The Pandora Photos!

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Well you lot kept asking for more, a couple of photos would have done nicely...but oh no you had to ask for a video and make us wait even longer!
He didn't leave till at least half nine, give or take 15 mins, plus and extra 30 mins on the all in all i expect a post 11:15:32 precisely.
sparkymark said:
AireTamStorm said:
And here I open the thread lightly expecting actual photos. Well, it is good hes taking video as well.
:) :) :) :) waiting patiently...... :)

Don't forget Craig has been known to stay upto 2-3am posting on here! Not to say he will tonight....he might not post at all lol
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Can we just cut the man some slack and let him rest?
Honestly, stop killing him with YOUR Pandora addiction.
Megamixman said:
Can we just cut the man some slack and let him rest?
Honestly, stop killing him with YOUR Pandora addiction.
Um HE said he was posting some images and video tonight, we are just on here waiting.....lighten up!
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jaycee900 said:
Megamixman said:
Can we just cut the man some slack and let him rest?
Honestly, stop killing him with YOUR Pandora addiction.
Um HE said he was posting some images and video tonight, we are just on here waiting.....lighten up!

as if Craig minds. :D I'm sure it pleases him no end knowing that people are sat waiting to see pictures. It's certainly better than nobody caring! anyway it's too late now, hopefully they'll be up when I get into work tomorrow.
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Gruso said:
Megamixman said:
Can we just cut the man some slack and let him rest?
Honestly, stop killing him with YOUR Pandora addiction.

Quiet you.

Maybe Craig has a tally of the number of times he's been asked for photos etc and each time someone asks he delays the Pandora purposely by another 24 hours?
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I get the feeling Craig has decided to take a little extra time to do this properly. It's a pretty large moment, and any photos/videos are going to make the all important first impressions on Engadget and the rest of the internet.

Letting us know early was perhaps a minor tactical error. :D
Gruso said:
I get the feeling Craig has decided to take a little extra time to do this properly. It's a pretty large moment, and any photos/videos are going to make the all important first impressions on Engadget and the rest of the internet.

Letting us know early was perhaps a minor tactical error. :D
It would have been nice if he uploaded the picture(s) first before working on the video, which would give him plenty of time to work with the video as everybody would be salivating over the picture(s).
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Eh, it's not like we're waiting for the release or preorder page to come up, I can be patient for a few pictures. :D Hopefully they're high resolution. Oh, and if Craig gets a chance to read this before taking the video, PLEASE don't host it on YouTube, or at least leave the "Watch in high quality" option open! :(
Gruso said:
Letting us know early was perhaps a minor tactical error. :D
Somehow i feel that saying this is similar to saying that penguins are mildly amusing :lol:

Penguins are awesome... If you ever happen to be in Edinburgh, go to the zoo. The penguins do funny things before sneaking out at night to party :ph34r:
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Hello everyone, well the video will have to wait until tomorrow.

Here are some size photos with the latest FDM. The LCD is in, the PCB isn't as that would have involved me fitting every key one by one by hand!

These photos mostly show how small it is, the video will show how well the control layout works and how it is very much like playing games using a classic SNES Dpad.






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