It is not entirely up to date, I have not included any of Blue Protoman's ideas, but the general layout has not been changed.Ehm, foxblock? Is the second post currently up to date with all the ideas collected and considered good so far? I'm not reading all the stuff here... Didn't you mention an alpha framework for sunday? No intention to put preasure on you, but I would be very intressted.
Also the framework is nearly done, I just wanted to wait until we got the lives decision done to include that, but I can release it beforehand, too.
I will most likely upload it to GoogleCode, so if you have a Google account and a SVN client I can add you and you can make your own commits. A packed version will also be available for download, but I won't keep that up-to-date on every update.
Also I want to write a small manual for the framework beforehand, so everyone knows what to do.
EDIT: Second post updated, I included the new ideas, but I was lazy so I just copied Blue Protoman's quotes (sorry to everybody else, this is no personal bias that I did not quote you, I was just too lazy to retype his stuff again.)
Also added a open questions category at the bottom, current urgent questions will go there, so check it out from time to time!
Btw, all stuff in italics is also very open to discussion and still not fully decided.
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