Wip Scorched Earth Like Game (or Tanks Or So)


Scorched GP programmer
Nov 3, 2003
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latest version: http://users.pandora.be/racemaniac/Fenix/tankalpha2.zip
now with
-being able to select the amount of players (read the readme for all info :) )
-exploding tanks when they get destroyed
-tanks also disappearing when destroyed

enjoy :)
and this evening i'll probably release yet another version (perhaps you noticed already, i release one at noon, and one in the evening ^^)
now i'm gonna eat something, cya!
Moogle posted on Sep 6 2005 at 01:54 PM said:
Looks good! Not really a game though :)
yeah i know, just a very first test (hence WIP: work in progress), but iam already happy it works as good as it does :)
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Racemaniac posted on Sep 6 2005 at 01:58 PM said:
Moogle posted on Sep 6 2005 at 01:54 PM said:
Looks good! Not really a game though :)
yeah i know, just a very first test (hence WIP: work in progress), but iam already happy it works as good as it does :)
a bit further, now you got 2 tanks, they take turns firing at eachother, and on the top of the screen, the angle, power and playernumber are indicated :)

no hit detection or so yet, but it's improoving ^^

btw, sourcecode is with it again, and feel free to give any comments (not much atm, but if you notice bugs/think something (of the few things working ^^) should be improoved, let me know :)
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again an update, more functions added, you now have an explosion on impact, it will destroy the terrain, and when they're no longer supported, tanks will drop down :)
tanks now also got barrels that follow your aim :)
no damage yet (or killing tanks or so)
feel free to comment (suggestions or bugs you've encountered)

stay tuned for newer versions :)
I can't wait until this turns into a fully playable game! :)

There was this "unfinished" game called Breedz that I really liked, but had no AI...so it didn't get as much play as I would've liked. I spoke to the author and he got frustrated because he got no feedback to speak of...

I hope yours ends up getting fulfilled! :)
BobBorakovitz posted on Sep 7 2005 at 02:57 AM said:
I can't wait until this turns into a fully playable game! :)

There was this "unfinished" game called Breedz that I really liked, but had no AI...so it didn't get as much play as I would've liked. I spoke to the author and he got frustrated because he got no feedback to speak of...

I hope yours ends up getting fulfilled! :)
i think it will :)
will take me a few more days to get to a fully working version, but i think i've gotten past the hardest parts now (terrain generation, modification and the animation of the tanks, and the taking turns of tanks :) )
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I forget how many hours I would spend playing Scorched Tanks on the Amiga! I cant recall if it came out before or after Worms but it was a great game in its own right. Keep up your good work
I would guess Scorched Earth was BEFORE Worms :D

I hope you`re going to add different weapons (you know, you could buy weapons after each round in Scorched Earth!)
Quiest posted on Sep 7 2005 at 10:46 AM said:
I would guess Scorched Earth was BEFORE Worms :D

I hope you`re going to add different weapons (you know, you could buy weapons after each round in Scorched Earth!)
i intend to add different weapons :)
but it's a bit early atm, atm i'm focused at making it playable :)

and it's not going towards a wroms clone ^^, scorched earth had no screen scrolling etc, which makes it a lot easierto make :), i don't yet know if i'm gonna let the tanks move (so you can drive with them for a minor distance), but it's easy to do (i think :) ) if people would prefere it did :)
btw, any suggestions (like what kind of weapons and so) can always be posted :)
wind will also be added (well added, i just have to make wind happen, hardly any change in the code to be honest ^^ )
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If you do allow them to move would have to limit it ie only 3 moves per round of limited distance else you could just move at each go. Also if you do move youre not allowed to fire on that go
Racemaniac posted on Sep 7 2005 at 11:54 AM said:
btw, any suggestions (like what kind of weapons and so) can always be posted :)
Get yourself a copy of Pocket Tanks (think there's a demo available), or get an amiga emu and Scorched Tanks (by the same guy as Pocket Tanks) or Artillerus - loads of great ideas for weapons in those games :).
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woogal posted on Sep 7 2005 at 03:08 PM said:
Racemaniac posted on Sep 7 2005 at 11:54 AM said:
btw, any suggestions (like what kind of weapons and so) can always be posted :)
Get yourself a copy of Pocket Tanks (think there's a demo available), or get an amiga emu and Scorched Tanks (by the same guy as Pocket Tanks) or Artillerus - loads of great ideas for weapons in those games :).
i know scorched earth etc, superb games indeed, and i know most of their weapons :)
but hearing what the players prefer is more interesting, no use spending time implementing weapons nobody cares about :)

and if you haven't read the first post
*edit* version with a tiny bug fixed :)
atm for 3 human players, no menus yet or so, but you can actually destroy the other tanks :)
also added a small arrow above the active tank, so you can see which is active :)

enjoy :) (read the readme for more info :) )
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Did not test the playable version, so I don`t know if it`s already added, but:

Make the tanks have energy or so! And moving could be done by letting the tanks use fuel. If the fuel is out, no more moving this round.
Quiest posted on Sep 8 2005 at 12:20 AM said:
Did not test the playable version, so I don`t know if it`s already added, but:

Make the tanks have energy or so! And moving could be done by letting the tanks use fuel. If the fuel is out, no more moving this round.
they have got health :)
don't worry ;) it's not one hit one kill or so, i think that's what you're talking abiut :)

and the moving, we'll see, atm i'll let them immobile, there are more important things to do right now :)
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new version released, now with wind, exploding and disappearing tanks, a bit better controls (read the readme), and a tiny step towards a menu (when gameover, which you can actively cause with the R button you can choose the amount of players for the next game :) )
enjoy it, and by the evening i'll probably release another version (either with some computer opponent, or some menu, i think it'll be a first menu, but we'll see :P, and if i get something reasonable by then ^^ )
little update without a new release for once :P

i got a basic computer opponent now :), i can find a hit in a reasonable time now :)
i also got basic menu working, i'm currently both finishing the computer opponent and the menu, so i can asap release a version with a menu and computer opponents :)
should become a fun game to play :)

btw, i need some opinions on the currently last version concerning the wind factor, is it too strong or not?
too hard or just challenging?