in a term deposit account and at a decent bank it is possible.. Maybe the term was for 2+ years?

We have ALL heard of stories of con men and scams all over the place.. Maybe Craig is taking us all for a ride? Maybe more than 4000 pre orders have been made and they just keep saying "only a few left".. People do crazy things for money, don't they?
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Is the 'Our New Machine' thread still on these boards?
It got spammed pretty bad towards the end of its life and I'm wondering if it was ever closed.
quote said:
Is the 'Our New Machine' thread still on these boards?
It got spammed pretty bad towards the end of its life and I'm wondering if it was ever closed.
I'd like to see it... Link?
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