Nova is a dumbass
someone fancy sticking this in off-topic? i dunno about everyone else but i like to see news actually related to the gp32 on a gp32 site
You are basing this off of...what? Name me a next gen system besides Dreamcast that has had its loader cracked? PS1? Nope, PS2? Nope, GC? Nope, XBox? Nope. So what could possibly make you think that a new system by sony will have their boot loader cracked, when all of their previous systems have yet to be?Daz_Genetic posted on Mar 31 2004 at 12:34 AM said:I really think it will be a simple case of someone selling a UMD disk which contains some kind of loader that will load games off the MemoryStick.
You couldnt be more wrong.diablo2 posted on Mar 31 2004 at 03:24 AM said:ps2 has had it loader cracked though.
ive loaded emus onto my ps2 with just the help of my gameshark boot disc.
If the gameshark released a disc for the PSP, that would allow you to use the gameshark hack to load OTHER UMD's. You are still left with the fact that there are no blank UMD media, and there are no UMD burners. So you would still have to have some nasty hack.Daz_Genetic posted on Mar 31 2004 at 05:44 AM said:And what makes you think Gameshark won't release a disk for the PSP?
Anyway, I've had enough of this. Noone can win this debate until the damn thing is released or Sony make further press releases. I'm tired of all the speculation. All I know is that I will get one as soon as I can. No comment in a GP32 fansite can stop me![]() no Houkon posted on Mar 31 2004 at 07:18 AM said:so far at sony has never shown any initative in supporting the homebrewn community.
Razor-X posted on Mar 31 2004 at 07:53 AM said:Hahaha, and that guide is made by SOny? Its a community which makes the guide a COMMUNITY just like the GP32 FAQS or GC Linux or XBOX linux, it is NOT a Sony thing. Even if SOny did make the kit (which I doubt), the community would have found a free way around it. Plain and Simple.
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