The Rabbit Joint

Username said:
PoisonedV said:
For quite a few of them, it's no worse than weed (mushrooms, salvia, dmt) or nearly impossible to overdose on unless you're fabulously rich and purposely set out to kill yourself (LSD)
I guess I was a bit hasty in calling weed a 'lame drug', it's just not for me
Get your facts straight, LSD wouldn't kill you either (so long as you don't do something stupid while you're high). Availability's a big factor for me though as I seem to be unable to find any of these locally.
Not in traditional doses, thats why I said it was only possible if you were very determined. But it's certainly possible, especially if you're a supplier or distributor and work with large amounts of it. It's just not likely to be taking 30 MG intravenously.

By the way, LSD isn't anything special as far as psychedelics go. If you were interested in trying some, you would be better off growing mushrooms, or ordering raw salvia or dmt containing plants to extract
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Like username said unless you do something stupid on LSD, 2 friend's of mine died on LSD, one fell off a wall onto rocks below a cliff near a beach the other electrocuted train surfing in Germany
I meant that no recreational dosage could kill you. I always assumed LSD would be more potent than mushrooms though. I was also thinking about trying some of the other naturally grown drugs such as mescaline but not much chance of finding that out here so far from the desert. DMT seemed interesting though, might look into that.
My uncle tripped out on LSD, so don't call it safe. Psychosis isn't unheard of, and it's something you'd want to avoid.

As for salvia and DMT, I have a buddy who has done both and he wouldn't do either again. Salvia is known to freak some people out (him) or do absolutely nothing for others. I personally don't have any desire to try either, so I can't comment for myself. After his DMT trip he swore he wouldn't touch the shit again.

As for shrooms, some people lose track of how much they eat and end up miserable. There's probably no harm in doing it on occasion, but most people start popping them like candy to achieve that "higher high".

And that PS3 commercial freaked me out. I was actually stoned when I saw it the first time lol
Well I would still chief most of the time, I just thought it would be nice to try something else once in a while. Not really planning on doing any of these frequently, and I think that the less dangerous ones are worth trying at least once.
like I said they are perfectly safe in the right enviroment, at home/ in town with friends just not on a wall with a big drop on one side and surfing a tram, and also driving a sportsbike it's like driving the enterprise, stay safe people :)
daclassicgamingmaster said:
My uncle tripped out on LSD, so don't call it safe. Psychosis isn't unheard of, and it's something you'd want to avoid.
I don't know what you mean by 'tripped out', but it doesn't cause permanent psychosis moreso than any psychoactive substance would, which would range from caffeine to benadryl to weed,, it causes (and only if you have a history of or are bipolar or similar risk factors and even then it's rare) HPPD.
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PoisonedV said:
daclassicgamingmaster said:
My uncle tripped out on LSD, so don't call it safe. Psychosis isn't unheard of, and it's something you'd want to avoid.
I don't know what you mean by 'tripped out', but it doesn't cause permanent psychosis moreso than any psychoactive substance would, which would range from caffeine to benadryl to weed,, it causes (and only if you have a history of or are bipolar or similar risk factors and even then it's rare) HPPD.
I mean he spent the rest of his life in mental facilities. LSD is notorious for causing damage, so I don't know why you're arguing.
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daclassicgamingmaster said:
PoisonedV said:
daclassicgamingmaster said:
My uncle tripped out on LSD, so don't call it safe. Psychosis isn't unheard of, and it's something you'd want to avoid.
I don't know what you mean by 'tripped out', but it doesn't cause permanent psychosis moreso than any psychoactive substance would, which would range from caffeine to benadryl to weed,, it causes (and only if you have a history of or are bipolar or similar risk factors and even then it's rare) HPPD.
I mean he spent the rest of his life in mental facilities. LSD is notorious for causing damage, so I don't know why you're arguing.
Notorious among high school kids who also tell stories about how LSD is stored in your spine and my friends friends cousin's stepdad once did so much acid he thought he was an orange permanently!

Username said:
Would you recommend DMT for someone who's only tried weed? Wikipedia made it seem somewhat worthwhile.

Well, it's going to be like nothing you've ever experienced before, but provided you are just sitting down on a couch or whatever, it's not like theres any capacity for damage there- when you take a DMT trip, it doesn't affect the why you see your surroundings like LSD or something would, it completely takes your conscious out of the real world (and I don't mean into the 'spirit world' or anything like that) so you can't really hurt yourself.
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Username said:
Now I just have to find the right plant.
Since DMT is illegal but plants containing it aren't, you'll of course need to extract it yourself, which is pretty easy (stuff you can get from walgreens and all instructions on sites like erowid) and the best source for it is usually mimosa hostilis (phalaris grass is nice and very common but it has other stuff in it) which unless you live in south america is not really possible to find growing locally. It's best to buy it online, if you're in the UK I think coffeesh0p has some and they're very reputable, or in the US your best bet is probably bouncing bear botanical. (they also do referrals so if you plan to buy that from them and wanted to use my referral code that would be nice or wholesale shamanic herbs (only if you plan to buy like 5 kilos though which is unlikely)
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Username said:
Borderlands anyone? Looks pretty cool.

For those of you who don't know...

In the distant future, several colonization ships journey to Pandora, a planet on the edge of the galaxy. The colonists are drawn to the planet in search of a better life and the prospect of striking it rich by claiming the vast deposits of mineral resources rumored to be there. After finally arriving, the colonists discover that the planet is barren of anything of significant value other than deteriorated alien ruins scattered across the land. Those who can afford to do so leave Pandora, and those who remain revolve around chaos and lawlessness. Some of the settlers seek to get rich quick by discovering alien technology, but most others are just trying to survive. After seven Earth years, Pandora's orbit brings it to the transition from winter to spring, and many horrifying creatures emerge from hibernation.
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Cool article about the robotic fly.
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