Yeah, the PSP will definitly not lack for commercial support. But me, I dont really want a commercial handheld. I mean a couple good games here and there are nice and all, and add to the enjoyment. But I would much rather play Emulated games or homebrewn games that 99% of the commercial games that exist.
So, yes the PSP will probably (probably? no doubt it will!) have the best commercial games of any system, way outdoing GBA with the 1.8 GB UMD media, hell probably outdoing even their own PS2 console, and I wish it all the best of luck (however it doesnt really need it, this IS sony we are talking about), and cant wait for its release so all of these nintendo fanboys get knocked off their high horse.
However, this topic has mainly become a "How would the PSP become a homebrewn device to rival GP32, Zodiac, Gametrac, etc..." and honestly looking at all of the things working against it, it doesnt seem to stand a chance.