Pandora The Pandora Game

You should have a level in which the enemies keep asking when they can expect their Pandora's to arrive.

I think that it'd quite cool if there was a stage based on the above quote that was like a chibi dawn of the dead, eager pandora customers trying to raid craig's house and you had to run about blocking the doors and windows to keep production going...
I think that it'd quite cool if there was a stage based on the above quote that was like a chibi dawn of the dead, eager pandora customers trying to raid craig's house and you had to run about blocking the doors and windows to keep production going...
Haha, great idea, love it!
Love the idea, for the van chapter, I would add cops trying to stop you, additional things flying out of the van's engine along the way (slowing you down) etc...

For the third stage, I wouldn't make it the nub factory, but rather the board factory... that way we cover all the different road blocks... ;)
If Craig is a playable character you should have Mali as a boss he has to defeat or maybe have Mali as a "death" type character, he doesn't kill you but shows up to slow you down. Think they'd go for that or too much of a touchy subject?
I am up for doing that, who is with me?

I think it could be a side-scrolling running game (for the lack of a better name) like Canabalt, where you race from Texas, over the sea to Great Britain, collecting nubs on the way.

Nah, how about a game where you must flick the nub as fast as possible left/right to run faster? That'd sure make nub testing more fun ;)


...but on a serious note, if it's C/C++ with SDL or possibly OpenGL(Haven't done any serious work with this but meh whatever) I might contribute :) .

Include the case company also? The whole Pandora lifecycle?

EDIT: Every new stage should have a date on it, every time incremented by two months. And like Portal's "the cake is a lie", "Two Months" written on walls, floors, floors inside unholy symbols, etc, etc. adn then when the month is a multiple of two, recieve a Pandora on a table, which actually works. Recursion ftw... ;)
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Pandora Wakebreaker sources here:

Its a C++ project which uses GL ES, is very well written, easy to understand .. already has the 'chase around collecting dots' things down, even has an enemy with a simple AI ..

To make this into a real game, add models (3D modellers can start producing .obj files and fill 'em in), and some C++ coders to extend the AI/gameplay ..
As much as I'd like a 3D game showing off the Pandoras potential I'd also prefer this game to be 2D as it would look more old school, like all those emulated games. Also it would be easier to make quality content like great sprites, backgrounds, bigger levels etc. than if everything wouls have to be 3D with all its drawbacks. Like with newer games in 3D that look great and *are* great fun like Dragon Age or Mass Effect (or whatever you want) but are way shorter and with less content overall compared to Baldurs Gate, Planescape Torment etc.. Just my 0.02€.
Having just gotten a new phone with a GPS and a few augmented reality games, I think it would be really neat if the game made occasional reference to cool things that could be happening if the user activates their GPS, with absolutely no instruction on how to do that, because I'm feeling slightly evil :3

Of course it doesn't actually do anything, on account of there not being a GPS, but I kind of like the idea of confusing people just a little bit.

This is also a very bad idea that, while humourous in my mind, will result in lots of annoying questions being posted about how to activate the GPS and can it be used for navigation and stuff.

On the other hand, it can be paired with a bluetooth or USB GPS, so maybe there is something to that.

Oh! An achievement! By pairing it with a phone, GPS, and webcam, it unlocks the "kitchen sink" achievement for basically giving your Pandora the ability to do anything. :P

Seriously though, I wonder if another "Pandora Panic" like game would be an amusing idea. Same idea, a bunch of developers do one level each, but they're linear and more story driven. Each level is an event in the Pandora's history, but it's up to the developer that takes on that event to decide exactly how to represent it.
Oh! An achievement! By pairing it with a phone, GPS, and webcam, it unlocks the "kitchen sink" achievement for basically giving your Pandora the ability to do anything. :P

Seriously though, I wonder if another "Pandora Panic" like game would be an amusing idea. Same idea, a bunch of developers do one level each, but they're linear and more story driven. Each level is an event in the Pandora's history, but it's up to the developer that takes on that event to decide exactly how to represent it.

good idea, i'd try build something.

don't forget, the progress meter should remain on "2 months" until you actually finish the game

no funny things like exact progress report ;-)
You can also add my experiences from the whole stolen and then recovered Pandora saga...
That would make a good base for an adventure, CSI style of game. Maybe a bit too much for a stage in this collection, though.

EDIT: Every new stage should have a date on it, every time incremented by two months. And like Portal's "the cake is a lie", "Two Months" written on walls, floors, floors inside unholy symbols, etc, etc. adn then when the month is a multiple of two, recieve a Pandora on a table, which actually works. Recursion ftw... ;)
I like the Portal-reference idea :)

Seriously though, I wonder if another "Pandora Panic" like game would be an amusing idea. Same idea, a bunch of developers do one level each, but they're linear and more story driven. Each level is an event in the Pandora's history, but it's up to the developer that takes on that event to decide exactly how to represent it.
That exactly was the plan ;)

It seems like most people are opting for a 2D game, so I will try to get the framework done ASAP.

I think we should go for 4-5 stages, we already have ideas for 4 of them, the 5th could be delivery in a Canabalt-style side-scroller (you race around the world, avoiding hazards and dropping Pandoras at certain points aka people's mailboxes).

(Second post updated).

I think we can go with one dev for each stage, so each of them can bring in their individual style.

Art might become tricky as there are far more devs than artists in this community, so I guess we are going to go with whatever you guys throw at us (we can still optimize later).

Same goes for music.

Please keep the ideas coming and also leave a message (here or via PM) if you want to code any of the stages or do some art or music.

Thanks so far for the ideas and comments, I really appreciate it :)

foxblock out


I'm happy to provide any soundsamples or pictures you need from me ;)
Thanks for the offer, we will come back to that ;)
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Another idea... the expanding battery could be some sort of end boss...

Also foxblock, you could just clone the PandoraPanic! repo and expand/adapt the framework there... get a repo setup for this and I'll tweak and bugfix as per usual! :)
Love the idea, for the van chapter, I would add cops trying to stop you, additional things flying out of the van's engine along the way (slowing you down) etc...

For the third stage, I wouldn't make it the nub factory, but rather the board factory... that way we cover all the different road blocks... ;)
Another potential boss would be the Texas Carsalesman Handlebar Mustachio Suit
Another idea... the expanding battery could be some sort of end boss...

Also foxblock, you could just clone the PandoraPanic! repo and expand/adapt the framework there... get a repo setup for this and I'll tweak and bugfix as per usual! :)
Yeah, probably will do that, but not clone the whole thing, just adapt the basic framework and build from that (there were some minor things bugging me about it, also rewriting parts of it prevents copy-pasta errors).

I will also take parts of the Wandor framework which could be useful.

But thanks for offering help, I will certainly come back to that (as usual) ;)

foxblock out

EDIT: Btw, I am just talking about ED and Craig as the main characters here as they are basically the face of the company. We HAVE to include the rest of the team as well, of course!
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I think the driving portion of the game should have you trying to find the miss directed shipment boxes as houses pass by. You would have to dodge people or obstacles paperboy style to pick them up (drive up close to porch or bushes etc to pick up box), you could go back to get one you passed but taking too much time overall would cause the van to completely burn up.
How about having the Mission Impossible theme playing, while you navigate through a field of laser beams on your way into the board factory? There will be a boss battle versus the car salesman fellow who utilizes Pandora handhelds as projectiles.
Or make it as a Pandora project simulation where you control all aspects of the project. Design, programming, pricing, announcements, shipping dates, etc, will all be under your control. You could travel around and negotiate deals with companies, and manage your persoanl life on the site. Success or failure is in your hands. You could even deliver some random product, and tamper with the order database to make it seem like they did not order a Pandora.