I am not "giving a review". I am seeing you saying a lot of frankly disconnected stuff, throwing wild plans in the air, pretending to launch a console based on boring standard hardware, saying that you've "designed the controller" when all you have is a 3D render of it, saying stuff like
It isn't about the spects, it's about the game.
...when all you have listed is three games, none of them finished, all of them made by yourself. In short, you are touting a non-existing console which, if it existed, would be more expensive than actually building it from scratch, with no games and a controller that you call "designed" when you have a sketch-up of it. And so you want feedback on this. Which you get, uniformly to the tune "You have no selling point, no console, and no games. Nobody in their right mind would buy this". To which you reply stuff like:
Thank you all for the great feedback.
It is indeed tremendous to have such great feedback.
I'm so excited to see where our future as gamers go.
...as if anybody had been in the least positive, or implied that they believed this had anything to do with "our future as gamers". You also take this feedback as a reason to state in your event that you have "the blessing of the openpandora project" or whatever hogwash it was. When you most clearly haven't, unless the act of not throwing you off the board is "a blessing".