The Pandora Port Request Thread

ingrin said:
surt said:
JA2 Gold is available on steam with the assets easy to grab.

Straciatella should certainly make porting a feasible proposition.

Yep, that looks about right, of course this is a little concerning...
Q: Why is it limited to x86?
A: At the moment the code is dependent on little endian, 32bit architecture and no strict alignment (Sir-Tech didn't intend to use it on anything else than x86). It is planned to fix this limitation.
But maybe some brave soul can engage them for assistance
Q: I want to ask questions/talk about a bug/just talk to you guys. Are you on IRC somewhere?
A: Yes, we are on IRC. We opened a channel named #ja2-stracciatella on

if it runs on this thing, it should be possible on the pandora, right? i have very fond memories of these games and am keep my fingers crossed!
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lucidchaos said:
Bob's Game homepage
I'm working on the Google Android, Apple iPhone, and OpenPandora ports for 100 days straight!

This is the first time I've seen it mentioned from Bob himself to expect a Pandora port. It makes me happy.

uhm, i'm just seeing: In the meantime, I'm working on the Android and iPhone ports for 100 days straight

wishful copying? :rolleyes:
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efegea said:
Someone that undestand licences can take a look and explain it? Can I port it or not?

EDIT3: more problems, seems like it depedens of DLL's which are the 3d engine and it doesn't have source avaliable
You've encountered the issues we've hashed out in this Phoronix forum thread I started (Yes, I'm the same "Svartalf" over there...).

1) The license doesn't allow you the rights to the assets.
2) The code in question is the game code.
3) You'd have to talk to someone about the Lithtech 2.1 engine code port Hyperion did to be able to port it.

It's a shame, but,'re not getting that one on this platform anytime soon... :(

dentrado said:
maybe this can help porting it to the pandora.
Help? Most definitely. :D

LosOutlandos said:
if it runs on this thing, it should be possible on the pandora, right? i have very fond memories of these games and am keep my fingers crossed!

That makes it an almost dead certainty. That's running on a distribution mix that is close to the same thing the devs are coming up with for the release firmware.
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Ronimus Prime said:
Now that we know DOS games and such will run, anyone think they could get a likelihood of emulating the LucasArts SCUMM engine on Pandora, enabling the play of point-and-click classics like Sam and Max Hit the Road, Maniac Mansion, Full Throttle, and the Monkey Island series?

I don't think it will take very long until scummvm is ported to the Pandora, it's already available for the Nokia tablets (and thus for Linux and ARM). Gotta LOVE those old Lucas Arts games though :P
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Any chance of TrueCrypt? It would be awesome to have an encrypted SD card for files you don't want other people getting into.
Izolo said:
Any chance of TrueCrypt? It would be awesome to have an encrypted SD card for files you don't want other people getting into.
Don't worry, your mom won't find any of your precious pornography.
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Adonus Prime said:
best voip solution for porting would be Twinklephone!!! This is a VERY powerful tool and would be more than worth the effort...

**additional information about twinkle removed to shorten quote**

I would also like to see twinkle ported for use on the Pandora, and unless I am reading this wrong it looks like there are debian packages for twinkle that support arm processors.

TrueCrypt would be nice to have as well but I am unsure of the impact on the processing resources of the Pandora it would have during general use.
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LosOutlandos said:
I don't think it will take very long until scummvm is ported to the Pandora, it's already available for the Nokia tablets (and thus for Linux and ARM). Gotta LOVE those old Lucas Arts games though :P
The emphasis should have been a hint. ;)

Folks, if it's on the Nokia tablets, it's on OpenMoko, or it's on Beagleboard- it's something that is intrinsically already ported to Pandora and only needs a bit of cleanup to accomodate our specific screen resolution (if that much...). Also worth noting is that if the title could run gracefully with hardware from when the PIII-600 was mid-end and it's got sourcecode for Linux, it's not a matter of will it get ported, but when. :D
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I was thinking scummC (to be run in scummvm) might be one choice for some one who would like to make a simple game for pandora but it still looks tricky.

To save any one else the trouble of checking Adventure Game Studio does not run on scummvm and is closed but who knows maybe some one can get him to port that.

Wile I was looking I came across this Free Heroes II Engine for Heroes of Might and Magic II FIFE for Fallout which apparently has morphed more into something different. I think it looks promising. A demo of a fallout City on the Coast game is expected to release February 1st, 2009. GemRB for BioWare's Infinity Engine used in various RPGs Baldur's Gate all the way up to Icewind Dale II. This looks great the main page has not been updated in a wile but this has been. xBaK for Betrayal at Krondor not done. # New RAW (Rewritten engine for Another World) for Another World looks complete. REminiscence for Flashback: The Quest for Identity
OK, I was looking on the Goldeneye Source website and they have a linux port of the game. I'm curious do u tink it would be possible to play the linux port of the game on the pandora?
Well, as Goldeneye Source seems to be based on the Source Engine, and I can't remember anyone screaming "OMFG we can play HL2 on Pandora!", I would say no... :P
There's been talk that the Pandora could possibly run an N64 emulator, so it should have the power. As for whether the code will port, check the portability flowchart from the wiki.

EDIT: My link was broken.
_Sterling said:
There's been talk that the Pandora could possibly run an N64 emulator, so it should have the power. As for whether the code will port, check the portability flowchart from the wiki.

Power is not the problem. The problem is that it's based around a proprietry game engine which, last time I looked, wasn't ported to ARM at all. Quote from the all-knowing wiki: "The engine supports Microsoft Windows (32-bit and 64-bit), Xbox, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3."

So, *if* someone was mad enough to port the entire closed-source performance-heavy Source engine from that environment to ARM / OpenGL (although the PS3 port apparently uses OpenGL ES), and then license the entire Source engine (I would imagine mega-bucks, and they probably wouldn't license it to you at all unless you were a large company or something) to be allowed to see the code to make your port actually happen (we're not talking ARM-friendly code here, I shouldn't think) and *then* somehow distribute that code under license from Valve, along with Goldeneye.


Somehow hack up an entire Source replacement for ARM, not subject to their code at all, and hope like hell it's not breaking the GoldenEye or Source SDK license.

Basically... it ain't gonna happen. You may as well have asked that someone port Counterstrike or Team Fortress, or even Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 or Grand Theft Auto 4... it's basically the same sort of thing - porting an entire closed, unlicensed engine to a different architecture.
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Goldeneye Source is a HL2 Total Conversion. Even if the source code for the mod is open, the engine is not. Even if the engine was available, there's a good chance it would not run the Pandora anyways.

If your interested in Total Conversions, take a look at quake 3 mods. The engine is open and people have had time to work on interesting content. I wouldn't mind Urban Terror or Smokin' Guns on the Pandora.
Kings said:
If your interested in Total Conversions, take a look at quake 3 mods. The engine is open and people have had time to work on interesting content. I wouldn't mind Urban Terror or Smokin' Guns on the Pandora.
Heh... Even World of Padman would be pretty cool on the Pandora. ;)
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